Speaker 1:                           00:00                     If you wish to report a crime that is happening now or someone is injured and in need of urgent medical attention or in immediate danger, please hang up and dial. Nine, nine, nine now. To report a non-emergency call on fire website at www.met.police.uk that’s www.met.police.uk For custody related inquiries. Please press one please report or not an emergency.

New Speaker:                    00:29                     crime.

New Speaker:                    00:37                     Hello police what's your reason for calling?

Speaker 2:                           00:39                     Hello, I made a complaint, um, official complaint about four days ago through this phone line,

New Speaker:                    00:44                     ok.

New Speaker:                    00:44                     I've got told that someone was going to call me back in regards to my emergency, matters and no one called me back. I phoned again yesterday and spoke to somebody. They told me they advised me that I'd put the complaint in four days prior and that someone should have called me. I explained to them that no one had called me. She said she was going to re-highlight it for someone to call me again.

New Speaker:                    01:05                     Yeah.

New Speaker:                    01:05                     And I'm still waiting again here today for someone to call me.

New Speaker:                    01:08                     Ok,

Speaker 1:                           01:11                     Alright, well I'm sorry to hear that. Do you have a reference number, sir?

Speaker 2:                           01:14                     Um, I've, I didn't bother taking a reference number down. It was just on the computers. I took recordings of the conference. I do have them, but they're in the recordings I have to play them back to myself.

Speaker 1:                           01:22                     I see. Okay. Alright then, well, okay, this is goanna help you, can I take your name?

Speaker 2:                           01:29                     Simon Paul Cordell. C. O. R. D. E double L.

Speaker 1:                           01:35                     okay, that's fine. and can i take your oh just bear with me just for one second let me just see what i can find about it here. Yeah. Okay. and can i just double confirm your address please Simon.

Speaker 2:                           01:49                     24 um 109 Burncroft Avenue.

Speaker 1:                           01:52                     Okay. That is fine thank you, just bear with me and we will see what we have got here.

New Speaker:                    01:55                     Ok, Thank you.

Speaker 3:                           02:05                     [inaudible]

Speaker 1:                           02:11                     Right i am just going to see what we got on our system here to see what is going on with your

Speaker 2:                           02:14                     how many calls? How many calls have I actually made to the call centre roughly over the last say five years.

Speaker 1:                           02:20                     Okay. Um, I can't tell that because we don't actually go that far back on our system here. I mean, that the older things would have been archived.

Speaker 2:                           02:28                     Okay. How far, how far can you ruthley go back? may I ask.

New Speaker:                    02:32                     Um. ,

Speaker 1:                           02:33                     I mean, like I said, well I think we can go back about a year here.

New Speaker:                    02:36                     Rufley.

New Speaker:                    02:36                     in the system. Yeah. I mean I've got i can see here in front of me that there is a few calls that you've made right in front of me and I'm just looking up one of them to see exactly what's happening with that and what the sort of status is for it [inaudible]

Speaker 2:                           02:44                     I appreciate. I appreciate your time.

Speaker 1:                           02:46                     Yeah. that's alright, just, bear with me for a second Thanks.

Speaker 3:                           02:48                     Okay.

New Speaker:                    03:00                     Okay. let’s see what is going on

New Speaker:                    03:00                    

Speaker 2:                           03:09                     Do you have Google available to use lot?

Speaker 1:                           03:13                     Yeah. Yeah, we do.

Speaker 2:                           03:15                     I've got a website, horrific corruption.com that I've had to put up and it's got loads of corruption and what I'm actually complaining about in the video evidence of what people are doing to me and it's got lots of evidence of what's happened. And I want someone to pay attention to the evidence inside that website and treat my human rights with respect and to treat the company's policies with respect. And that's what I'm,

New Speaker:                    03:38                     ok.

New Speaker:                    03:38                     that's what my main, my main concern and my main goal is right now.

Speaker 1:                           03:43                     Okay. Alright, will you just bear with me for a minute and I will just see what's happening with you I am just going to put you on hold for just one second. alright, just bear with me Simon just stay there, alright thanks

Speaker 3:                           04:19                     [inaudible]

Speaker 2:                           04:25                     slam your windows as much as you want.

