Speaker 1:                           00:02                     So, you want to speak to someone about the Whistle blowing policy is that correct?

Speaker 2:                           00:03                     Yeah. About the whistle blowing policy about fraud in the company. I want to speak to somebody because employees have not acted reasonably. They've actually with misconduct, gross misconduct and negligence towards my life and the forced processing information and I'm even receiving the letter as recently as yesterday. That's been falsified and I can prove it and I want something done about it.

Speaker 1:                           00:29                     Okay. Who did you speak to um, did you speak to Jen Middleton outlay?

New Speaker:                    00:35                     Who.

New Speaker:                    00:35                     She is our legal person

Speaker 2:                           00:36                     to who? Jane.

New Speaker:                    00:37                     Yeah.

New Speaker:                    00:37                     Jane I thought. I thought that Jeremy Chambers Something, Jeremy.

Speaker 1:                           00:43                     She works for Jeremy Chambers

Speaker 2:                           00:44                     Jeremy Chambers has already been done for most gross misconduct himself. Is that not correct? I've already had to put him in my website and he was transferred over for sexual assault and now they're predatoring me in knowing that I'm an innocent man and a and he's been given a second chance in that company. I'm not even done anything wrong. Yeah, I can prove my innocence and they keep attacking me. Every letter I'm getting is with Jeremy signature and he's letting this Luvina who I can prove they falsified all the timestamps, all the information and falsified a Possession Order and went to still my home. Yeah, that they've held me in my house from an ASBO case that they know is Illegal and they know that there is threats in the Asbo and they're sending me the Threats, like if you.

New Speaker:                    01:22                     [inaudible].

New Speaker:                    01:22                     attend court and discuss we're goanna re - man and that's what they keep doing. Use lot keep re - manning. Or as they, as they say, people are getting, getting, getting allowed to leave the companies without no disciplinary action happening. New people are coming in place. Then the new people are attacking me and this continues to happen. I want something done about it and my life's in danger because of Enfield Councils employees

Speaker 1:                           01:43                     Have you gone to the police If your life is in danger.

New Speaker:                    01:44                     The Metropolitan.

New Speaker:                    01:44                     You need to report that to the police.

New Speaker:                    01:44                     The Metropolitan police and the Enfield Council together

Speaker 1:                           01:50                     Because the Council can’t protect you

Speaker 2:                           01:52                     Yeah. May, I'm asking the council I'm not. What I'm explaining is the council can; the council can, can, can put misconduct or gross misconduct and take the employees that they know are acting fraudulently in the company. They shouldn't be in the company if I can prove they're acting fraudulently. They're touching people's personal data such as mine and others. This is against the law and the ruling for what the mandatory company was out and the mandate, the mandate was to Act in the company to achieve. In the beginning what I'm saying is there's fraud in the company. I can prove it. Lemmy forcefield a possession order. He completely falsified all the claims in it and sent it to my address. I phoned him and I had recordings of all of this. They also together in the metropolitan police and the Enfield Council held a meeting inside the civic centre in 2014 and it took Steve ELLs more who I've gotten your release in the release forms from use lot.

Speaker 2:                           02:43                     Saying that Steve, Steve, and a gentleman or maybe a lady called Pat in your offices made the Asbo and what they'd done is they never had no true victims, or no members of the public, they falsified an Asbo and called it the organization of illegal raves and advertised this in the newspapers about me, but no one even arrested me. All of the signatures are forged. All of their timestamps are false. It says that white people commit the crime. I'm not even white. Yeah, I'm, I've been trying to prove to Enfield council for the last five years that I'm not white and you are legally holding me because use lot have falsified an Asbo application and forgot to arrest me and, and everything that's wrong with it. Now because of that, you're employee people like, Lemmy who started in October, 2016 he's coming straight into the company overlooking everyone else work and all the emails of complaints that have gone in and he's falsifying a possession order and going to steal my house and make me pay court costs and everything else. And he is asking for custodial sentences. Now you've got keep phoning up the doctors. You phoned up the doctors again yesterday and asked for the doctors to come to my address today.

Speaker 2:                           03:44                     Why are you putting the phone down?

Speaker 3:                           03:49                     Okay.