Speaker 1:                           00:01                     Thank you for calling the independence office for police conduct. Your call may be recorded for protection, information and training purposes. We are committed to ensuring that your personal information secure to make sure that the information we collected about is kept safe. We have put appropriate steps in place for more information about how we handle and use your information including how long we keep it. Please visit our website@www.policeconduct.Gov.uk/privacy notice or you can request to leave us with the courtesy notice on this line when you speak to our IOPC advisor, if you would like advice about how to make a complaint or you have a general inquiry about the complaints process, please press 1 if you

Speaker 2:                           00:54                     [inaudible].

Speaker 1:                           00:54                     Thank you. You will now be transferred to customer service.

Speaker 2:                           01:06                     [inaudible]

Speaker 1:                           01:07                     Its funny your throw to the, IOPC. Helen speaking. Can I take your name please?

Speaker 3:                           01:11                     My name Simon. Mr. Simon, Paul Cordell C. O. R. D. E. L.L

Speaker 1:                           01:19                     Thank you have you been in contact with us before

Speaker 3:                           01:20                     I've had dealings with yourselves.

Speaker 1:                           01:23                     Have you got an reference number with us at the moment?

Speaker 3:                           01:26                     um, I can't remember one of the top of my head I'd have to go through my case paperwork. I've got a fresh, I've got a fresh Cad number that I've just spoke to the metropolitan police on the phone for and they've told me that they've passed over a K or they passed over my whole case load to you. Everything that I'm dealing with. Um, they've gave me a CAD number for that and a date that they've passed this over to you. They've told me now to contact you. I have an official website that's live and I'd like to be able to give an assistant that website now and it's got a load of police officers, detailed recordings of them telling me to have been robbed and everything done. The phone it’s got evidence that they're holding me hostage in my house for nine years with no first-hand witnesses and no, no nothing. They falsified all of the paperwork and their timestamps go backwards and everything. I would like somebody to be able to deal with, this isn't a matter of emergency.

Speaker 1:                           02:14                     Um Mr. Cordell . We have no limit over criminal matters but if the force are saying that they've referred a complaint. If you made a police complaint about the way you've been treated by the police.

New Speaker:                    02:23                     Yes that is correct.

New Speaker:                    02:23                     Are you saying that they have referred it to us.

New Speaker:                    02:26                     Yes, that is correct.

New Speaker:                    02:26                     Okay. Can you just, um, confirm your address for me please?

Speaker 3:                           02:31                     I'm 24, I'm 109 Buncroft Avenue.

Speaker 3:                           02:37                     I have problems yeah, because there might be a conflict of work of interest because one of the IOPCS, I've noticed that there's a lot of fraud and investigations going on with inside of your department internally, already, and I've already had a case that's just on gone with the IOPC, and it was dealt with in efficiently and I've had to, and I'm producing, I'm not fully put that up in the website yet, so there isn't a conflict work yet, but this is one of my previous cases that you were there that you've dealt with in all of the work of that I’m employee is going to be all put onto the internet as well and yeah.

Speaker 1:                           03:10                     Okay. Well I'm having a look, I'm just having a look on the system. What we've got at the moment and I can't see anything recent. It says the referral but I ‘am going to put you through to the team who will be aware if a referral has been made.

New Speaker:                    03:19                     I would appreciate that madam.

New Speaker:                    03:19                     And you said that it was the Metropolitan police who issued it.

Speaker 3:                           03:23                     Yes. That's 100% correct. I've got that on recording.

New Speaker:                    03:25                     Yes, ok

Speaker 1:                           03:26                     Alright, bear with me. I'm just going to put you through to that department.

New Speaker:                    03:52                     Thank you.

New Speaker:                    03:52                     Hello, you are thought to Sake in administration team. How can I help today?

Speaker 3:                           03:55                     Hello, Sake. My name's Mr. Simon Cordell and I'm just first off hoping that you're up and on a good day. Really?

Speaker 1:                           04:03                     Okay. Yes, yes. How can I help?

Speaker 3:                           04:06                     Basically, do you have access to Google may I ask?

Speaker 1:                           04:10                     Sorry

Speaker 3:                           04:10                     do you have access to Google may ask?

Speaker 1:                           04:14                     Um, it depends on what circumstance.

Speaker 3:                           04:17                     I've got a case number that I have been given. I've had lots of on dealings with the IOPC in the past.

New Speaker:                    04:22                     ok.

New Speaker:                    04:22                     and they was dealing with one of my cases where I have recordings of a police officer saying that it's going to set me up the IOPC, through time brushed the, complaint away and I've got the evidence which is 100% condemning. This shouldn't have happened, what should have happened and I shouldn't have took losses due to that ongoing. To that case, I'm now to, as of today being held hostage in my house by the metropolitan police, I'm on the nine year curfew and what that, what that curfew is supposedly for is the organization of illegal raves. Now if something's illegal and sure that you would come to the understanding as well as any other person would that you must be arrested. I never got arrested for something that's illegal and if anyone checked my criminal record, you would not find the organization of illegal raves on my criminal record.

