Speaker 1:                           00:02                     Good morning, Barnet and Haringey mental Health Trust afternoon, good afternoon, Barnet and Haringay mental Health Care Marie speaking, how can i help.

New Speaker:                    00:04                     Hello Marie It's Mr. Simon Cordell speaking here and I'm an Enfield um, tenant. I've been told, I've been informed today on the telephone that I'm supposed to be yet again having another appointment for an assessment within side of my own home by a mental health department team.

New Speaker:                    00:24                     Right, right.

New Speaker:                    00:24                     And I'm very concerned about the abuse of process cause this will be the 74th time that I've had to spend 74th day of my life recently that I have had to spend with these doctors why they're trying to set me up to, to, to be able to prescribe me as mentally ill when there's nothing wrong with me.

New Speaker:                    00:40                     Right.

New Speaker:                    00:40                     The reason that they again wanted to, sorry, I'm just wanting to continue to reason that yet again, we'll need to have another meet and it's because the number of judges concerned in another case in which they're trying to set off in an Asbo on me. They're trying to make the Asbo set of so I'll get to five years in prison cause they know they was missing all the signatures in the beginning. Just they're just labelled either disease in the general public breach in my personal DPA when I never had nothing wrong with me. And I've got water recordings of the clinics for that. Plus I bought all your doctors, Simon Clark, all the directors, our cooker and all that in my house. And I've got recordings of them in my house.

New Speaker:                    01:11                     Right, Are you under Simon Clark's team.

Speaker 2:                           01:14                     Um, I think that once upon a time I was but, I think because of the complaint that I put in regards to him in the recordings I have of him, I think he's been pushed to the side. He got labelled that he weren't the manager for five minutes or the director for five minutes? No, not a director, no more. Now he's a manager because when he dealt with me, he was a director and I've got recordings obviously and i made a website and that now, uh, and I got everything ready to go.

New Speaker:                    01:38                     I wouldn't cause I'm scared in threat of what you're doing tomorrow. I'm about to go public and that's going to ruin over 150 peoples homes and lives cause I've got 150 names on my wall and I'm concerned about you lot. I'm gonna go public right now.

Speaker 1:                           01:52                     Right, Hold on, hold on. Um, what is this about an assessment.

Speaker 2:                           01:58                     Yes, this is another assessment and the 70 75th assessment that I've got in my diary of you is not containing me. That's the day is included that I had to spend in St Anne's hospital. And every time I've gone to a Tribune when people that there's nothing wrong with me. This is all started because I'm writing a nine year curfew inside of my house right now, which is illegal for a terrorist to even do a nine year curfew.

Speaker 1:                           02:19                     Right, Okay, hold on, hold on. You're gone way too fast for me now.

New Speaker:                    02:22                     Yeah.

New Speaker:                    02:23                     Are you on the community treatment order

Speaker 2:                           02:25                     no? No, there's nothing I've had. What initially happened is in 2014 I had a police case put against me. I won the police case after a year and it barred me from the whole of central London and it barred me from going anywhere. Like I had to signed on at police station at four o'clock in the day time, plus I had to be on curfew by eight o'clock after a year of being on this, um, curfew, I won the case. But in the meantime of that, it made me and my thirteen year relationship breakup. She left the door and I couldn't go out and chase her cause I was on curfew. I met another partner. Got with another partner. She was of a different ethnicity to, she was white and basically I was looking after her child. We was all happy. There was no problems.

Speaker 2:                           03:04                     We had our own, but we she like she got a spot on the top of her arse when she went to go and check and see if she was having a baby. She come back and told me, while I was painting the kid's bedroom that she had this spot on her ass and that she was then on getting checked for herpes. Yeah. I said, it's not a problem. We'd be together. We were together for a few months. I come back home and I have a fit in my own home for five seconds. A little hunky Dunky Dory, one of my neighbors over hear and phone up the police. The police phone you lot up Yeah. And Use lot send out loads of people hmm, doctors to my front door. And you couldn't get access to,

Speaker 1:                           03:35                     Right and when was this?

Speaker 2:                           03:36                     This all started in 2014.

New Speaker:                    03:38                     So, we are talking about 2014.

New Speaker:                    03:38                     Year, and now because of year, and right now today because of the case, because, of the missing, because of all of this the police set me up and they gave me nine years. They went missing all their signatures on the application. So each police officer done four statements pretending that four different people got kept up at one party that I never really through, I copied the Facebook profile which proves I never threw that party. It was somebody else. And i also looked and noticed that on the four statements of the people that got kept up overnight. There was no signatures at the bottom of them, so now each police officer has done for statements with no signatures that I've got the true Facebook accounts that i got set up for, yeah. Plus on top of having the Facebook account, I've got police officers, statements from different boroughs proven that they initially pulled the party over when I wasn't there and they've, they stopped the people and wrote their names down as the organizers.

Speaker 2:                           04:25                     Now all of a sudden, because I'm complaining on the telephone about these things, which are my human rights, they're telling me down the phone that I'm a dead man, that I've been robbed. They're spreading stuff about me and my partners now. I've had your now because of that, your doctors started to come to my front doors, "seven" 52 times. They've come to my front door in my diary and I've got all the recordings for them all transcribed now, 24, something like 14 days in the hospital. I had to spend, which are one the case as well at tribunal now because I'm still complaining about these missing signatures and I've got to write another two and a half years in my house still. Yeah, from 20014 now until 2020 November. Yeah, and I'm refusing to ride another two and a half years and walk. I'm scared to walk out of my house before 10 o'clock for the curfew because the police are trying to grab me.

