Speaker 1:                           00:00                     The metropolitan police 101 service. If you wish to report a crime that is happening now or someone is injured and indeed urgent medical attention or in immediate danger, please hang up and dial nine nine nine now you can report a non-emergency crime throw our website at www.met.police.co.UK that's www.met.police.co.UK for custody related inquiries. Please press one to report a new crime. Press two to provide or receive an update or please report or non-emergency crimes.

New Speaker:                    00:44                     Metropolitan Police what is your reason for calling.

Speaker 2:                           00:46                     Hello? I believe I just spoke to you a second ago. Is that correct?

Speaker 1:                           00:50                     No, No that would not have been me.

Speaker 2:                           00:52                     I'm trying to find a question I want to go out tonight. There's supposed to be bail conditioners that are on me, i want to know if them bail conditions. If somebody else phones you like they would like the company's has advised them to like on crime watch. If they see me out. Um, I want to know if I'm going to get arrested. Can I go to warehouse nightclub? And also, can you tell me if I give you the badge numbers of the coppers, I'm saying that copper is a fraudulently made paperwork and holding me illegally and most of the people that I speak to on the phone, public servants have said that they don't believe in that. I don't think it's fair for them to make that decision. I think a fair investigation should happen and someone should take a statement of me, but just in case I am correct and some of these coppers have done this to me.

Speaker 2:                           01:39                     I want to know if they're on Juty today. If I go out now, if they're on duty now in my area, if I go out tonight, are they on Juty because I don't feel safe before 10 o'clock let alone going out after 10 o'clock just to go clubbing. I want to go out and have a life. I mean I've been locked up since seven years ago . I'm now 37 and I'm being told I've got to stay in until I'm 40 years old in fear of reapersols of the copper still working in the area cause no one wants to see that there's no signatures or that the timestamp to your call centres go backwards or on the right color and that I don't think it's fair. I think that if they did see me or their friends did see me while they are on duty in the area that they're going, it's like they're going to take advantage of what you use or are doing and that they're going to set me up even further to what they've continued to set me up throughout the years. All right.

Speaker 1:                           02:26                     All right. What's your name?

Speaker 2:                           02:29                     Simon Paul Cordell.

Speaker 1:                           02:31                     Simon Paul Cornell.

Speaker 2:                           02:32                     Cordell, C. O. R. D. E. double L.

Speaker 1:                           02:36                     okay.

Speaker 2:                           02:37                     I've been locked up for 1.5 million hours. Yeah, that's over seven years year. If you have, you took 500,000,000 half a million of them hours away. Yeah. And said, okay, I'm asleep for them. Half a million. Say I'm awake for the other million doing my defense work writing all of this. That means over the seven years, for every hour I get a pound, I should get a million pound compensation. And I am, I've proved from the beginning in recordings that I'm correct and I'm right and I've worked harder than a computer expert on a level five who should be getting 50 pounds an hour. So if I'm getting 50 pound an hour over the seven hours for over the seven years and I take away the five or half a million from there, you do the sums, that's one pound an hour. And I, I at one point at one pound an hour, that's a million pounds, 50 million pounds somewhere I've lost because of what these coppers have done to me and I've had to sit and write it out in defense work a defense solicitor would get it and I've got damages to my health, I've got damages to my reputation the definition of my character, I have been completely slandered here.

Speaker 2:                           03:37                     And i have done nothing wrong. Apart from going through the correct channels and ask for respect and courtesy towards my human rights and for the person that I am and nobody has been efficient in doing so.

Speaker 1:                           03:47                     Okay. Can you just give me a date of birth?

Speaker 2:                           03:50                     26 of the first 1981

Speaker 1:                           03:53                     1981. Alright. Um, and what's your address?

Speaker 2:                           03:58                     109 Burncroft Avenue.

Speaker 3:                           04:00                     Okay.

Speaker 1:                           04:02                     Burncroft Avenue and what is the post code

Speaker 2:                           04:04                     echo November three seven Juliet Cubex.

Speaker 3:                           04:10                     Right.

Speaker 1:                           04:16                     Okay. So in an answer to your original question about if you can go out, I can't advise you on, do you have a solicitor?

Speaker 2:                           04:23                     I've spoken to solicitor. I am acting litigant on my own behalf, which I'm legally allowed to do. And I'm phoning you spread a message in movement and put photos of me in the newspaper saying that I've been, found guilty for the organization of a illegal raves. I've got the transcripts up on line and you can see the judge couldn't, she even says it, I can't prove a legality. So she says that I went there to fight the organization with legal. She says in the transcripts, she couldn't prove a legalality because trespass wasn't present. So how am I, so how have you lot published this in the newspapers and asking everyone to phone you if they see me out on any industrial Estates or seeing me out or doing business personal or otherwise. Yeah. Personal is just, if I give you an amp as a friend or a bouncy castle otherwise is if i do business with you.

