Speaker 1:                           00:05                     "The doctors were supposed to do an Mental health assessment on me as the Judge ordered for this to take place from Edmonton lower court. The doctors had phoned my mother and told her that they were outside of my flats and could not gain access, so I went outside looking for them I walked out of my front door and waited outside for the doctors to arrive, as they were late; While on the mobile phone to my mother this is what took place."

New Speaker:                    00:05                     I am outside of the front and I cannot see no person outside of the block of flats. while it is nine minutes past and

New Speaker:                    00:05                     minutes past and it not hard to get the code is it and there is no reason for the to rush of in five minutes is there or for them to disappear. I don't believe that. I don't believe that they've came here. I believe that they know that they can get in trouble and they just saying that they've come to my front door. It's nine minutes past. Can you find that direct number for these people and their names, who they are, who you are actually dealing with, yeah well can you get their full names please as well, thank you.

New Speaker:                    00:05                    

New Speaker:                    02:19                     they never had problems getting access before

New Speaker:                    05:14                     Hello.

New Speaker:                    05:36                     Well, I am outside of this front door here now and no person is here outside of it and I can see the blocks in the line and there is no person standing outside of the rest, So, if somebody was going to be attended, pardon? that would be very unusual for them to be there. I've never known another person to make such a mistake.

New Speaker:                    06:24                     She is here, she was just around the corner. I will phone you back in a minute.

New Speaker:                    06:24                     Hi, sorry to keep you waiting.

Speaker 2:                           06:26                     Hello, How are you doing?

New Speaker:                    06:26                     I'm good. Sorry. I was in a hurry. Mr Crompton?

New Speaker:                    06:29                     Mr. Cordell. Cordell.

New Speaker:                    06:31                     Okay, please go ahead.

New Speaker:                    06:32                     I was just wanting to understand what laws are you actually wanting to hold this meeting with me under.

New Speaker:                    06:37                     Well your Solicitor, wanted to do.

New Speaker:                    06:39                     Not my solicitor.

New Speaker:                    06:39                     The judge.

New Speaker:                    06:43                     The Judge but your solicitor has instructed me so I'm not.

New Speaker:                    06:45                     Not my solicitor has instructed. my solicitor what's has been instructed is a judge has ordered for you to come into my house. I've had the doctors come on 73 other occasions to my address in the last, in the last three years I won’t. I've been on a curfew for, I'm on a nine year curfew. The nine year curfew, illegally got obtained against me. They falsified all the paperwork and missing the signatures. At the bottom of the folder, I started phoning the police and asking the police, please can, you're holding me for nine years. I never got arrested for this offense. The Organization of a legal Raves, you're setting me up.

Speaker 2:                           07:17                     I copied the Facebook profiles of the people that actually done the events and I have the Facebook profiles, but I'm not going to give them to you the police because I'm not getting paid your salary to be a, to be a grass or an informant. I never done any events, so I have the Facebook profiles. Now the maximum sentence. If they did arrest you for, for throwing parties is six months in prison. Yeah. So you do three months in prison, three months out. I never even got arrested and they have legally gave me nine years. I've looked at the victim statements. This is over four people being kept up over night because they heard music from the party and all that. Each police officer has done four statements and they're all missing their signatures now because they're holding me for nine years in my house on curfew.

Speaker 2:                           07:57                     I'm not allowed to leave and because I've noticed the signatures, I can't leave my house before nine o'clock because the police are trying to grab me outside. Then they've sent you doctors here 74 times. They start spreading personal data about me, pretending that I had the disease and stuff like that is in the public when there was nothing wrong with me and I've got all of the medical notes inside all the clinical notes. I've got hundreds of recordings of me calling there call centres explaining it.

New Speaker:                    08:19                     You are recording this conversation right now then.

New Speaker:                    08:19                     yes, because this is the minutes of are meeting and you are being paid right now as a civil servant to interact with me. So I'm allowed to take minutes in a digital format. I'm allowed to take minutes in, in by writing of our conversation you are being paid to have this conversation with me so I'd like to record this conversation.

