Speaker 1:                           00:00                     Thank you.

Speaker 2:                           00:04                     To report a crime that is happening now or someone is injured and in need of urgent medical attention or in immediate danger, please hang up and dial nine, nine, nine now you can report a non-emergency crime throw or website at www.met.police.co.uk that's met.police.uk for custody related inquiries. Please press one please report all non-emergency crimes.

Speaker 1:                           00:39                     Laughing in the background.

New Speaker:                    00:39                     Okay.

Speaker 2:                           00:40                     Hello Met police what is your reason for calling.

Speaker 3:                           00:43                     Hello. I'd like to go out tonight and I've gotten, there is supposed to be some bail conditions that a police officer fraudulently put on me. You can go to a website and see that they're fraudulently put on me. I'm not even the right colour skin. I want to go to wear ass nightclub tonight after 10 o'clock you've put warnings out on Crime Watch saying that you're going to send me to prison if I do that, Is that true? Am I not to go to, ware house night club tonight, the only nightclub.

New Speaker:                    01:07                     Laughing in the background.

New Speaker:                    01:07                     in my area?

Speaker 2:                           01:08                     What was the name for?

Speaker 3:                           01:09                     My name is Mr. Simon. Paul Cordell.

Speaker 2:                           01:12                     Okay and why do you believe that the officers put the bail conditions on you fraudulently

Speaker 3:                           01:17                     because they, each one of them signed an MGA 11 form. They done four witness statements each and none of them have victim statements on the bottom of them. So there's no first hand evidence, which is you've got to have first-hand evidence in a court. 15 police officers went to court all the highest ranking officers and I was requesting MG6e I was requesting MG2 under the Crown Prosecution for I asking for witnesses to turn up. No witnesses turned up to court. I've got the transcripts here. Every police officer was hearsay not none of them first-hand evidence. The legal executive when she was index in the folder, she's done all the witness statements, which are the victim. She said signed by PC McMillen, resident statement, one resident statement two signed by PC McMillen, resident statement three, signed by PC max millennium.

Speaker 3:                           02:05                     So, she knew when she was indexing and that there was no, no victims statements and Now, I can't even go to wear House nightclub tonight. I'm on the curfew until 2020 the 11th yeah. And, and I've got all the court paperwork and that here and all the court numbers that say it's against the law for this to happen. When I've called your call centre and explained this to you in previous occasions, you've telling me down the phone that I have been robbed now. I've had to put all that up on the crime up on, up on the website and everything. Yeah. I'll keep putting it down because I won't use it to lose your jobs, but I want you to act efficiently and get this thing off me. That shouldn't be on me. Yeah. They fraudulently put it on, it says that white people commit the crime. I'm not the right colour.

Speaker 3:                           02:43                     I want to go out. I'm not being allowed to go out forever. You've labelled me like I've got a disease when there's nothing wrong with me and spread that out in public I mean every time I walk down the High Street, I've got people spitting at me and everything thinking that I've been danger at some woman that I was with for eight months and I've never ever done nothing bad to her. Me and now argued, I'm going to go and pick Shannon up in a minute. I'm going to drag her by her hair and I'm going to put her online and we're going, I will get her to tell all of you lot as well when everyone on the line, I never gave her a no disease and I never done nothing to nobody. Yeah, so if you don't want me to go down to Shannon and Heidi's house, right? Yeah. You know that's what's going to end up happening.

Speaker 2:                           03:19                     Okay. Well I have let local officers know in regards to your call.

Speaker 3:                           03:21                     Yeah, use told me that you're going to get an officer to call me yesterday in regards to the website. Got 20 million emails here now and I'm going to start blasting this website out to everybody. Yeah. Show you how corrupt that office is on your call centres and the rest of it I'll be, I had or I had in 2014 in the recordings I had nine. Doctors come in my front room, three police officers come in my front room and four / two council offices. I recorded the whole conversation that I'm trying to take me away. They went through to first Asbo with me and they, you even said that there's no signatures there. Hang on, you're not the right colour skin to fit these crimes Simon. They went through the whole lot, went through my medical notes from me in 2014 in the front room on them recordings. They knew there was nothing wrong with me. Then they spread all these rumors upto 2018 that I have gave someone a sexual disease and the rest of it. Yeah. What the heck is going on with you lot in them offices.

Speaker 2:                           04:12                     Okay. like I said it has been added, I'm not sure why someone didn't call you yesterday because I should have and it was marked up on your previous call for them to call you, but have you already made a complaint for the IPPC in regards to what we are talking about now

Speaker 3:                           04:23                     I spoke to the IPO. IPO I have got loads of recordings of them as well when they're telling me that use what need to deal with this internally.

Speaker 2:                           04:30                     Okay. Well it has been referred to them so I'm not sure why they've said that. We will look into it ourselves because you might complain to them.

Speaker 3:                           04:36                     The reason is the, I put a complaint into the IOPC.

Speaker 2:                           04:39                     Simon, Simon let me let me speak now. You put a complaint in to then. So, legally they have to respond to you.