Speaker 3:                           05:16                     The reason that.

New Speaker:                    05:17                     [inaudible].

New Speaker:                    05:17                     this is the reason that this is so is that they put this, they put an Asbo injunction on me, falsified the paperwork the police did all of the time stamps are wrong to their nine, nine, nine, call Cad centre.

New Speaker:                    05:31                     [inaudible].

New Speaker:                    05:31                     when the play, I've got the, when the police were and when the police were under oath in the court, they were asked if the case, if they, when they created the folder did they only put one event in the, in in it on certain dates really they scrubbed out redacted all of the information for the names of the roads and left the X to Y locations in the crimits by mistake.

New Speaker:                    05:55                     Ok, Mr. Cordell.

New Speaker:                    05:55                     Now the extra y locations, if you

Speaker 1:                           05:56                     Mr. Cordell if I could just stop you there

Speaker 3:                           05:58                     Just because I don't want you to have to repeat yourself twice with this, have you made a complaint to the police force?

New Speaker:                    06:04                     I've made over. I've made over 400 complaints to the police force over the last five years while they've been holding me and they're telling me on the phone that I'm a black bastard and that i have been robbed. I've recorded all of the recordings and I've put them up in a website called horrific corruption.com now I'd like one of you to go to horrific corruption.com

Speaker 1:                           06:22                     What I am just trying to do is pass you through to the team here that deals with appeals. If you think in an appeal right by the police force following an investigation into your complaint or if they have chosen or if they think that you’re a [inaudible] for them there not going to record your complaint. Then you can submit an appeal to us

Speaker 3:                           06:41                     I would just like to speak to any person in this department and that can deal with whistleblowing, with police officers refusing to act on the efficiency act 1999 2003 or within their whistle blowing policies or any of their cabinets policies. I've got, I've got police officers down the phone now and I've got all of.

New Speaker:                    06:58                     ok, I will tell you what I am going to have to do for you Mr. Cordell

New Speaker:                    06:58                     them recorded. Yeah,

Speaker 1:                           06:59                     Is Er, I've got to put you back through to our customer contact centre and we would deal with that there in the administration team.

Speaker 3:                           07:07                     Okay. Well I would, appreciate that. Okay,

New Speaker:                    07:09                     Just give me a minute and I will put you through

Speaker 1:                           07:09                    

Speaker 3:                           07:10                     Just as long as I get through to the correct person. Thank you.

Speaker 1:                           08:21                     Good morning. you are thought to Stacie in the customer contact centre, am I speaking to a Simon Cordell.

New Speaker:                    08:24                     Yes that is correct.

New Speaker:                    08:24                     And how is it that we can help today?

Speaker 3:                           08:28                     I've been past back through to the customer services because I was trying to get somebody that can create an a case with me and go through it and the evidence that I have in regards to it and I basically got transferred to a department and they believed that they can only deal with appeals only. They said that I need to be transferred back through to yourselves and transfer to the correct department.

New Speaker:                    08:49                     Laughing in the background

Speaker 1:                           08:51                     Right. Okay. just so that I can have a look on our system in case you've had previous contact with us. Can I just take your address please?

Speaker 3:                           08:57                     Do you lot have Google available to yourselves.

Speaker 1:                           09:00                     Google. We can use Google. If we need to,

Speaker 3:                           09:04                     would you like to check our website out? I'll tell you staff to check a website called horrific corruption.com and it's got all that

Speaker 1:                           09:10                     I wouldn't all we are here to do basically in this particular department is advise you on the process or where you're up to on the process as far as looking into or investigating a complaint, it actually has to go through the professional standards department first. So, you know, by all means, I can advise you of where you need to go and how you need to put your complaint through to them. Um, but looking into or investigating anything, that's unfortunately not what we do.

Speaker 3:                           09:38                     Yeah. Well, uh, in your own personal time if you feel to cause the sex scandals caused in mine and my partner's name, where they said that I'd done something to cover up a load and missing signatures and timestamps and what a load of police officers were doing to me, there's loads of recordings of the police officers me making over 200 calls asking them to protect me and that and they are telling me that I am a black barstered. I have been robbed down the phone. I've got all the recordings online, horrific corruption.com. So, even if for your own personal use maybe just to go to and have a look, it's for something good power for the people sort of thing. Um,

New Speaker:                    10:07                     ok.

New Speaker:                    10:07                     yeah. Is it possible to speak to somebody then that can actually deal with this then and start writing down some writing down some notes and efficiently and actually doing an investigation please?

Speaker 1:                           10:16                     Well it's the professional standards department of the force. You're going to have to put your complaint into writing first of all.

Speaker 3:                           10:20                     The complaint is in writing it’s in a website and I'd just like to know who I've got to forward that website to and that person.

New Speaker:                    10:26                     ok.

New Speaker:                    10:26                     can use the digital website from the second on. There's an official report already drafted up inside the website and I can give.

