Speaker 1:                           00:03                     Welcome to her Majesty's Courts Tribunal services Magistrates Courts All calls are recorded for monitoring and training purposes to help us continually improve our service to customers.

Speaker 2:                           00:14                     If you would like to know more about HMCTS handles your personal data. Visit www.gov.uk.HMCTS in a first instance. If you're calling to pay a fine, you can do this online. Please visit www.co.uk and search for pay fine. You can also pay over the phone easier. automated payment service. You will need your notice, fine, and a valid credit or debit card. To use the service, please press one if you're calling to discuss a notice of fine that you have received. Please press two to speak to the enforcement office for any other inquiries. Please press three to hear these options.

New Speaker:                    00:53                     If you required general information about our court buildings, for example, opening hours and facilities, please press one. If you're calling about an hearing taking place today or tomorrow, please press two for any other inquiries, please press three to hear the event.

New Speaker:                    01:10                     Your call is important to us. Please hold and we will answer your call as soon as possible. Your call is important to us. Please continue to hold and we will answer your call as soon as possible.

New Speaker:                    03:38                     Your call is important to us. Please continue to hold and we will answer your call as soon as possible.

Speaker 2:                           05:19                     Your call is important to us. Please continue to hold and we will answer your call as soon as possible.

Speaker 3:                           07:00                     Your call is important to us. Please continue to hold and we will answer your call as soon as possible.

New Speaker:                    07:59                     Good Afternoon Martin speaking how can I help you

Speaker 4:                           08:02                     Hello can you put me through to Highbury and Islington Court please

Speaker 3:                           08:05                     Who am I talking to.

New Speaker:                    08:05                     Pardon.

New Speaker:                    08:05                     Who am I speaking with

Speaker 4:                           08:09                     Um, a client Mr. Cordell

Speaker 5:                           08:14                     [inaudible].

Speaker 3:                           08:14                     Okay. and do you have a case number

Speaker 4:                           08:17                     Yeah. Do you have Google available to you by any chance?

Speaker 3:                           08:21                     Google.

New Speaker:                    08:22                     Yeah, Google.

New Speaker:                    08:24                     Why is that sir?

Speaker 4:                           08:25                     Because I want you to show you lot the case number and everything else. I have learning difficulties so it's easier for me to show people what is actually going on.

Speaker 3:                           08:36                     Arr, we do not have access to do that sir

Speaker 4:                           08:41                     I'll have to go for it. all and there's so much, they have changed it so many times they are playing about with the case number. So many times that I'm not too sure which one it is anymore.

Speaker 3:                           08:51                     Okay. Can, I think you can. I think your first and last name,

Speaker 4:                           08:54                     Simon Paul Cordell.

New Speaker:                    08:54                     That's fine.

Speaker 3:                           09:00                     What’s your last name sir how do you spell it.

Speaker 4:                           09:01                     Cordell, C O R. D.E.L.L

Speaker 3:                           09:03                     yeah. Okay, and your date of birth sir

Speaker 4:                           09:06                     26 of the first 1981

Speaker 1:                           09:12                     [inaudible]

Speaker 3:                           09:13                     okay, give me a moment sir I am just going to search the system

Speaker 1:                           09:21                     Pardon

Speaker 3:                           09:47                     can I confirm your address please sir?

Speaker 4:                           09:48                     109 Burncroft Avenue.

New Speaker:                    09:50                     ok

Speaker 3:                           10:15                     When was your last hearing sir.

Speaker 4:                           10:17                     I'm 200 Um, in, Highbury Magistrates' Court. The last hearing was 2015 and then the appeal stage went into 2016 and 17, at Wood Green crown court.

Speaker 3:                           10:32                     We wouldn't have the crown Court ones we would only have the Magistrates Court.

New Speaker:                    10:33                     Yeah, that is perfect.

New Speaker:                    10:33                     I can see, Err, Um, on the 05th of October, 2016, um, uh, we had the herring, at Highbury Magistrates Court and it was in relation to, um, Threatening and abusive and insulting words is that what you are referring to.

Speaker 4:                           10:57                     No, that's not me. That's not me. I, in 2015 what I'm referring to is the organization of illegal raves an Asbo application that was, it was put onto me in 2014 and then I was held on an interim Order for about a year and a bit. Then I got taken to the court house. I knew I'd never done what I was being accused of and I've got set up by 20 police officers. No one would call no first-hand evidence. They will missing a signatures. I'm not the right colour skin to fit the crime that the cases are complete mess. They're holding me in my house for nine years. Well and a seven-year curfew for the Asbo from that Court and I've got all the case number and everything up and all of the hearing saying it's against the law for a case to rely solely on hearsay.

Speaker 4:                           11:45                     I've put all my evidence up now on the website I'm, I'm trust about to make that go public. If we can't sort this out for you to correct channels in a body. I'm going to go through out a body the, I'm trying to work out how to serve the report on the Court right now. Because they were legally.

New Speaker:                    11:59                     There dead.

New Speaker:                    11:59                     holding me in my house and if they said that that publicized in the newspapers that I have been done for the organization of illegal raves, I never got arrested so I should have been interviewed and arrested. They have the maximum sentence. If you did get arrested in six months in prison, somehow I'm riding a seven year curfew and there weren't even enough for criminal prosecution. I've got all that. The court hearings here saying that no case, the Highbury Court knew that no cases allowed to rely solely on hearsay. There's a website called horrific corruption.com I've just made it go live just now, but I only put it up for a little while because of the damage it may cause to people's lives that could be dealt with a bit more efficiently.

Speaker 3:                           12:38                     Okay. Do you know the actual day of the last hearing sir?