Speaker 2:                           08:36                     I've made a full official report and every person that has met me, I've took and I have transcribed up and I put them into a full report online, online with a website that I haven't published yet and now I've been doing this since 2012 making an official.

New Speaker:                    08:51                     So, who is your solicitor?

New Speaker:                    08:51                     I've just took a solicitor on just recently!

New Speaker:                    08:53                     What’s the agency?

New Speaker:                    08:53                     The agency you just called the agency I believe or one your workers.

New Speaker:                    08:58                     So I have spoken to your solicitor this morning. So the council approached me because the judge said that you need a mental capacity assessment to see if you understand.

New Speaker:                    09:08                     Whether I have been served a services.

New Speaker:                    09:08                     Can you let me finish first.

New Speaker:                    09:13                     Yeah.

New Speaker:                    09:13                     The conditions.

New Speaker:                    09:13                     of the injunction.

New Speaker:                    09:13                     Whether I understand the conditions of the injunction.

New Speaker:                    09:13                     And if you can undergo court.

New Speaker:                    09:16                     I understand that I have video evidence inside now,.

New Speaker:                    09:19                     you.

New Speaker:                    09:19                     I record every,.

New Speaker:                    09:21                     You, da,da,da.

New Speaker:                    09:21                     can I just explain.

New Speaker:                    09:21                     No, that is fine.

New Speaker:                    09:21                     Can I just explain, no, no, no.

New Speaker:                    09:25                     I am not here to judge anything.

New Speaker:                    09:25                     May I just explain something.

New Speaker:                    09:25                     So, I'm going to explain to you where the judge is wrong. Yeah, so.

New Speaker:                    09:28                     I can't have a conversation in the middle of the street and do an assessment.

Speaker 2:                           09:34                     I understand that but you're trying to gain access to my house and legally, yeah,.

New Speaker:                    09:38                     illegally, no, no, no.

New Speaker:                    09:38                     Yes, because it's abuse of position and unfair process. It's unfair.

New Speaker:                    09:43                     We asked you to agree?

New Speaker:                    09:44                     No, no, I'm being forced to have this appointment.

New Speaker:                    09:46                     If you don't want the appointment I can leave.

New Speaker:                    09:46                     I'm being forced,.

New Speaker:                    09:47                     I can leave, I don't have to be here.

New Speaker:                    09:47                     I'm being forced to have a meeting with you and if I don't have a meeting with you, I'm not allowed to have a trial and defend myself and that's what the judges have done in the, in the first case, they have also done this in the second case. Now this is a third court and they have used exactly the same tactics to avoid disciplinary action.

New Speaker:                    10:02                     I want.

New Speaker:                    10:02                     I will invite you into my house and I'm going to show you the evidence.

New Speaker:                    10:04                     I've made you aware.

New Speaker:                    10:05                     I do not need to see any evidence.

New Speaker:                    10:05                     No, I'm going to show you that I've got video.

New Speaker:                    10:08                     I don't.

New Speaker:                    10:08                     your saying whether I've been served or not.

New Speaker:                    10:09                     No, no, no.

New Speaker:                    10:09                     I have cameras inside my house.

New Speaker:                    10:11                     OK.

New Speaker:                    10:11                     No, you listen to me for a second yeah.

Speaker 2:                           10:13                     I don't care if you're a doctor or not. I have cameras inside of my house.

New Speaker:                    10:15                     Don't talk to me, you are raising your voice.

New Speaker:                    10:15                     I am not. I am tongue tied and I have.

New Speaker:                    10:15                     I am going to have to leave!

New Speaker:                    10:15                     Well leave.

New Speaker:                    10:15                     I am telling you, I am told tide will leave. I am tongue tied and I have speech therapy. I went, I went. I went to disability. classes as a kid.

New Speaker:                    10:24                     Ok I can see that you are upset.