Speaker 1:                           04:28                     Hello Simon?

New Speaker:                    04:30                     Hello.

New Speaker:                    04:30                     Yeah, HI there I have had a quick look through the notes, so on the system here already, and what I can do is I can sort of just chase it up for you. It is being dealt with by the IPPCO as far as I can see. Okay.

Speaker 2:                           04:40                     By the who? IPCC

Speaker 1:                           04:43                     [inaudible]

Speaker 2:                           04:43                     IOPC they have changed their name now. IOPC.

Speaker 1:                           04:48                     okay. Well, yeah. Okay. Well yeah, they are dealing with it at the moment.

Speaker 2:                           04:51                     Who is actually handling that case? I've not been told that and I'm not spoke to anybody and when I phoned them they say that they're not dealing with the issues and.

New Speaker:                    04:57                     Right.

New Speaker:                    04:57                     that this is the police need to deal with their own.

New Speaker:                    05:00                     yeah,

New Speaker:                    05:00                     whistle plumbing and policies and efficiently.

Speaker 1:                           05:02                     Yeah, Well that's the only thing I can do is I can only go on what's on the record in front of me.

Speaker 2:                           05:05                     Who does it have a name there? Does it have a name?

Speaker 1:                           05:08                     No, no, it doesn't. I'm afraid. No.

Speaker 2:                           05:09                     Who actually signed, who actually signed in and actually [inaudible] the ID to the actual log who actually created the log and said that and actually raised that this was going to be dealt with by the.

New Speaker:                    05:18                     yeah.

New Speaker:                    05:18                     by the IOPC

Speaker 1:                           05:21                     when well that would be the Inspector at the time that put that on Um,

Speaker 2:                           05:24                     what inspector was that inspector Sing or Sang or something there,

Speaker 1:                           05:28                     No it doesn't say the name of the individual, it's just the pay number is on there and that is all And um, but like if I can actually, put a new note on there now for this call you’re making right now.

New Speaker:                    05:37                     ok.

New Speaker:                    05:37                     just so you're following this up.

New Speaker:                    05:39                     Yeah.

New Speaker:                    05:40                     Yeah, and to see exactly when and where we can go from here. What's going on with this?

Speaker 2:                           05:44                     Okay. So can I phone the IOPC now and take a CAD reference number of yourselves and say that.

New Speaker:                    05:50                     ha, ha.

New Speaker:                    05:50                     and say that this is now an active complaint with them. That is 100% been dealt with by the IOPC. The metropolitan police have informed me this information

Speaker 1:                           05:58                     and I would like to speak to a case handler. Is that possible for me to do that?

New Speaker:                    06:03                     Well, that's just what is on, well I mean, just one second and let me see what is on here again or what else we can get? Um, yeah, I can give you the Cad Number, for were that is mentioned actually. Have you got a pen there?

New Speaker:                    06:14                     Yeah. I am ready to go.

New Speaker:                    06:15                     Okay. let me just find it again, just give me one second

New Speaker:                    06:19                     Um Okay. Yeah. The Cad Number is 4360 okay.

New Speaker:                    06:24                     4360.

New Speaker:                    06:24                     Yeah. And that's of the 6th of October.

New Speaker:                    06:28                     Six of October 2018.

New Speaker:                    06:28                     Yes that is right, because i think you were saying you did not take a reference number before.

New Speaker:                    06:33                     Na.

New Speaker:                    06:33                     You saying that it is recorded but you didn't actually take a reference number so you need to write one down.

New Speaker:                    06:40                     Okay.

New Speaker:                    06:41                     Yeah. So that is the one that is making the reference to the ipcc but if you went ahead and called them and quote this cad reference number.

New Speaker:                    06:49                     Okay.

New Speaker:                    06:51                     As you suggested Yeah. Okay. Yeah. And See how you um, see how, hopefully they catch they.

New Speaker:                    06:57                     I would Appreciate that . I appreciate your help today. You'd be most courteous sir. have a good day,

New Speaker:                    07:01                     Your very welcome.

New Speaker:                    07:01                     Okay. Thank you for your call,

New Speaker:                    07:05                     Ok. Bye.

New Speaker:                    07:05                     Bye now.

New Speaker:                    07:05                     Bye, bye.