Tape recording five z0000056

Outgoing call

Metropolitan Police introduction


Police Officer; hello police what is your reason for calling 

Simon; hello I have got important information that I need to tell somebody I would like to speak to a sergeant he is the only person that I will talk to is that possible please 

Police Officer; no, I am sorry that is not possible I am afraid

Simon; why is it not 

Police Officer; err you can speak to a police officer which is what I am 

Simon; is there not a is it not possible is there not always an Yf inside the police 

Police Officer; there is always a what sorry

Simon; is there not like an yf or yah or y1 or something like that that is always behind you or something

Police Officer; I am a bit I am a bit confused sorry 

Simon; so, you have, like a ye2 or a cex sc police officer

Police Officer; you have called 101 

Simon; no, I called 0207230 this is the call centre no

Police Officer; yes 

Simon; and you are Met cc and Met cc has always has like a superior officer who is in charge of you lot normally or something like that a yah or something like that is it not 

Police Officer; no, no 

Simon; so, it is just yourself will you deal with 

Police Officer; I think what you acutely trying to say from my own experience of being a police office did you say ye2 I take it that you live in Enfield  

Simon; yes that is correct 

Police Officer; yes, so what ye2 would be is the petrol sergeant at in 

Simon; yes in Edmonton 

Police Officer; in Enfield 

Simon; and I accept that  

Police Officer; the borough of Enfield 

Simon; but normally the 999 call centres have a manager a duty manager that is of a higher rank to yourselves yes, it does not matter if you can deal with what I want then you can do that 

Police Officer; I am pretty show that I can deal with it 

Simon; well basically my name is a Mr Simon Cordell and who am I speaking to

Police Officer; pc Williams 

Simon; PC Williams how are you doing basically I phoned up yesterday and I tried to speak to a lady and I put I asked for a cad number in regards to having an investigation put in against police officers I basically I quite upset with what has been going on I have been held hostage in my house because the police tried to set me up a PC Steve Elermore under a Jane Johnson who is a superintendent and there is a couple of others I have their pictures here and the rest of it there is a Douglas Skinner and you had a sergeant Chile's Miles now they throw an Asbo application outside of my front door this was for the applicant case  or the respondent case basically was for the organisation of illegal raves it clearly states that they are illegal I was never arrested for something that is illegal it got taken to court under civil proceedings under a standalone Asbo and basically a standalone Asbo is for civil proceedings now basically it has different rules to here say 

Police Officer; did you say your name was Simon 

Simon; yes that is correct that is a Mr Simon Cordell

Police Officer; Simon just, hurrah, fuck

Simon; to cut a nut shell to cut it in a nut shell

Police Officer; I need you to be a bit more process  

Simon; to cut it in a nut shell I basically put loads of cads in regards to like when I got the folder I noticed loads of corruption within the folder and it is not silly corruption its serious corruption and it is holding me hostage in my house I have been given eight years  

Police Officer; how can, what is holding you hostage in your house 

Simon; all right basically this is what happened in say for instance in America you have freedom of speech when you go outside when you walk outside of your house in this country are human rights are very different we only we have you can cause a public offence in the public if you do something like that yes but in our own home we have the maximum extent to our own ability if we swear in our own home we are a loud to do that and we can ask a police office to leave for instance, with the raves bill this is a very slimier thing the raves bill 1994 that was put against me in side your own home or inside a place of residence trespass must be proven yes now or a commercial business must be proven to make it so that the raves bill can take place inside of somebody's house or place of residence now this was never proved on none of the accounts that I was accused of basically what I have got I went to court and I stood up for my rights just under them grounds and the principles of the laws and I one the case the respondents case but they gave me an Asbo for five years and I had already done a two year injection prior which is seven years that I had to ride 

Police Officer; well if you won the case 

Simon; well what happened is that they advertised in the newspapers that I was found guilty so they set me up I have got the transcripts of the court case proving from the magistrates proven that I was not found guilty now they have refused to listen I went home because I was so upset because of what they had done to me and I looked into the case papers even more knowing that I never committed the offences now when you call 999 let’s say when you get 15,000 calls a day yes now you will get at 12 0 clock you will get the first person get number one next person gets number two and they all run in numeric order now and they all have time stamps besides of them each card number will now say cad number five hundred happens every day you can have a time stamp of ten 0 clock now cad number five hundred and forty, 50 latter cannot have a time stamp of nine   