Speaker 3:                           04:45                     Yeah, I remember if he responded to me and I've won the case. Yeah. The police officers being suspended yeah. One of them have, yeah. They are doing a second inquiry right now into this case as well. Yeah. The first one was the traffic copper. who on roadside? When I was working outside Brixton nightclub, he pulled me over. Yeah. Strip searched my van, there was no thinking In side of van and then what he done is I put him on the phone to my insurance company and he said to my insurance company down the phone, we're going to rob Simon and we're going to take everything of him. Yeah. Now I went to court. I lost my driving license because of it. Yeah. I remember I've had nine drive in bands. Why use lot have done all this to me. Yeah. I won.

Speaker 3:                           05:21                     I, I went to appeal state I won the court case. I've got a copy of all the recording tapes of the, of the police officer saying this or I've got the recording tapes and the copper down the phone at road side that you use are going to rob me as well. Then I also went to the car compound. Yeah. And Perryville put the manager on the phone to the insurance. My insurance company, he went out, took pictures of the van and said that there's no tools inside it that the other copper had tried to set me up. All the pink seizure notice said that I had no tools in it. Yeah. And then so I've got both recordings of roadside and how this all started with that traffic copper and then he got suspended. The IPOCI. The police held a fake tribunal. Yeah. They didn't contact the IOPC.

Speaker 3:                           06:00                     See and tell the IOP, see that they were going to hold a tribunal in this coppers name. Yeah. They held, a tribunal sent me the paperwork, told me they're going to give me 90 pound for it all yeah. And then I contacted the IOPC, seeks, showed them all the evidence and then they done there nut and then they phoned up some other company, the Omni Omniscient and the rest of Emm, professional standards. And then they've gone chasing this police officer. The police officers left the company. Now he's somehow working as an MP in the Ministry of Justice. Yeah, I'll all, we keep messaging him, the IOPC, do. And I keep messaging him myself and he won't reply to none of us. Yeah. And now the IOPC have found him guilty on 20 accounts of conduct and we're just finished with the traffic copper. Now we're ready to come. I saw all the used or I'm sending a report off to Christopher jeadit that's the Queen Secretary.

Speaker 3:                           06:48                     I'm going to the EU. I don't trust this government here in this country. So I'm going into the Universal Declaration of acts. I'm going to send it to the European committees, all this paperwork, what you're doing to me. And I hope that every person that touched me gets done for targeted malese, which is a 12 year sentence and the rest of it that comes on top. Yeah, you have a left people to attack me continuously. I phoned you over 220 times, told you I've got video evidence of what my neighbours are doing to me and what could the use of spread this sexual assault in mine and Shannon's name to cover up these missing signatures and protect these coppers that set me up in the beginning yeah, the maximum sentences is six months if you get found guilty and arrested for the organization of illegally. They never even arrested me.

Speaker 3:                           07:30                     I never even got arrested. Yeah, I know. I'm riding a nine year sentence curfew, eight year curfew and it don't even have enough for criminal conviction. They gave me a standalone Asbo which means you get see CBO Asbos and standalone Asbo,. Yeah. a standalone Asbo means, it's not a criminal conviction. So if you check my record now and see if the organization of illegal raves is on my criminal record, it's not on my criminal record yeah. A standalone Asbo should be anything but a form of punishment. It's just a deterrent. So why the heck have I got a curfew inside of my Asbo? Inside of it because a curfew. People get released from prison as an early release. It's a form of punishment. So why? Why? I've got a curfew inside of a standalone Asbo, but when I never even got arrested and you do and I'm riding a bigger bird than you could give even if you had enough for criminal conviction. I'm not the right colour skin to fit the crimes. All your timestamps are wrong.

New Speaker:                    08:18                     Simon, Simon.

New Speaker:                    08:18                     Your missing all of your signatures and none of you, we'll deal with it.

Speaker 2:                           08:22                     Simon, I'm going to stop you there because you are repeating yourself now ok. I've let you know that the information has been passed on to officer and It will be for them to call you back. Also, it's the ICPC for them to advise you of any updates. Okay? bout I have got everything down that you've already said.

Speaker 3:                           08:35                     And I have. I'm recording this as well.

Speaker 2:                           08:37                     Ok, that is fine Simon. but at the moments. You have said things a few couple of times now, so I've already got that written down, so it will be passed on

Speaker 3:                           08:44                     you’ve not done nothing in five years about it. In five years, I'll be telling you about your whistle blowing policies about your co; there is an act of law,

New Speaker:                    08:51                     Simon.

New Speaker:                    08:51                     which is called the efficiency Act 1999 and 2003.

New Speaker:                    08:54                     Alright Simon, do you want a reference number for your call, i am going to clear the line

New Speaker:                    08:54                     when I tell you what another police officers doing that is corrupt you're supposed.

New Speaker:                    08:59                     Right Simon.

New Speaker:                    08:59                     His ruined

New Speaker:                    08:59                     to act on it. You’re as bad as a criminal as them because you don't act on what Steve Elesmore and that has done.

New Speaker:                    09:04                     Simon.

New Speaker:                    09:04                     You're all criminals. You signed the Alliance of oath in there.

New Speaker:                    09:07                     I am going to hang up the phone because you are not listening to me, Bye, Bye.

New Speaker:                    09:07                     Well, you have a good day, madam.