Speaker 2:                           05:07                     If anyone sees me doing business or sees me doing anything in the entertainment industry, I am liable for five years. For five years in prison. I'm liable even if. I believe I give my friend, a friend an amp to borrow as a friend or I or higher it and that's not fair. Them conditions are a breach of my human rights, I can't even get out to, I can't even go out to a night club. Like I believe i should, I want to go out tonight. You're the only night club in the whole of my area that is on is, uh, is warehouse nightclub. If I go to warehouse nightclub club tonight, am I going to get put into prison? Can I get put in prison for five years?

Speaker 1:                           05:41                     Cause I, I cant advise you on that. The only people that can advise you on are your solicitors with the courts they are the people that are in charge of your bail conditions.

New Speaker:                    05:48                     Yes. Yeah, but

Speaker 2:                           05:48                     you're the ones that's going to have authorise it all use lot no ones. You've put your phone numbers up to contact this phone number if anyone sees me out. So when someone tests, if I do go out tonight and someone does see me there, are they going to phone use lot? Then w what you're going to say to them but we don't know. Again, you need to speak to Simon solicitor now you're not going to say that. You're going to send coppers there to arrest me. So please can you

Speaker 1:                           06:09                     Your asking, your asking if your allowed to go out tonight. You need to speak to you solicitor

Speaker 2:                           06:14                     Now, I'm asking you've got bail conditions on that computer and I've got a copy of what you've got on that computer.

New Speaker:                    06:20                     No i do not.

New Speaker:                    06:20                     right now on that computer there. I've, I've requested a freedom of information and I've stripped the computers that are in front of you. Yeah, I can tell you right now from the top

Speaker 1:                           06:28                     Ok, andi am telling you now I don't have that information on my computer.

New Speaker:                    06:30                     So.

New Speaker:                    06:30                     That is why I'm telling you, you speak to your solicitor about your bail conditions. I don't know what they are. I can't advise you on that.

Speaker 2:                           06:37                     But you are the nine nine nine call center. You're at Bow Lambert.

Speaker 1:                           06:41                     Yep, and that's all it is.

Speaker 2:                           06:44                     I put a freedom of information request in already a subject.

New Speaker:                    06:47                     Yeah, and that doesn't come from here that doesn't come from here.

Speaker 2:                           06:50                     I've got the, I've got the complete Crimits that use lot see so when someone phones use up and use it, look on the, on the computer here on met CC. I've got met CC schematics here so I can tell when use it can check when the next closest location house. I've got the full schematics for Met CC here and I understand the NIC or I understand what you are capable of doing in that center and what you are not capable of doing yer. Now I'm, I tell you, I've got a copy of what you've got on your computers right now in front of you and it tells you my bail conditions and it tells you all my previous name.

Speaker 1:                           07:23                     Well i am telling you now that it does not Do you know that it does.

New Speaker:                    07:25                     So.

New Speaker:                    07:25                     I am the one sitting here in front of it and i am telling you that I can not see that information. I have advised you correctly.

Speaker 2:                           07:32                     So if someone phones use lot up and says that they see Simon.

New Speaker:                    07:34                     I accept what you're saying. Someone phones you up tonight and says, okay, I've seen Simon in a night club. How do you know if he's breached his conditions or not? Who do you phone.

New Speaker:                    07:44                     I would not know.

New Speaker:                    07:46                     But someone in that call centre would no

Speaker 1:                           07:48                     that is different people?

Speaker 2:                           07:49                     So what, so who is it? Who is it? Where is it? Who is it in bow what section? So ok, you might be in a lowersecoin or a lower tier or a lower phase in bow. So you might not be able to get access to that information. But somebody in Bow their right now can log into that computer and they can see all my previous, they can see all my things, they can see all my alias names, they can see, what, what, all of my addresses, every address that I've lived that you have access on that computer or someone in that department does cause i have got it all here and all the blueprints of what you can do and it shows and I've got copies of it right now and it shows me use a lot more than what you're telling me.

Speaker 1:                           08:28                     Okay. Well I've advised you correctly,

Speaker 2:                           08:31                     yer, you may not, but who does in your department, I don't want to go out of your department,

Speaker 1:                           08:35                     I would not no, i would not know.

Speaker 2:                           08:37                     can I speak to her superior or somebody else? or a line manager of yours please and its not about you, not about you.

New Speaker:                    08:42                     Yer, sure

New Speaker:                    08:42                     It's not about you but just about.

New Speaker:                    08:44                     no, no, that is fine.

New Speaker:                    08:45                     About the company in general,

New Speaker:                    08:47                     That's fine i will go and speak to one.

New Speaker:                    08:47                     you've been more than courteous talking to me. Thank you.

Speaker 2:                           09:56                     I have got a copy of it here now police, national computer, nominal report and then what it says is straight away saying nominal details. Acro and i got it from a subject, access request, criminal record office. And then it says the name please, national computer ID, the last name and it goes with the whole of the history personal descriptions and it says the aliases and everything like that. Yeah. And this is what these lot have available to them and a lot more, Met CC is a very powerful tool.

Speaker 5:                           10:37                     Hello Boss you Plaza. How can I help you?

