Tape recording five z0000056

Outgoing call

Metropolitan Police introduction

Simon; hello

Police Officer; is that a Mr Simon Cordell

Simon; Yes, Mr Cordell speaking whom I speaking to 

Police Officer; Sergeant Miller

Simon; Miller

Police Officer; yes, from Edmonton police station 

Simon; how are you doing 

Police Officer; I am calling in regards to a complaint that you have made 

Simon; yes basically in 2000 and it is quite its quite over reached by now in 2013 I was put on I was arrested  for burglary I had a police officer come to my house and they found a gazebo in my garden handling stolen goods and put it down as burglary I was on bail conditions for the whole of the year 2013 to 14 I had to give my passport to uses lot I was not a loud to leave the country I had to sign on at the police station every day at eight 0 clock plus I was on a house bail conditions I was not a loud to leave my house yes the conditions were endless I was barred from central London and so forth and after a year of being on bail and having to stick to all of these conditions I finally one the case I got released and I walked out side of my front door as I walked out side of my front door I meat a new partner and so forth like that 

Simon; one day  I was in my house and  a loads of police officers knocked at my front door I asked them what they wanted through my front door being closed  and they explained to me that they just wanted to speak to me, so I opened my door slightly a jar  and they tried to force a massive folder through my front door I closed the front door and I did not let the folder in my house and I said to them I am not letting them put stuff inside my house, they throw the folder on the floor outside of my house and walked of I phoned my mother and asked my mother to come and get, collect the folder and she could not come till the next day, she come to my house the next day and picked up the  folder she photo copied it her, herself and then she went to the police station and handed it into Edmonton police station, she got a recite that I have yes, with a stamp on it from Edmonton police station and it is in my name, the property of  Mr Simon Cordell that has never been found, yes and now I have got that receipt and it got put in lost property and now that is true and this property is an Asbo application  now it only ever had four witness statements CFS callers in it witness statements saying that they were keep up overnight, now somehow since through the ongoing of the case getting dragged on since 2014 I have gone to go and get this folder and it has been stolen out of Edmonton lost property, now I am quite concerned about it being stolen because the property room was only burnt down a couple of  years ago because of police corruption so I am quite shocked that it disorganized that stuff can still be stolen out of it by over officers so I would like to know where my folder is and I have got the recite for that now the reason that I would like the folder is because it proves that the police fraudulently added an extra ten witness statements into the folder since the time that it has been going on now

Police Officer; is it not that this complaint being dealt with by sergeant Thomason

Simon; no police officer has tried to deal with this or any of my complaints I continually keep phoning you lot up and recording I have a bout years’ worth of recordings I am even recording this conversation right now 

Police Officer; I am sure you have

Simon; I am recording this conversation 

Police Officer; honestly it does not matter you can record what you want I am jut calling in regards to your complaint `

Simon; this is not the only part of my complaint this property has been stolen by officers out of there 

Police Officer; yes, yes I no 

Simon; what my further concern was

Police Officer; go on 

Simon; I was I went I looked at the Asbo case and I knew that there was ten incidents in it and that I had not committed none of these incidents I was not the organizer to any if these events so  I wouldn't be I felt as if in the police were  trying to force me to be a  super grass yes and using the paper and fabricating the paper work to turn me into a super grass I looked at the laws that I represent from the land that I live off and I went to court and I said look trespass has not been proven inside none of these buildings, yes for under the raves bill trespass must be present, yes 1994 so I won the case applicants case any way but somehow she said because you had a nitro s oxide bottle on you at one of these days which is an ADR road traffic offence and it ant a  traffic offence because it is not illegal to carry it she gave me a five year Asbo I had already been riding two years prior to that to the injunction so that is seven years plus I done a year for the other case  the gazebo which I won that is eight years the maximum sentence under the raves bill is six months and  a 20 grand fine so I do not understand why I am riding eight years and my eight years don't get cut in half, now it said I was also further upset because it says the organisation of illegal raves now if some this is illegal I should have been arrest yes so I should have been arrested  I should have been a loud to have my interview I should have been a loud to go through it with my solicitor’s and the cps should have took my case yes from there now this has never happened  but somehow I seem to have a criminal recorded no I do not have a criminal record but somehow basically what they continue to say in the Asbo was this will not have an effect on my abilities of running my company objectives so I wrote to every other council borough there are thirty three boroughs so I wrote to the other thirty two  wrote and they  basically write back to me and said these council are lying and these police are lying this has a massive effect of the running abilities of your company because every council has a different licensing department yes and that I have to go there and because it says an illegal offence 

Police Officer; Police Officer;

Simon; massive effect of the running abilities of your company because every council has a different licensing department, yes and that I have to go there and because it says an illegal offence yes I have to basically have to go to a special committee with them and that I have to explain the Asbo which is un fair on me and it stops me working with the other thirty two boroughs yes now I have been in my house 

