Tape recording five z0000056

Outgoing call

Metropolitan Police introduction

Police Officer; Hello Metropolitan police what is your reason for calling

Simon; hello I have a few reason's to call I have general questions to ask yourself, hum, basically my name and I Mr Simon Cordell and I would like to find out, I put in to cad number recently on the 16th and the 11th I believe in regards to asking an Ian rafial, who is the Sergeant of Edmonton police station to call me in regards to his officers that he is in charge of and notes were put down on the cad and I still have not revived a call back within 24 hours and it has been three days now and I still have not revived a call back in regards to this, so I was just wondering if you could put another cad in again asking him to call me again, because I have yes still to get his call and can I get a Cad number for this call please 

Police Officer; yes of course you can 

Simon: that is possible? all so I have another question I would like to ask

Police Officer; yes, go on 

Simon; I have been put on bail conditions no on conditions for my Asbo for an Asbo that has illegal been put against me it is forged and put against me basically I am being held for eight years in my house on well seven years on the Asbo two years on the injunction and five years for the Asbo in total that is seven years the maximum sentence and this was under the raves bill the maximum sentence that any one should get is six months in prison and a 20 grand fine but somehow I am riding eight years more than what most paedophiles and murders would get, hum I am quite upset about this but in my bail condition it says that I am not a loud on no industrial estate or that I am not a loud to do nothing of this nature now I would like to go to warehouse I would like to go out, I have not been a loud out for four years, I have not been allowed to go to out to anything, I would like to go to warehouse night club and I want  to find out if I attend warehouse night club with my girlfriend then will I got to prison is that an arrest able offence

Police Officer; sir what I would advise you to do is speak to 

Simon; Ian rafial

Police Officer; yes, Ian rafiael

Simon; yes, he is the new one

Police Officer; he won’t contact me back because he understands what is going to happen to the officers he is supposed to be in charge of, when Jane Johnson was in charge of them who was the last sergeant, she as a gold member team allowed access in to the police computers and allowed information to be forged, she was transferred straight away once I recorded her conversation and was transferred to royal diplomatic protection in Westminster but she basically has walked away from her duties of responsibility that she had at the time to the officers and to make sure there paper work was correct and now he is in charge of it, these officers are still on active duty I do not feel like I can leave my house I cannot even walk down my street because I feel that these officers are going to attack me and further manipulate the truth and I am going to end up with a sentence because they would rather that to happen to me rather than lose their mortgages or pensions and face up to what they have really done them self's in fraud paper work  the fraud paper work in my Asbo

Police Officer; sir, can I, just can we just record some details yes 

Simon; yes, that want to do 

Police Officer; silence

Simon; hello

Police Officer; sir, I am all on the I am just typing away, just give me a minute and I will just see if I can get some answers for you

Simon; thank you 

Police Officer; ok then

Simon; they should have just dropped it under the trespass and I would have just forgot about the corruption, they never proved trespass in the buildings they had another chance

Police Officer; who is the person dealing with your case

Simon; well Steven Elsmore is the developer of the application he has done that under the order of

Police Officer; no, no, from a police perspective

Simon; yes Steven Elermore who is a pc and he has  been told to create the application develop it under Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe, commissioner of England and Wales which is Sir Hogan-Howe,, his told him to do it, he has told Jane Johnson to tell Jane to tell her officers to do it, Jane has told her officers to do it then Steve Elsmore created it then Steve Elsmore went to the civic centre and he spoke to Steve Elise and Steve Elis signed the forged paper work that Steve Elsmore created and they put the application against me I went to court under the grounds that trespass had not been proved under none of the incidents sighted in the application and basically I technically I won  the case of what the applicant, what the respondent had put against me, Hum and when I walked out and went back home somehow it got advertised in the newspaper that I was found guilty for the organisation of illegal raves I had not even been arrested for some think that was illegal so I was quite shocked that this had happened to me and then basically at the end of it Steve Elsmore used a loud of cad paper work his used hum sergeant Chile's Miles his used Inspector Sergeant Skinner paper work loads of them a Doglus Skinner the list to them is endless to them and basically they forged all of the time stamps and added cads in because all the call centre like the 999 call centre time stamps say cad five hundred happens every day and that has a time stamp of ten 0 clock cad five hundred and twenty five cannot have  a time stamp of nine 0 clock earlier than the five hundred this happens continuously thought my paper work and then what made it even worse than that is that there is an inspector Hamill inspector Hamill actually went out side of the site of Progress he made ten he went there ten different times because his grid reference number has been put in there and he made ten different calls to 999 used his own personal mobile number and basically he created the cad outside now you can see if you look at the time stamps to the cads and you actually look at the x to y location correspondents you can see that each ten of these are in accurately the same place but out of the ten different ones, ten different cad numbers that he created to set me up one of them they forgot to block his name out and it says inspector Hamill calling on duty now he made that and let’s say one of the calls he made that at 1;59 and he was at grid number so, and so, now if you look at the other cad papers two minutes before that accurately the same grid reference number another call was made from that actually same place so basically he made a phone call put the phone down two minutes later he made another phone call to 999 of his mobile unless he, some one body was standing on his toes and made this other phone call and did not speak to him the evidence that I have is over whelming to the true facts to what really happened hum the time cannot go backwards and trespass has to be proved in side of a building and under the licensing act when you are inside of a building then it should be proved that a communal building is being run none of these police officers went to none of the building owners but I gave them my cv of all the good work that I had been doing in the community lock to lock festival kids with celerpulsie, Enfield the list is endless I was the manager of my community hall and they went to every one of these places rather than go to a building owner and follow the true lines of investigation and they darkened all of my contracts and my work now I cannot get no work with these people again and I am sitting her upset that there is not even a building owner in side of the whole application

Simon; hum I have got the folders what I got set up for is ten different events and I knew that I had not committed them and I was not the organizer to them so what I done at the time I copied, I went to all of the Face book profiles of the true organisers and I copied there whole face books so I have eight different folders here right now that I have never handed to yourselves and it of all the true organisers face book yes but I am not a super grass and I do not want to do the officers lines of investigations  

Police Officer; Simon

Simon; yes 

Police Officer; what I have 

Simon; hello 

Police Officer; what I have done is hum I have sent this through so hopefully someone will be calling you back shortly

Simon; I would appreciate that I do not even want 

Police Officer; muttering 

Simon; can I just get a cad number please I do not want your name I would just like a cad number to this call please if that is possible 

Police Officer; yes 

Simon; I have got to ride another four, I have ride four years of it I have got to ride another four years, I cannot even go out to a night club, I cannot do anything, I cannot do anything right now I went to court and I did not attended a few times just to give them time to do the right thing because I have respect for the officers I have respect for all police officers I used to have good communications with them all until this happened like I would save them I have got pictures of me on you tube at Notting Hill watching a loud of officers two woman officers getting attacked I had to run over and offered them over and told ever one if they throw another bottles I have done so much for the officers when the time the crunch has hit it I have done the right things

Police Officer; ok your cad reference number is 060194/24 Feb 17

Police Officer; 

Simon; thank you sir and I will be accepting a call back in 24 hours supposedly

Police Officer; I have notified the correct department and made them aware of your complaint and that you’re requesting call back within 24 hours

Simon; ok thank you 

Police Officer; ok you welcome

Simon; ok hope you have a good day sir 

Police Officer; bye for now

Simon; bye