New Speaker:                    10:40                     Hello may i ask who I'm speaking to please.

New Speaker:                    10:41                     Yeah, you're speaking Sergeant Sing how can I help you?

New Speaker:                    10:42                     Sergeant King.

New Speaker:                    10:44                     Sing, S.I.G.H.

New Speaker:                    10:44                     how are you doing sir.

New Speaker:                    10:48                     I Am doing very well how can I help?

Speaker 2:                           10:48                     My name is mr Cordell and I've been trying to contact yourselves in regards to your policies that the police force actually represent. Um, and my rights to equality, equality, equality 2010 not to be treated different from any other or, and to be treated fair and for my human rights to be taken into account when addressing the issues of concern I raise of yourself that are of the utmost of importance. Is that okay if I go through a few of these issues with yourself and explain to you a few of the policies that should come into play. And I'm concerned that people are overseen.

Speaker 5:                           11:23                     Sir you have actually come through to the nine nine nine and one zero one control room. If you've got any issues,

Speaker 2:                           11:28                     you are a company still though you still have an abused to have a salary and you are still set under a constitution . So I'm wanting to talk to, I'm talking to you. You are higher person than the person I was just speaking to.

New Speaker:                    11:39                     How can i help you sir.

New Speaker:                    11:39                     I would like to, I meet I've, I would like to, I'd like you to understand that I would like you to act on regards to in the efficiency Act 1999 and 2003 which States if I put you or any member of the public as CFS Call for services puts you in receipt of any information in regards to corruption misconduct that would be or negligence in regards to the police force. Yeah. You must act efficient with it and you must not disregard it and, and be scared to be a whistleblower. Or some people might say, you know,

New Speaker:                    12:13                     OK, CAN YOU LISTEN TO M.

New Speaker:                    12:13                     I would like to put you in receipt of information.

New Speaker:                    12:16                     Okay, sir. i am going to start again

New Speaker:                    12:16                     Of what offices have done.

Speaker 5:                           12:18                     rather than quoting policy. You need to just tell me what you are calling for that. We've got numerous 999 and 101 calls

Speaker 2:                           12:25                     your call center can handle 1,500 calls with ease per day. You, and this is not a serious bank holiday on new years, your call center is more than able to be able to deal with this conversation and you are paid a salary.

New Speaker:                    12:37                     All you are doing sir is quoting policy.

New Speaker:                    12:37                     I am not what i am explaining to you? I'm explaining to you that I would like to explain to you ok, a Steve Elesmore. And a Jane Johnson, who was your borogh commander for North London, she's now been transferred to Westminister leave me in large and at concern. They created a Asbo application and they forged the information within side of that Asbo application to prove my innocence, I've had to build a website which I can turn on and off when I choose to. And in that website holds all of the recordings to the call centres that I've been phoning through before, and I've not uploaded all of them yet but it holds a few and explains that when I'm speaking to your call centers, they're telling me I've been robbed and I'm a black boy on the phone and I've transcribed all of this up now them people that are working inside of your call centers touching DPA personal data.

Speaker 2:                           13:24                     I would like them.

New Speaker:                    13:25                     Sir are you going to tell me why you're calling.

New Speaker:                    13:26                     I am, I'm telling you right now, I am telling you that I've been calling your call center, I'm telling you the, I've been calling your call center and.

New Speaker:                    13:34                     Your dead

New Speaker:                    13:34                     And people have been telling me that I've been robbed down the phone and I'm a black Bastard and there's nothing I could do about my issues,

Speaker 5:                           13:38                     Your making no sense at all or whatsoever.

Speaker 2:                           13:40                     Well, I'm going to put this record of you alongside with the rest of the recordings.

New Speaker:                    13:44                     No problem.

New Speaker:                    13:44                     Do you want me to, do you want me to turn the website on for you to show you the evidence that I have so, that i can make a bit more sense.

New Speaker:                    13:49                     You can do what ever you want to do.

New Speaker:                    13:49                     So can I, so do you have access to Google, do you have access to Google right now?

Speaker 2:                           13:57                     Hello?

New Speaker:                    13:59                     Are you feeling alright.

New Speaker:                    13:59                     Do you have access to Google.

New Speaker:                    14:00                     Seriously that has got nothing to do with you.

New Speaker:                    14:00                     What. What hasn't got nothing to do with me. Google.

New Speaker:                    14:07                     So, Ok, i am going to ask you.

New Speaker:                    14:07                     I have a website right now. We've evidence of corruption. It's got over a hundred. He's got over a hundred copies names in it, and I'm going to put your name in it, mr. Sing. And you're going to get reprimanded and you're gonna end up facing what's called targeted malice when you tried to help a person evade justice. Yeah. When what that is is a 12 year sentence is a breach of public office,

New Speaker:                    14:25                     there dead,

New Speaker:                    14:25                     malfeasance of public Office.

New Speaker:                    14:27                     Ok, Simon ok, thank you.

New Speaker:                    14:27                     Yeah. I swear to God you should act efficiently. And what I'm telling you, and he puts the phone down.