Police Officer; Simon sorry Simon 

Simon; why are you explaining to me how the 999 call centre works

Police Officer; what are you trying to report today 

Simon; because I have got paper work here right now that says pc 

Police Officer; what has that got to do with any thing 

Simon; what it is if I stole if I told you right now or I told you that someone is stealing a mars bar or a chocolate bar from a shop you would have to send a police officer out to arrest that person for theft for such a minor offence I am telling you that right now that police officers have manufactured and developed evidence and they have put it into a folder and now that folder 

Police Officer; what is it you are trying to report today 

Simon; I put loads of cads in regard to loads of corruption loads of police corruption what are on your police computer now I have been told that they cannot be investigated because at the time I had an ongoing case and it would cause produce towards that case that case is now over and what I want is a police officer to come as if I am calling about a mars bar being stolen a criminal offence and I want them to go over the evidence that I have here and do there lines of investigation into these police officers  not only like what I was saying cad number 500 every day  has a time stamp of ten 0 clock 

Police Officer; police officer is not going to come to your house to review evidence that you have collated in regards to these police officers 

Simon; no it is evidence they have wrote and what the problem is if a time stamp is five says five hundred and it has a time stamp of ten 0 clock it is impossible for the cad number five hundred and fifty to have nine 0 clock I am recording this conversation Mr Pc Williams 

Police Officer; that is OK 

Simon; because I have been doing this for a little while because I am up set and I am going to make it all go public and how you lot how certain other members of the public have protected me in the police force how they have failed to protect me should I say

Police Officer;

Simon; now what upsets me even further is that the police have mg11 forms yes which is a witness form 

Police Officer; yes they do

Simon; now them witness forms have statements of truth at the bottom of them yes and now I have got sixteen witness statement form things saying that members of the public were keep up at progress way now each one of them witness statements are not signed 

Police Officer; Simon please give me your point to why you are calling me right now 

Simon; because I would like I am in a case of fraud the 2006 act in regards to a police officer and I would like you to come here under the allegations of fraud and I would like the police officer to be arrested under fraud and under harassment to and abuse of power, now these laws exist for crimes actually the same `as what I am explaining to you

[00:07:27] Police Officer; Simon 

Simon; yes 

Police Officer; "Mutter"

Simon; pardon  

Police Officer; from what you are saying is the police 

Simon; set me up and I have got the evidence of that here right now and I am stuck in my house doing eight years because of what they have set me up for 

Police Officer; what do you mean eight years you have not been in your house for eight years 

Simon; I ha e been in my house for four years I have been in here since I was thirty one I am now  thirty six and I have not been a loud to go out to any shops to no Mac Donald’s I am not a loud to give my friends an amp personal or other wise 

Police Officer; Simon, Simon stop right there stop talking Simon stop talking 

Simon; personal is personal and otherwise is business 

Police Officer; are you saying that you want to complain about their police 

Simon; no I am saying that I would like the police officers arrested and I would like to put a line of investigation in about fraud act

Police Officer; that is not going to happen

Simon; why will that not happen if it was a normal person and I told you that they are making fraudulent paper work under the fraudulent act 2006 for their own gain illegal you would come out and arrest that person what makes a police officer so different  

Police Officer; silence 

Simon; hello 

Police Officer; silence 


Police Officer; right 

Simon; what makes a police officer so different no go on 

Police Officer; silence 


Police Officer; I am not going to commit on that 

Simon; I have got sixteen different witness statements here right now in front of me 

Police Officer; I am not going to answer that question what I will tell you 

Simon; are you going to protect me 

Police Officer; silence 

Simon; I from these police officers I cannot even walk down my own home town streets right now because these police officers know that I have this evidence here right now and that I believe that they are going to grab me and set me up even further than they have already set me up 

Police Officer; Simon, Simon, Simon, Simon,


Police Officer; Simon if you are not going to listen I will just clear the line 

Simon; I do not want you to just do that I just want somebody to help me and remember why they signed up to be police officers in the first place under there codes of conduct 

Police Officer; Simon you have got two ears you should listen twice as much as you should speak 

Simon; yes, go on ok I will accept that one I will accept that 100% "giggle"`

Police Officer; `

Simon; but I am a man that will listen to reason 

Police Officer; silence

Simon; hello 

Police Officer; from what you are saying to me you have some sort grievance with the police members of the police because they have taken you to court previously correct yes or no 

Simon; no, no, no, what I have got a grievance against the pole are is that they decided to collaborate and fabricate evidence for their own self gain and then 

Police Officer; Simon, Simon, Simon 

Simon; so that they can have an effect on my way of life and my human right 

Police Officer; Simon, Simon 

Simon; breaking the 1961 

Police Officer; Simon stop talking 

Simon; come on you know that I am real

Police Officer; silence 

Simon; I cannot walk down my own town street because of these coppers 

Police Officer; 

