Speaker 1:                           00:03                     The Courts Tribunal service, London Magistrates Courts. All calls are recorded for monitoring and training purposes to help us continually improve our service to customers. If you would like to know more by how HMCTS handles your personal data, visit www.Gov.uk/HMCTS. In a first instance, if you're required general information about our, your call is important to us, please hold and we will answer your call as soon as possible.

New Speaker:                    01:13                     Ring Ring.

New Speaker:                    01:13                     What the heck is going on.

New Speaker:                    01:13                     Good afternoon you are through to Anna. How can I help?

Speaker 2:                           01:15                     Hello, how are you doing? Anna I just spoke to another assistant in your call centre I believe and he transferred me through to Highbury and Islington Court, to speak to them directly in regards to my issues of concern and the phone just rung out and hanged up in the end so I didn't end up managing to achieve to do what I set out to do. Is there any way you can help me manage this please?

Speaker 1:                           01:39                     They're not going to be able to get through to them now cause they that they close at 04:30.

New Speaker:                    01:44                     At 4:30.

New Speaker:                    01:44                     if you need to speak to yeah, if you need to speak to them we can try again. If you call back tomorrow morning we can, we can put you through there with anything. I can help you with it as do need to speak to someone specifically there because we take their calls. You see?

Speaker 2:                           01:59                     Yeah I understand the reason you take their calls is because of me because they turned their call centre off after they set me up together. So then that's why the no one could ring the court for about a year and then they put use lot in recently and to make it so I can't directly ask them questions in regards to what they've done to me and the way that they're illegally holding me and my house. That's, and that's why this call centres here now. So I understand slightly, I don't want to cause use lot no problems because you know, but I just need to speak to them and I need to get released out of my property and I've got the evidence to prove what's happened to me. Um, so is there a direct number.

New Speaker:                    02:35                     ok, have you um.

New Speaker:                    02:35                     Can I take one extension to get through to the court. Sorry for being rude. I didn't mean to cut you off.

Speaker 1:                           02:39                     No, no, no. That's okay. No, we are the direct number. They don't take direct calls anymore. We, we deal with all the courts for the London magistrates' courts. Have you put your concerns in an email to them?

New Speaker:                    02:51                     I have built a website and everything. I've got so many calls. I've spoken to them all, but when I speak to them there, I've got loads of recordings over my website. They go on your a black bastard you have been robed sorry to be rude, or to use the same terminology as what they have towards me. But I've got all the 999 call's. I have called the nine, nine, nine call centre 220 times. I'm not even the right colour skins to fit the crime. What they've set me up for. And then they caused the sex scandal in mine and my partner's name and now they've gone for possession order which are proof that defrauded as well. Then another injunction order then another one that kept me tied in paperwork in my house torturing me knowing the truth of what they've all done and this and they won't help me in any form or way treat my Human rights. We've any taken respect, um, well the best thing that we can do.

New Speaker:                    03:33                     What’s your name sir.

New Speaker:                    03:33                     Simon Cordell

Speaker 1:                           03:35                     what's your, Simon Cordell, how do you sell your surname.

New Speaker:                    03:36                     Cordell.

New Speaker:                    03:36                     Cordell.

New Speaker:                    03:36                     and where did you, what day did you appear in court? did you have a court appearance

Speaker 2:                           03:45                     The 6th of October. There was over 30 appearances for this happening between the higher between the crown court and this Court, but the six of October, 2014 is one of the dates. And also there's other days like 22nd of the 10th, 2014. Um, there is the 5th of November,

Speaker 1:                           04:06                     So, what is it, What is it that you want to ask them specifically?

Speaker 2:                           04:09                     Basically I'm being held for nine years a nine year curfew in my house. I'm not allowed to do no business. Hire no amps to any person, personal or otherwise personal means if I give you an Amp as a friend, I can go to prison for Five years, otherwise means that I'm not allowed to off the 10 o'clock I'm not allowed on no industrial Estate. I'm not allowed to stop on no motor ways for no petrol. I'm not allowed to go to no 24 hour McDonald's. I'm not allowed to do anything. It's the organization of a legal raves.

New Speaker:                    04:37                     His won.

New Speaker:                    04:37                     Must mean that you've been arrested yeah. They never arrested me. They did arrest me. The maximum sentence would be six months. Yeah, and it's 20 grand fine. Somehow they gave me a seven year curfew, knowing that I was already riding a year curfew for another case. I won just before that they accused me of tried to make me a Super grass and grass up six people three of a them, I know and three of them could be your children just trying to throw parties.

Speaker 2:                           04:57                     So I've copied all of their Facebook profiles into 2014 to proving that I never done this. I've looked through the paperwork.

New Speaker:                    05:04                     His right.

New Speaker:                    05:04                     that the police have gave me. All the Crimit go backwards in time than my nine, nine, nine call’s do to the call centres. I've check each, each,. This is all supposed to be over one weekend someone had a party and it kept some people up overnight. Um, I think there was one nine nine, nine, call. that was real and the rest were made up and basically they have ruin my whole life for it and, and I can't do nothing. So I would like to be released. I would like to my life to be reinstated and my Human Rights basically that is it, I have got the right to Equality

Speaker 1:                           05:35                     To be released from your curfew.

New Speaker:                    05:35                     Yeah, i want the curfew dealt with

New Speaker:                    05:35                     send me a perfect call that dealt with it. Did you ever email, did you email your concerns to them?

Speaker 2:                           05:42                     Yeah, there was loads and loads and loads of recordings and they just kept pushing it aside, trying to kill me and spreading out this sex scandal in mine and my partner's name covering up a smoke screen covering everything up, what they come and basically.

New Speaker:                    05:57                     ok.

New Speaker:                    05:57                     ended up with no call centre.

New Speaker:                    05:58                     Right.

New Speaker:                    05:58                     on Highbury and Islington Court. They tried to kill me. That is the truth of what's happened. They tried to take my life away from me. I'm going to call tomorrow.

New Speaker:                    06:09                     ok, hm,

New Speaker:                    06:09                     and I'll call tomorrow and we'll leave it at that cause I don't want to get you to get involved in any of these problems.

Speaker 1:                           06:14                     Right, Yeah, we know we can't get through to them anyway because they all closed. So, I have made a note of what you've said, but obviously we were in the call centre when not actually based in the court So, we do not have access to any files or emails.

Speaker 2:                           06:28                     Do you have access to Google any of use lot?

Speaker 1:                           06:32                     No. Well, we don't usually, we only use it maybe to look up addresses and things like that.

Speaker 2:                           06:37                     If you use a mobile phone, it don't have everything on it, but if you went to a website, just now like and went to horrific corruption.com you can see the problem that I'm having, that is for the website, horrific corruption. I'm turning it off in about an hour or so, so everyone else can't see what's coming on to me but I'll leave it up for you, lot just to have your own little read. Maybe. Alright use lot have a good day. Yeah.

Speaker 1:                           06:58                     Okay, so thanks for your call. Thank you, take care. Bye. Bye.