Speaker 1:                           00:01                     In police 101 services . If you wish to report a crime that is happening now or someone is injured and in need of urgent medical attention or in immediate danger, please hang up and dial nine, nine, nine now you can report a non-emergency crimes through our website at www.met.police.co.uk that's www.met.police.co.uk for custody related inquiries. Please press one to report.

New Speaker:                    00:38                     the will be a significant weight to speak to an operator as we are busy dealing with emergencies. If you are reporting antisocial behaviour, please stay on the line if you are calling to report a crime or a road traffic instance, you may find it quicker and more convenient to use our website, simply go to www.met.police.co.uk

Speaker 2:                           01:17                     [inaudible].

Speaker 3:                           01:44                     Hello Met police.

New Speaker:                    01:44                     Hello, how are you doing?

New Speaker:                    01:47                     Hello

Speaker 4:                           01:48                     I spoke to a few agents earlier in regards to official servants in regards to my ongoings at present and I just wanted to go through a few things. On your new message. When I, first of all, when I phoned up this phone line, now here on the new message, that's an audio recorded message. It says, if this is in regards to any social behaviour, please stay on the line. If it's in regards to a traffic report, then contact the traffic officer. So, my first issue I'm having here is I have phoned this line so many times in regards to any social behaviour where the claimants are attacking me and every time, I phoned it and asked use lot to take a statement of me, you refuse to let that happen. But you've taken statements of other people that call you. So, I want to understand, I've been told that this line has nothing to do with antisocial behaviour or with people banging or attacking me in my home that I can't phone use, not in regards to none of these issues.

Speaker 4:                           02:44                     People trying to take my life, flushing the toilet above my head every day. Why can’t? Why won't you deal with me? But you would deal with other members of the public. I'm quite concerned about it. You've got 220 phone calls off me when I've been getting attacked at worst of times when you could have stopped the suffering I was going through on your, on them, on the computers. Um, because a police officer admitted that to my mother on recording the other day. He went through and said, there's over 220 phone calls here to us. And he said, this is out of order. What's happening? So I want to understand why am I so different? Why won't you deal with my own Anti-social behaviour claims against my neighbours and not arrest any of these people? Is that a fair question to ask? Would you say?

Speaker 1:                           03:27                     Well, w I can't comment on that. I don't know. I don't know what the current history is. I wishing to make a complaint.

Speaker 4:                           03:35                     Um, I've already made complaints. I've been waiting for a supervisor to phone me back today. I've had to make a website. The website is live now I'm about to start to go to go public with it and start to send it out to mass amounts of people. It's got lots of police officers names in it. I've spoken to all the highest departments and legal departments in Wix and the rest of it and they've all advised me that what I'm doing is not against the law. I'm going to build an online report in regards to all of the call centres cause I'm recording all of these and I'm putting them online and I want and the people upstairs above me. I've got loads of evidence in the website of what they've done and previously done in fraud that they've actually committed that they are in over 50 houses in fraudulent names.

Speaker 4:                           04:16                     She got married in a fake name which she uses with you now and for and signs all affidavit's. of service, which is a fraudulently under the 1911 Act. Yeah. When she signing all of this, knowing that she falsified her first name in her marriage certificate and she falsified the [inaudible], she never used her real surname yogajah because she's got lots of houses storied in it because her dad is an accountant they used her other surname to add, to nick a council flat, their temporary accommodation. I'm a secure tenant and you've left them upstairs, attacking me and basically telling me I'm not allowed to live in my own home town. And when they're finished, there not even going to live in this area cause they're from Walthamstow and they're going to move back to Walthamstow, so why am I, why won't you support me in my own hometown that my mother gave me birth and I was given birth at chase farm hospital.

Speaker 4:                           05:04                     Yeah. And I was born in 1981. I've got my British UK passport, I've got my birth certificate, I'm a secure tenant. And you've got these temporary accommodation people upstairs, two flats above me attacking me. They've lied when a Lemmy Newubsi who's is a council officer in 2016 has come along and he has picked up. He, he, he on the phone call recording, he had two three previous claims against me, which are in the council's history. And in what he'd done is he, um, he, he tried to entrap me into a meeting. Saying, if I don't go for a meeting about these free claims that he's going to take my home off of me. I said to him, I've already been arrested for these claims by the police and I've got found not guilty at court. So they're all NFS and if you've got no right in questioning me, you're not a police officer.