Police Officer; can I just stop you there it is frustrating because what you are saying rings a bell one of my colleges you spoke you spoke to one of my colleges on 13th of February 

Simon; yes that is very possible 

Police Officer; yes on cad 440 

Simon; I have them all on recording so that I know that the, I do not know them all of my heart but I have got them all recorded 

Police Officer; ok that is just fine I am just telling you that you did because it is recorded here 

Simon; and they have told me that they cannot do anything the only person that can do some think is yourselves a sergeant from the police station  

Police Officer; yes 

Simon; sorry for being rude but I explained to them that if I phoned them now as a Cfs caller call for services and I said to them look I know someone I just see some body still a chocolate bar out of a shop they would send a patrol car to me and to that shop over a chocolate bar being stolen I have clear corruption here and I have got evidence of it and that I have been set up and that I am riding four years and I would like a police officer sent to my house so that 

Police Officer; mutter

Simon; go on 

Police Officer; hum I am calling because we only deal with initiation service recover, now offerssley your complaint we cannot deal with the initial serves recovery because it is they hum protracted in bits providentially protracted in investigation that needs to be done hum on the 13th of February on cad 440 which is our reference it has been marked up as sergeant Thomson is aware of your matter and he is dealing with it and now that is a sergeant that works in the professional standards department office at Edmonton police station so he deals with all the ongoing protection standards issues and if there any complaints ongoing complaint he deals with them and so I cannot assist you at the moment because I am the wrong department for that but since he is aware of it I am going to send him an email now to tell him  that you have called and that you want an update regarding this issue because hum he is looking in to it 

Simon; I would like a meeting with him so that I can sit there and show him the evidence that I have of the corruption and the fabricated evidence 

Police Officer; that is fine

Police Officer; I will tell him to contact you directly and hum you can speak to him about it 

Simon; and if I do not receive a phone call back from none of your selves as like seems to have happened for the last three years or two years of this case now then what actually what actually happens then what should I phone you up again phone up the 02071212 again and then put the same complaint in again and hope that somebody contacts him again like how because no one want to investigating these officers 

Police Officer; I am sure that you have been contacted from the last time from Sergeant Thompson 

Simon; I have got recordings of me phoning up 999 and speaking to sergeants from ccc bow 

Police Officer; yes, yes you might call up a few times 

Simon; cc bow is basically said to me they have been one of the main officers in cc bow and that in all of their life that of them working there I have got it all on recording she has never seen the time stamps go backwards on the cads she said that this is clear corruption and this was months ago 

Police Officer; what do you mean that the time stamps go backwards 

Simon; basically, I got given an Asbo yes and on the Asbo in the Asbo paper there’s say 50 cads in there yes and them 50 cad every day card number 500 happens now I wrote to storm and Met ccc and I have been told that it is fraud  

Police Officer; you are talking about things that I do not have a clue about yes so I a m not the right person to see to give you the advice on that 

Simon; but you are dealing with a cad system right this second 

Police Officer; yes 

Simon; right now as I call you 

Police Officer; you are talking about cads being amended as far as I am concerned cads once they have been "mutter" the time frames cannot be changed on the cad because it does not give us an opportunity 

Simon; yes 

Police Officer;

Simon; but what I am saying is that someone fraudulently, they gone and made the paper work out of the computers because basically I have got cad say cad 

Police Officer; if you are saying that then someone has got to investigate that and it will be as I said it will be the bloke at the professional standards department 

Simon; what is even worse than that is say like if you the cads say if you look at all of the cads a lot of the information like the call recorder is blocked out the call location everything is blocked out yes adapted now they forgot to take the x to y locations out yes so now when I put them into Google it shows it shows like five six miles away it show the other side of this place the other and they covered it all other and forged it to be that 

Police Officer; sir I have got to stop you there sir I have got to stop you there I appreciate you have got all of this information and I cannot assisted you with that but I am telling you that I am going to email the professional standards 

Simon; and what is his name again 

Police Officer; Sergeant Thomson 

Simon; Sergeant Thomson what Thomas what 

Police Officer; Thomson

Simon; and what is his other name a badge for him 

Police Officer; err sixteen ye 

Simon; do you have a direct email yourself that I can contact as well 

Police Officer; his email yes I can give you that one minute 

Simon; they said the only reason that they want to carry this Asbo on is because that of the amount of money that they have spent on this case they do not care about me as person it is all about money to them yes and it has had a large huge effect on my way of life and on everything and it 

Police Officer; OK 

Simon; his err email address is Arran.Thomason@met.pnn.police.uk 

Police Officer;

Simon; well thank you for contacting me today and I am sorry that it has been on such a negative thing 

Police Officer; I am sure he is because it says he is I am sure that he is aware of hum this but I will send him an email now 

Simon; with this phone number and ask him to contact me back like this as well 

Police Officer; yes, yes with this cad number that I rang you on 

Simon; OK 

Police Officer; but oversley he will get back in contact with you 

Simon; OK thank you, you have a good day sir