Simon; yes it is not fair 

Police Officer; Simon, Simon

Simon; yes if they were working for me at a festival and they started to do this to other people in a festival I would stand up

Police Officer; I am going to have to clear the line 

Simon; Williams you cannot clear the line I am talking to you about something that is important ``

Police Officer; listen to me 

Simon; I am asking for you to send a police officer to my address do you know what they done Williams can I explain even further what evidence I have 

Police Officer; listen no, no, no, no you can’t explain even further what evidence you have because I am telling you if you are trying to, if you wish to complain about police, which you did yesterday didn’t you

Simon; but I asked for a cad number yesterday I have done this sense 2013 I have got the recordings and I was pro missed that the second that the case is over that I can make this phone call now and that you will pick up the cad numbers on that computer now that are saying that there is a waiting complaint of investigation against the coppers to happen and I want you to follow them now

Police Officer; Simon, Simon do you wish to make a complaint 

Simon; I have already made about seven complaints and I have been promised that is I make this phone call once again once this case is over then someone will get sent to my house and these police officers will be investigated 

Police Officer; no, no, no, body will be sent to your house 

Simon; ok so what have I got to do come to the police station and recorded what is happening there as well and with the evidence that I have got now

Police Officer; Simon, Simon, Simon

Simon; go on 

Police Officer;

Simon; I have always liked these officers 

Police Officer; are you going to are you going to 

Simon; yes 

Police Officer; are you going to listen, Simon 

Simon; yes go on 

Police Officer; you are claiming that there is corruption in the police force yes or 

Simon; yes 

Police Officer; just slimily yes or no

Simon; yes 

Police Officer; right


Police Officer; and you want to complain about pacific officers yes or no 

Simon; I do not want to complain I just want a line of investigation followed against the 

Police Officer; which means you have to complain 

Simon; no, I have already complained 

Police Officer; silence 

Simon; if you check your police computer right now write; 109 Burncroft Avenue in to that computer 

Police Officer; Simon, Simon, Simon

Simon; into that computer and see how many time s that has been promised to me 

Police Officer; Simon, stop talking and listen to me

[00:11:58] Police Officer; in order for an investigation to take place against police there needs to be a complaint first 

Simon; there already is a complaint I have got the cad numbers and every think for it and I have been promised and I have got the recordings right here like I am recording right here saying the second that it is over the second that my court case over that it will be investigated and if you check my address 109 Burncroft Avenue its 

Police Officer; Simon I am going to release the call in a minute 

Simon; it’s on the computer check at 109 Burncroft Avenue and see if there is already a complaint in place 

Police Officer; silence 

Simon; hello 

Police Officer; ok

Simon; check `my address 

Police Officer; talk to the person that is dealing with your complaint 

Simon; pardon who is the person dealing with my complaint I have been told that they will send a person to my address `

Police Officer; no, no, no, 

Simon; once the case is over 

Police Officer; no stop no Simon; so how am I going to meet these police officers? or met yourselves or met somebody that is going to deal with my complaint all the letter I have got loads of letters  that have gone in to the MP's I have had to show the doctors all the doctors are saying that they have seen the case papers and they are saying that it is clear fraud

Police Officer; Simon 

Simon; every person that has looked at it has said 

Police Officer; Simon

Simon; has said that it is fraud

Police Officer; stop talking I just need you to answer yes or no 

Simon; ok then I will make a fresh complaint with yourself now then 

Police Officer; silence 


Police Officer; look we got there in the end OK fantastic 

Simon; I do not see why a fresh complaint has to go in 

Police Officer; silence 

Simon; I have always known these coppers since I was a kid PC shin nick and that they went outside progress way and added like fifteen 999 calls they messed up they covered up Steve Elsmore covered over their names like when it says call ordinary yes and then it says the name then  it will say the 

Police Officer; look Simon stop talking, can I just confirm your date of birth is the 26th Jan 1981 

Simon; yes and I am doing more than talking I am about to go public 

Police Officer; dead

Simon; and they’re going to lose their mortgages and `there carers unless some police officer deals with this behind closed doors with me 

Police Officer; what will ever make you happy 

Simon; pardon 

Police Officer; your dead 

Simon; yes, I will I have lost half of my life because of what they have done my hole estate has had to go through this for the last four years and there are no real witness statements they made them up none of them police 

Police Officer; what is your address 

Simon; pardon 

Police Officer; what is your address 

Simon;109 Burncroft Avenue my whole estate has got to go through this for the last four years and the next four years 

Police Officer;

Simon; I went to court the other day and I said to them I will not bring up the corruption if they drop it under the grounds of trespass which is right 

Police Officer; phone put down