Speaker 4:                           05:54                     I asked him the last time on the time in the recording what the, um, what, when we last complaint was he says our in January, this was on the seventh of 2017 so it was prior six months. So I said, Tim, you're at, at the time limitation act. Anyway, even if he did pass the information to the police, he got upset and he copied and pasted all of the information. Yeah, that's the three claims thirty one times. So now my next-door neighbour, Stan's had seven meeting's this one's had eight and he went for possession order to steal my flat then because I've, I've told him I know what he's done. He then called the Mathiyalagans down for a meeting with the first time with him and he had a prepared statement. We've all done the stuff that you'd put in the procession order and got the Mathiyalagans to comes to fraudulently sign it, so they have signed it.

Speaker 4:                           06:43                     knowing that I never done none of these things to them and that can be proved from the councils history that I have and the timestamps. If anyone just went to, for instance, I've turned my website on horrific corruption and if you just went into horrific corruption and forgot the first Asbo and the missing signatures and I've left all the evidence in the first Asbo on Horrific corruption to prove that I wasn't found guilty in the court. You can see it. Yeah, I've just turned it on. But if you go to the, the instructions are, cause you, someone told me you don't have Google, but I don't believe that if you go into the horrific corruption, you go to the second injunction folder at the bottom and it says the 25th of the sixth 2018 if you click on that, you'll see three PDF books come up, which is all of Lemmy's injunction orders and that is put against me and now if you scroll to the very bottom of the bottom book.

Speaker 4:                           07:31                     If you, if you click along. You see I'm on page two four on the second book just up. You see, Lemmy’s first claims against me. And if you click on the bottom index, yeah, at the very bottom of it and press control F, what you can do is you can see all of the claims that Lemmy accuse me of and you can put them into the control F into the index of the bottom and you see the claimant's histories. And then you see all of the ones that never really got made that he falsified. And if it's very easy to do and very easy to see what Lemmy done when he tried to steal my home to cover up the Asbo that the metropolitan police and the council made against me with new victims. I've been abused for the last four or five years of my life.

Speaker 4:                           08:16                     I've not done nothing wrong. I don't think this is fair. If you go to the first Asbo someone can actually go into the thing, cause I've got no problem with the police. I got on with grand force so well before they touched my woman to get to me. I've been arrested so many times as a, as a child and I've never ever, ever gone to a police officer's wife and gave them a problem. I wouldn't do that. If anyone has a problem with me, they should come to me and then no one should have touch Shannon ever on you for eight months. And I cared for her. Yeah. And no one should scare me out of the country because I'm supposed to have a sexually. The gave them something, but I never done that. I've never done nothing bad to nobody. Yeah, that was

Speaker 4:                           08:56                     a smoke screen to scare me out of the country to cover up the first Asbo and you can see the transcripts in the first. If you click on the first Asbo in the website, you can see. Are you still there, madam, if you go to the first Asbo and you click in there, you can click on the first Asbo, and you can see I was requesting MG6e which is a copy of all the criminal convictions of all the P official people dealing with my case. You can see that these people had done this to somebody else. They cause a sex scandal. Robert Taylor, who dealt with my whole case. The evidence is there. You can see that not one first-hand witness attended court all inspector Skinner, inspector miles and all the rest of them attended court and are all hearsay, I've got the right to question the first-hand evidence.

Speaker 4:                           09:42                     Yeah, and you can see the transcripts and you can see them all saying, Oh were, sorry. We copied the evidence out of the crimits, we wasn't. None of the police officers were even there. They have all copied it out of the crimits and made them all up. Yeah,

New Speaker:                    09:56                     Ok.

New Speaker:                    09:56                     The timestamps are wrong. You can see all of these things that are wrong and I don't see why I shouldn't have to ride another two years in my house because of what these police officers have done when I'm informing everybody of what they've done. This isn't fair. It's not fair on my neighbourhood. It's not fair on myself. It was advertised that in the newspapers that I was, found guilty for the organization of illegal raves if you just scroll down in the bottom of the Asbo you can read my barristers submissions, they couldn't prove illegality in the court it’s in red part 11 and it says that they couldn't prove that the raves were illegal.