New Speaker:                    10:33                     ok.

New Speaker:                    10:33                     the person access so they can just help me finish off filling out the rest. Every day from 2012 of my life is there. And every efficient of correspondence and every official recording brand new PDF books of all of the case files, everything is built ready to go for your case handlers to be able to handle.

Speaker 1:                           10:50                     Okay, it won’t come to us. It goes to the professional standards first.

Speaker 3:                           10:53                     I thought that's who I am. Speaking to the.

New Speaker:                    10:55                     [inaudible].

New Speaker:                    10:55                     professional standards is that.

New Speaker:                    10:56                     No.

New Speaker:                    10:56                     not.

New Speaker:                    10:57                     no, no.

New Speaker:                    10:57                     who am I actually speaking to?

Speaker 1:                           10:58                     Every police force in England and Wales have a professional standard department

Speaker 3:                           11:02                     I understand that.

New Speaker:                    11:02                     Yeah.

New Speaker:                    11:02                     And who am I actually speaking to then? because that's phoned the IOPC

Speaker 1:                           11:07                     yeah, we're separate body. We're independent of the police.

Speaker 3:                           11:11                     Yeah you are. You are the, you are the IOP C yes,

Speaker 1:                           11:14                     yes. And we did it just to oversee that the professional standards deal with the complaints

Speaker 3:                           11:19                     efficient, efficiently, efficiently.

Speaker 1:                           11:21                     Yeah, and in line with legistration

Speaker 3:                           11:22                     They have been telling me that I'm robbed on the phone and they don't give a damn and they're holding me for nine years. They forgot to even arrest me. Yeah. And then they did 25 coppers went to court. None of them would bring any, any, any witnesses to court. I was asking them, can you bring the, they've all done this to somebody else at the same time when they were doing it to me, a sex scandal, they've slept. I can't even walk down the street right now, but it can spited because.

New Speaker:                    11:44                     Shut up. (To the people in the background)

New Speaker:                    11:44                     of the lies they've spread yeah.

New Speaker:                    11:46                     [inaudible].

New Speaker:                    11:46                     I never had nothing wrong with me. I've never argued with my partner in my whole life, my partners in danger with the child as well. Right. I can't leave my house. I'm a nine year curfew. They've just put a possession order, in then, three more injunction orders on top of an Asbo and I've, and I've proved that they falsified all of the cases.

Speaker 3:                           12:04                     I've won them all at the courts. The judges are telling them to do an out of court settlement with me and they're all telling them they refused and to deal with the deal with it. And leaving the people still working in their companies. Yeah, this is unfair. What's happening.

New Speaker:                    12:16                     [inaudible].

New Speaker:                    12:16                     I'm still, no one would call an emergency application. They've run around with a company credit card and they've spent hundreds of grands in real life on and ask him for me to pay custodial fee, pay for all the court fees and everything. You just see the damage. When i go through it with somebody I can show the damage that they've really caused I’ ‘am phoning up everybody correctly and they just tell me, your black bastard, you've been robed. Um, there's nothing that you can do per spitting dow.

New Speaker:                    12:40                     [inaudible].

New Speaker:                    12:40                     Your dead.

New Speaker:                    12:40                     the phone at me and all of that. That's not fair. I shouldn't be treated like that. All I've asked for them to do is know is that they force a, at the paperwork, all their timestamps go backwards to their centres.

New Speaker:                    12:50                     [inaudible].

New Speaker:                    12:50                     that are not the right colour skin.

New Speaker:                    12:52                     This is the police sorry.

New Speaker:                    12:52                     Yeah. This is the police,

New Speaker:                    12:53                     This is the police sir.

New Speaker:                    12:53                     the police and the Enfield Council.

Speaker 1:                           12:56                     You need to get this information to the right place with police force is it.

New Speaker:                    12:59                     Laughing in the background

Speaker 3:                           13:00                     The Met, Um, Edmonton police force. It was, but the Borough commander, Jane Johnson got fired throughout this and now she's somehow working back in West Westminster. They've shut Edmonton police station down now and wood green PlayStation deals with it all. Well Edmonton police station. Don't hold custodial no more.

Speaker 1:                           13:17                     Okay. Well, what I'll do is give you the email address for the place that you need to email your complaint too. If you got a pen and paper. Ready?

New Speaker:                    13:25                     Yeah, of course madam.

New Speaker:                    13:25                     yep, So, it is D.P.S mail box, M.A.I.L.B.O.X all one word.

New Speaker:                    13:38                     yep, got that.

New Speaker:                    13:39                     and then the hi friend or me Door Dash. Then a stock C, S P, which is C for Charlie, S for Sierra, T for tango dot. P N N, P for Papa, and for November and for November. Okay. police.uk

Speaker 3:                           14:07                     stop. Police.uk Okay. Okay. Well use lot have a good day in there.

Speaker 1:                           14:11                     Okay. Thank you for your call today. Thank you. Bye.

Speaker 3:                           14:16                     Okay.