Speaker 1:                           00:03                     [inaudible]

Speaker 2:                           00:03                     The number you have dialled is no longer valid. Please redial. 0208 - 379 - 1000. Thank you for calling.

Speaker 1:                           00:23                     [inaudible].

Speaker 2:                           00:56                     Hello. You are through to the Director of environments office at the London borough of Enfield. Though I ant able to take your call at the moment. Please leave your message with contact details and we will get back to you soon as possible. Goodbye. After the tone, please record your message. When finished recording, hang up or press the hash key for more options.

Speaker 1:                           02:06                     [inaudible]

Speaker 2:                           02:08                     Hello. You are through to the Director of environments office at the London borough of Enfield. Though I ant able to take your call at the moment. Please leave your message with contact details and we will get back to you soon as possible. Goodbye. After the tone, please record your message. When finished recording, hang up or press the hash key for more options.

Speaker 3:                           02:30                     Hello. I just spoke to a lady called Angela who was quite courteous in speaking to me, but after she finished done what she said she was going to do, which was passing me onto a gentleman called Jeremy Chambers. The phone number that she transferred me through to said that it's not recognized. So if she is the secretary, the numbers that she, she's transferring me through are no longer there void. So, she should take that into account for transferring somebody over to them again because the same thing happened to me the other day as well. So, it isn’t the first time that this is happened to me now that I tried to ring the number to get back through again. No one's picking up the phone. These issues are quite serious what I'm trying to get addressed and no one's taking them seriously. People are going back home every night having normal lives and they could have released me from these, from the stops criminal activities that they, that they played a role in towards holding me illegally in my house.

Speaker 3:                           03:24                     And I've asked for the whistle blind policy to be taken into account. I've updated my website yet again, Horrific Corruption and I'm at a stage, I'm going to keep trying to deal with these issues internally so that you can have control over the people at, over the people's careers. And the rest of their life's prospects. But use lot keep on advising me to go out of body, I've got a solicitor that's ready to take on the case. I've got a whole forum full of solicitors and ex coppers who have been overseeing everything from the beginning in 2014 and they've been furious. They had been asked to, they'd been trying to get me to go to the court to do injunctions against you to do all sorts against you before you even put an injunction on me or possession order I've been advising them no, cause I didn't want the headache.

Speaker 3:                           04:10                     Yeah. But I think I'm going to have to go with their advice and we're going to start contacting the legal ombudsman with the website. We're going to start contacting other official people that are out of body and we'll see how this gets along for you lot and for myself. Um, I might try and call back again in a second and hope that maybe you're busy doing something else and I might actually get passed through to Jeremy Chambers or somebody that can help me. So I'll give it another 15, 20 minutes before I start contacting my solicitors and everybody online and I'm very serious about this.

Speaker 1:                           04:55                     [inaudible].