Speaker 4:                           10:31                     Yeah, and they could cause they couldn't prove trespass. So he found it very out of all that this has happened to me and it's very confusing and he said that this is the law, this is wrong. What's happened. You can even check, there's a copy of the licensing Act a snip-lit in there and it says that house parties and squat are not licensable you can charge money to make money. Yeah. As long as you don't have a few of making profit. I never throw these parties. The Facebook of the person actually through party is there and there's a letter of a police officer called inspector, um, Adrian Combs, an Adrian Combs he owns, he owns big boss limited so I didn't really want to cause any problems for Adrian Combs cause big boss limits in charge of all the festivals, Glastonbury and the rest of it.

Speaker 4:                           11:19                     But what he says in his paperwork and the rest of his release notes, which I have here and I've just put a letter up, what he gave me is that he, when he was phoning a gentleman called Chris Lurcher Lewis telling him not to throw a party, well to speak to Chris. Chris kept putting the phone down on him and being rude. He mostly would have let Chris have the party if Chris has spoken to him with courtesy and respect. Chris throw the party and this police officer got in a helicopter, got loads of the reporters and landed in a field in Essex. He told all of them and them a noise abatement notice in Chriss name. Chris even tried to forge his name in the beginning and told them that this party is not that that happened. Chriss. He sent the paperwork to the metropolitan police and the metropolitan police had Chris lurchers name in it, knew that it was Chris's party and somehow took Chris's picture of it and sent me up for it.

Speaker 4:                           12:15                     Yeah, I don't think that's fair. Yeah. I never throw this party. Chris, Facebook is there and there's the rest of it. Yeah. I, I'm entitled to question any evidence that you have and nobody went on know that you're listening to a lot here about, no one's taking me serious here that I'm, I'm not going to be the next Steven Lawrence on the next Jay ball that gets found in a river because of use lot, I can tell I've got hundreds of videos and all audio recordings of use lot I.

New Speaker:                    12:41                     What happened is Andrew Rio died while I was on curfew in Croydon, the public order team, which is a, if you, I don't know, you might know who they are because of your job. Yeah, but if I was to explain it to a member of the public, yeah. I'd say the public order team is a special operation.

Speaker 4:                           12:59                     They're special police officers that att under a limited company and they're based in Scotland yard. They normally they can take drugs with people and trick people and, and do the rest of it. Yeah. And the main order is to set out to stop public offenses like riots and protests and stuff like that. They took on the inquiry of Andrew Rio's death while I was on curfew knowing that I had nothing to do with Andrew Rio's Death They put a regulations 2000 Act into Theresa May because she was secretary of state for the right to invade their privacy and they invaded lots of different peoples. While I was on curfew, I got put on that and they had no right to put me on that. Invading inside of my house. They knew I never went to the party and that it has nothing to do with me.

Speaker 4:                           13:46                     And I was built in charities and working hard in my flat somehow. Now the police officers, a load of, police, dealt with a load of them. But Chris who lives in Essex got, he got, um, Adrian Combs, but all the rest of the Londoners got the public or the team Valerie Tanner going to their houses now. I never knew that they were from in parties. Yeah. I've not contacted none of them for over a year. I've been in my house working hard. I didn't go to Andrew Rio's party I didn't have nothing to do with none of it Yeah.

New Speaker:                    14:19                     Ok.

New Speaker:                    14:19                     Now what actually happened in that building? I don't know if how well informed use lot are. But while I was on curfew in my house at gentleman phoned my phone and told me the a gentleman no um, er, another person Tucker I believe his name is that is not his real name inaudible] but nickname is he, he, he must've been attending the party for whatever purpose and he's advised people to spray my name on the wall in the toilet while I'm on curfew in my house and there's a sex scandal being spread in my name that I've sexually assaulted my partner when I have not and no one's letting me out of my house.

Speaker 4:                           14:56                     Now I phone up my bread - rens and I say to them, well, when they, when they tell me that has happened, I tell them to go and sort this out speak on for me, now they're all grafters. They're all sprayers anyway. And now Tucker has gone upstairs on top of the building and got a microphone and shouted through that megaphone and infringed a riot yeah, breaking police front line telling everyone to come in the building. He's pissed out of his nut and gone downstairs and gone to sleep in the van. Andrew Rio must be passing out on the floor dying and no one's looking after Andrew Rio. This isn’t my fault. I'm not there. The lads have gone to Tuckers van and sprayed Tucker's van, completely while his asleep in side of it, he's brand new van because of this so called spray thing. Whatever's happened, year when I'm on curfew, Tucker has woke up, left the building and collected or whatever and left at four o'clock.