Speaker 4:                           12:41                     Yeah. I can get everything up for you right this second if you would like. I'm just give me two seconds.

New Speaker:                    12:45                     Yes, please.

New Speaker:                    12:45                     And I will get everything up for you. Err.

New Speaker:                    12:46                     Okay.

New Speaker:                    12:46                     Give me one second master files. Let's look at some in design files, let’s go over to hear what we are looking for is something like the first Asbo folder. The second Asbo folder. Hang on one’s second the first Asbo one of two there she is, so, allow, the case, for this one here, the court was heard the hearsay notice is there. Hang on a second.

New Speaker:                    13:25                     [inaudible].

New Speaker:                    13:27                     On behalf, witness statement. Douglas Skinner on behalf of the, on the 11th of September, 2014

Speaker 1:                           13:34                     [okay] There dead

Speaker 4:                           13:38                     I've got the case number and I got all of that here, I can pull it all out

Speaker 3:                           13:41                     Okay. And what's the case and what is the case number?

Speaker 4:                           13:44                     Um, give me one second. I'm just going through all of the paperwork on the front of it because there is so much there. They kept being sneaky and not putting them beside it. I can’t even see the case number on it. I have got it somewhere in my paperwork, I would just have to go through everything to get it all out

Speaker 3:                           14:03                     that's fine.

Speaker 1:                           14:10                     [inaudible]

Speaker 4:                           14:10                     normally it should just be on the front pages of the Asbo shouldn't it

Speaker 3:                           14:16                     it should be. Yeah.

Speaker 4:                           14:17                     Yeah, it's not. It wasn't signed by any judges or anyone. The judges all left and retired and the appeal judge left and retired and the magistrate Judge for the appeal has retired, straight after and they spread, caused a sex scandal in my name to cover up what the police officers had done, that they were all missing, signatures, and that. Now me and my partner, both in fear of our lives were getting treated horrible by members of the public. We never done nothing wrong. We've never argued. Me and her, I've never had a problem together. So, so Sally Gilchrist in this court, the court had no right in doing what they've done. To put a smokescreen up to cover up what these coppers have done. Um, it might be in the second step. Second one.

Speaker 1:                           15:00                     [inaudible]

Speaker 3:                           15:00                     Which Crow Court did you go to Sir

Speaker 4:                           15:01                     Wood Green Crown Court?

Speaker 1:                           15:13                     [inaudible]

Speaker 4:                           15:13                     Index, there is so many cases that they keep plugging me with recently. It's been quite hard.

New Speaker:                    15:18                     Yeah.

Speaker 1:                           15:19                     [inaudible]

Speaker 4:                           15:20                     What is it not showing up on the computer? there,

Speaker 3:                           15:23                     The think is, the thing is, there's a lot, em,

Speaker 1:                           15:29                     [inaudible]

Speaker 3:                           15:30                     yeah, I'm trying to find it sir, but there's quite a lot. I'm on the,

New Speaker:                    15:32                     You need more information ??(Said in the background to the man on the phone).

New Speaker:                    15:32                     I will need more information on the phone because it is not coming up.

Speaker 4:                           15:38                     So you can't find an Asbo that has been put on me for seven years on them computers, No way. I've got the case papers here. All I know, is that on the 13th of August, 2014 the local Authority and the police held a consultation. I know that on the [inaudible] I can go for it. Let me just go through my website and get it, it's going to be on my website.

New Speaker:                    15:57                     There dead (Third person in the back ground).

New Speaker:                    15:57                     There dead

New Speaker:                    15:57                     It all in there, I knew where it all is, I have got every court room that I was in every court case, I've got everything. I just takes two seconds To go through it all.

New Speaker:                    16:06                     [inaudible]. Third person

New Speaker:                    16:06                     Give me one second. I'll give it to you all now it will just take a sec for the websites to load up quickly. You don't have good, good available to use lot, nah.

New Speaker:                    16:14                     [inaudible]

New Speaker:                    16:15                     Okay. Um, the date, the 6th of October, 2014 Asbo hearings, six of October, 2014 miss Sally Gilchrist legal executive case number was 1402490741 and the mentioning hearing, it was a mention hearing Andrew Locke was the Barrister Robert Taylor was the um, was the prosecution and it was in courtroom one I think. Then the 22nd of the 10 2014 again. And then you've got the 5th of November 2014. You've got the 2nd of, the December 2014 there was 30 case, 30 times I attended the court for this

Speaker 4:                           16:56                     Because I copied the I, they set me up, trying to accuse me of be off throwing. I was on curfew for a year for another case. I was working for kids with cellar palsy. Building a festival, I had pondered End festival I built Durant's park festival I built lock to lock festival. I had the keys to my community hall. I had a website called Too smooth with a charity Bar that I building a CIC association of building brand new model, constitution and that for everyone I had in like club on Brixton high street. And the police went to every single place, stripped me naked, done everything they wanted to do to me, and then they make, while I was on curfew, what they done was they grabbed all the people that were throwing parties while I was on curfew and then they.

New Speaker:                    17:34                     Sir.

New Speaker:                    17:34                     called Cads and forged an Asbo

Speaker 1:                           17:38                     Sir, I hate you

Speaker 3:                           17:39                     Okay. Yeah. I've, I've checked it, and I need to put you through to Highbury Corner

Speaker 4:                           17:45                     Yeah, that'd be, perfect. Thank you.

Speaker 5:                           17:48                     Do you have excuse me?

Speaker 6:                           20:53                     Uh, uh,, uh, , uh, , uh, , uh, , uh, , uh, , uh,

Speaker 1:                           21:04                     that's ridiculous.