New Speaker:                    10:24                     I'm not. I'm just recording this.

New Speaker:                    10:27                     I can see that you are very upset. what I am going to tell your solicitor.

New Speaker:                    10:27                     You are more than welcome to come into my house

New Speaker:                    10:27                     You're more than welcome to come into my house.

New Speaker:                    10:34                     Hold on one second, hold on one second.

New Speaker:                    10:34                     I'm going to tell you solicitor.

New Speaker:                    10:35                     that what that you are abusing your position to come into my home.

New Speaker:                    10:35                     I am not. I am not.

New Speaker:                    10:36                     The courts are using you as a tool of trade like a knife out a draw to come into my home.

New Speaker:                    10:36                     I am not. I am not.

New Speaker:                    10:38                     Yeah, the court are using as a tool of trade. As a knife out of a draw.

New Speaker:                    10:42                     Right I am going to ask your solicitor to re-arrange this appointment at your solicitors.

Speaker 2:                           10:47                     I will not go to go to my solicitors.

New Speaker:                    10:48                     I'm going to leave.

New Speaker:                    10:53                     Why are you going to leave?

New Speaker:                    10:55                     I am going to contact your solicitors.

New Speaker:                    10:55                     Why are you going to leave?

New Speaker:                    10:56                     Because you are raising your voice.

New Speaker:                    10:56                     I am tongue tired, look. I'll have a speech therapy problem, you are being discriminated against my disability.

New Speaker:                    11:02                     I don't feel confident to do the assessment at the moment.

New Speaker:                    11:02                     You're being discriminated, you're being discriminant. I have video recordings inside of my house.

New Speaker:                    11:08                     That’s fine.

New Speaker:                    11:08                     No, listen, I have video recordings inside of my house while I was in the police station a man come to my front door and he put something through my letterbox. My mother, my mother come to my house while I was in the police station.

New Speaker:                    11:18                     I am not going to listen I have to go now.

New Speaker:                    11:18                     She picked up the Affidavit of service and she left the house, which she, my mother left. My mother left my house with the Affidavit of service, which you can see the camera inside of my house looking at the inside of my letter box. This is good information for you to understand.

Speaker 2:                           11:30                     But I am not here for that.

New Speaker:                    11:30                     My mother picked up, my mother picked up my mother,.

New Speaker:                    11:36                     I am not here for that I am here to do an assessment for your Mental capacity.

New Speaker:                    11:36                     Yeah, but I've had 73 of them in the last two years.

New Speaker:                    11:38                     Alright, well then I am going to have to leave.

New Speaker:                    11:38                     I've had 73 of them in the last two years. why do I need to have another one? I just had doctors in my house three days ago. I've got them on recording from three days ago, two doctors coming in my house. I had another meeting with them two days ago and they said there was nothing wrong with me from the Enfield and Barnet mental health capacity team . So, what department are you from? You're from the university college. London NHS. And where'd you come from? Chase farm hospital or from St Anne's hospital.

New Speaker:                    11:59                     Ok, so, I am a.

New Speaker:                    11:59                     Where'd you come from.

New Speaker:                    12:01                     Ok, I am working privately and your solicitor is goanna pay for my fee.

New Speaker:                    12:04                     Yeah, but what department, your badge says NHS.

New Speaker:                    12:09                     Yes.

New Speaker:                    12:09                     University College, London hospital, and Dr Lerner. Fleraner L. O. R. E. N. A. T. A. L. D. E. A. R. E. N.A.S.

New Speaker:                    12:19                     Mr. Cordell I am going to have to leave now because.

New Speaker:                    12:21                     And I have spoken to you and I am inviting you into my house,.

New Speaker:                    12:25                     No, I don’t want to come into your house.

New Speaker:                    12:25                     but because I'm tongue tied.

New Speaker:                    12:30                     No, you are raising your voice.

New Speaker:                    12:30                     Your being discriminate against my disability. You have a good day madam you have a good day.