Speaker 4:                           15:49                     Use have watched his van leave sprayed up at four o'clock but you also had the big bird on top of the building recording him with the megaphone, so you arrest, you put the six pictures up of all the people that you want it in relation to the possibility of Andrew Rio's death and they will over the news and Tuckers picture was one of them. He got arrested but no one told Andrew Rio's mother that Tucker got arrested for this organizing this party or that he got the police had him on camera in sighting the megaphone. They charged Tucker. with breaking front line and never told Andrew Rio's mother the truth. Yeah. That Andrew Rio had died and they let Tucker get 18 months custodial do half. So he'd done his half and got released. He kept throwing more, whatever, and then he's been done again.

Speaker 4:                           16:42                     now he's riding a little bird again because he's breach of license and six months we're throwing a party,

New Speaker:                    16:49                     Alright.

New Speaker:                    16:49                     not throw all of that now somehow these police, Steven Elsmore has gone and took Andrew Rios deaf and put in the third page on my Asbo. And I've seem to be riding a curfew because somehow it says I, I'm involved in these parties that caused Andrew Rio's Death. Yeah. Now, I don't think that's fair. Yeah. Now what makes it worse than it's Inspector Skinner knows that another one of these people that was up with Tucker's picture, it's called Antony Harvey. This young kid, I don't even know this young kid get, goes to the police station, hands himself in use or do an investigation and put him on bail conditions. Do not throw no more parties anywhere. now, I'm on curfew in my house working hard.

Speaker 4:                           17:28                     I'm building Bliss Charity and working with Ponders End festival also kids with cela palsy. I've got the keys to my community hall. I've got, I'm a manager down at white sands night club on Brixton high street. I'm working hard. I'm building a model constitution. I've got charity bar up on my charity I'm, I'm in lock to lock festival, so I'm committing myself to working hard and to where I said I was going to be, year and I never done nothing wrong year, now, next thing I know Steve Elsmore has put that inside about the first Asbo, Yeah, and he's, he's gone along and he has created the application. Each police officers has done four statements saying that I that I, I kept, I had done this party when they all knew and there because Adrian Combs has gave them the true paperwork. All of this has happened to me and I've done nothing wrong.

Speaker 4:                           18:17                     They've gone and, they knew that there was two parties going on the same day, progress way and one at the old man building in them transcripts. You can see Steve Elsmore was asked, are you sure? that every party that was on on the sixth and the seventh of the eighth is only, what is that you put in that folder is only progress way. He swears under oath. Yes. I'm 100% sure. Yeah, and if you check, he got so bored making that folder. He left all crown road in all of the cards. He lied under oath to get me found guilty, when he knew all of the 999 calls, no one went to progress way because progress way, if you work it out them lot them lot have left Essex. So only the cars that were with them, not in Essex. After Adrian Combs served them an abatement notice followed Chris.

Speaker 4:                           19:03                     Chris has gone down to progress way to meet other friends where they're living and they have had a little party there maybe. Yeah, but the adults are in the old man building and they'd been in there for months prior and use lot knew that. Yeah. I didn't know I'm on curfew. I haven't even visited them. They're all, my family and friends I have not even visited my own friends. Yeah. Now. Everyone, all of the foot soldiers that have left after Adrian Combs had come, they've gone straight to Southbury train station, the closest train station and walk straight out and seen the old man building and gone straight into the old man building. So, no one's gone to this progress way. Yeah. Other than a few of the cars from the beginning. So no noise complaints went to progress way? Now. What? That's what the police officers went and done is they falsified all of they, they took all of the Cads and started blocking out all the, blocking out all of the Cads names.

Speaker 4:                           19:51                     The things, but they forgot to take the X to Y locations out. so when you check them all, all of the nine, nine, nine calls, the true ones that don't, the time stamps don't go wrong to belong to crown roads. Then to make up progress way they've made up frauded paperwork out off the computers and they've got the timestamps wrong, making them and put them in for progress way. None of the police officers have got 101 note Books. Year, none of them, I've got a note here of Sally Gilchrist, the legal executive director, and she says, no, no members of the public wanted to give evidence in court or wanted to sign, a statement, but you can tell by the magnitude of the Cads that there was a problem on this day. So now I've been without no first-hand evidence, not been allowed to question the victims.

Speaker 4:                           20:38                     I have been found guilty and without, no true witnesses, no true victims, no signatures to the bottoms. All the timestamps wrong. No one really went to progress where they all went to the old man building. All the paperwork in that folder really belongs to the old man building and not progress way. Steven Elsmore has lied under his statement saying that that's the complete opposite. And I've got, I've got a ride nine eight years in one of my life in my house here. I'm not allowed to have a festival. I've wrote to every other, every other borough and they've said because of this says the organization of illegal raves. I'm not allowed. Licensing. Yeah. They've said that. They said because it says illegal. That's the problem. Yeah, and they said it never said that. I've got all of the emails from all of the other Boroughs and they've said the only Borough I can work with is Enfield Council, but how can I go and give Enfield Council all of my work when they forged all of this paperwork to do that to me in the beginning and then allow this to happen to my wifey and the baby that I cared about.

Speaker 4:                           21:35                     Yeah. I don't think it's all fair. I appreciate that you've listened to me and you're not finding my, understandably, I'm not done. Nothing wrong here. Yeah. Have the recordings. I've got all of all the police officers, you, you go to the audio recordings just in that website. If you click on it, I've not uploaded all of them. I've got so many more here and I've transcribed quite a lot. Then if you click on audios, yeah, and then you just on the website you can see, you can click on the little buttons beside it and you can see the transcripts in them. If you click on the little music bottom on it, yeah, you can see them all and you can see where you are telling me down the phone. I've been robbed of. You look at the German bloke doing the Morse code, typing it all up.

Speaker 4:                           22:18                     If you just click on the little play button, sign there, you see what the transcripts and they keep telling me down the phone, I'm dead. You're dead. You're dead. You've been robbed. You dead. How is that professional behaviour? How am I supposed to walk out of my house now know and use that saying that down the phone. You've all forged this paperwork in the beginning. It's a sentence that not even a terrorist should get. Yeah. If you check the video footage here, of the Supreme courts, the Supreme courts say that you can't even give a terrorist. This sort of sentence. Yeah. A curfew is a punishment it is a criminal is a punishable offense. Yeah. Curfew, electronic tag being released from prison early. I've got a standalone Asbo. It's not supposed to be a criminal offense. It's not on my criminal record. Have you checked my criminal record? There isn’t no organization of illegal raves on it and the reason for that is because I've got a standalone. Asbo and I went to court to defend myself and I won the case of the organization of illegal raves and they set me up otherwise it'd be on my criminal record. Yeah. I shouldn't be getting punished for this.

Speaker 4:                           23:25                     I shouldn't be getting punished. No way. It'd be on my criminal record. No. Am I correct in saying that if the organization of illegal raves if I have been found guilty It should be on my criminal record. The max. I should have been six months custodial then a CBO Asbo should have started and I should of then got the Asbo to start after that. Why have I got to wait til 2020 now, the 11th of 2020 when I walk out of my house in 2020 say I walk out a month earlier. Yeah. You lot most times you lot try and set people up at the end of their Asbos not all the way through it because you want to reactivate the Asbo at the end of it and make the person do extra bird. So how bad is my life? Going to be in 2020 when you use, really need to get this back onto me. To hold me even longer to stop me getting out and showing people the truth of for or talking to Shannon about this because use lot have made it out that Shannon's told use lot that it is alright to kill me and the general public should all believe in this, but me and Shannon haven't argued, has Shannon told you lot that you were allowed to kill me in public or Bar me from my own country.

Speaker 1:                           24:31                     [inaudible].

New Speaker:                    24:33                     Hello.

New Speaker:                    24:33                     I cannot comment on that because I do not know I can’t comment on that.

Speaker 4:                           24:33                     I appreciate you listening. Anyway, I'm going to go madam. Thank you. Have a good day madam.

New Speaker:                    24:37                     Ok, bye.

New Speaker:                    24:37                     I have not got much else to say.