Speaker 2:                           05:10                     They're are trying to get in my house and put injunctions on me in my house on top.

New Speaker:                    05:13                     of the one outside of my house. Now that now another judge has got worried because I've noticed that they're missing a load of stuff in the case again and what she's gone and done. is said, I've got have another order, but I let your doctors into my house less than a week ago and I've got them on recording a week ago again, and they were more than happy in my house and the recordings shows that they were happy and I don't see why I should have done another assessment.

Speaker 1:                           05:35                     Okay. who have you last had contact with?

Speaker 2:                           05:40                     I had two ladies come to my house. I've got them on recording their names, but I'm dealing with so many different names right now and I'm two trans comes, I can't remember their names, but I built a website, do you have google available to you.

Speaker 1:                           05:52                     I don't my computers are not working our network is down.

New Speaker:                    06:00                     Arr, because.

New Speaker:                    06:00                     Today

New Speaker:                    06:00                     our computers are not working today

New Speaker:                    06:00                     Yeah. I'm just, trying to get to the bottom of this um, can i take your name

Speaker 2:                           06:05                     My name is Mr. Simon Cordell.

Speaker 1:                           06:08                     Simon Cordell.

New Speaker:                    06:09                     Yep.

Speaker 2:                           06:09                     The Judge is basically ordering it right now because she's saying that they; because they have put an Asbo on me outside of my house. Since they've done that, they have put a possession, order on me inside of my house they are trying to take my home.

New Speaker:                    06:20                     Right, you one.

New Speaker:                    06:20                     to try and ban me from the country. Yeah. Then after the possession order,.

New Speaker:                    06:24                     right.

New Speaker:                    06:24                     sorry.

New Speaker:                    06:24                     No go on

Speaker 1:                           06:26                     Sorry to interrupt but this is the mental health act office.

New Speaker:                    06:28                     yeah.

New Speaker:                    06:31                     Um, "WE KILL PEOPLE WHO, UM WHO ARE DETAINED ON SECTION, UM, ARE YOU UNDER SECTION?"

Speaker 2:                           06:41                     No, I'm section, yeah, of course. With them. Of course. With them. Of course. I'm not saying I've never been section, there's never been, nothing wrong with me. I've had to spend since.

New Speaker:                    06:49                     Right, O.K.

New Speaker:                    06:49                     I've been complaining about these signatures missing and being held in my house on a nine year curfew, that I've had the doctors come and attack me 73 times. The first time they come and attack me. Come with Simon Clark. Now, I had a record in my house. They come with council officers, police officers and everything.

New Speaker:                    07:05                     Right, O.K.

New Speaker:                    07:05                     Yeah, no, I've got that recording now. They all break down. The whole team breaks down the mental health team breakdown on that recording and they admit that they've filled in a section one 135 to get into my house illegally saying I wouldn't give them access.

New Speaker:                    07:18                     Right, Ok.

New Speaker:                    07:18                     when I had a meeting with them two days prior yet again.

Speaker 1:                           07:21                     Okay. So, when was this section 135 just one, three, five, one. When was that? What did that

Speaker 2:                           07:26                     the one 135 was issued in 2014 yeah."Si Note: I Should have said 2016"

New Speaker:                    07:29                     year , Oh, Right, so we are still talking about 2014 then.

New Speaker:                    07:29                     Year that's right. "Si note this was the wrong date said by myself"

Speaker 2:                           07:32                     yeah. Now, now in 2014. I'm writing an official complaint. Even now, I'm with the NHS advocacy in regards to it. I built a website and I've got all the audio recordings of them doctors coming in my house with a fake section 135 and admitting that we have filled it in illegally and all that and I have put them in the website. Yeah, now i have gone and built all brand new pdf books, digital books that you flip open and everything and put all the pages of everything happens every day. I've kept an official report, year and I've done all the problem statements, factual questions and everything. Yeah. For it now. Yeah. Now these people that are working in your department, I believe we're going to be putting to disciplinary very shortly and they, you know, not themselves and I let all try to avoid evade disciplinary and they're not, they're trying to attack me again and they want in my house again and they want to label me as crazy when there's nothing actually wrong with me.

Speaker 2:                           08:21                     Yeah. And this is the 75th time that they're attempting to do it now. I knew that they would, that the judge was concerned about another case the other day that they've sent me up for that they have put an possession order in against me on top of the Asbo for nine years. They put an in junctional order in against me while in my house after the nine years and they put another injunction order and then another injunction order. Yeah. These people got five. Five People got hired into the civic center Enfield. Yeah, because it takes Enfield Council and the Metropolitan Police to make an Asbo and a victim. Yeah. Now they never had no victim the council and the police. I've got all the signatures of them having the meetings, which they have to do by law in the council office. Yeah. Now because I'd been phoned the council saying, well, you're missing your signatures.

Speaker 2:                           09:05                     Please. Can you call an emergency general meeting, an EGM meeting and can you go back to the court rather than me, write to you lot, um, and putting, um, down all the corruption and the missing signatures and the timestamps that are wrong to your call centers. In the paperwork, it says that I'm a white person committed the crimes. Yeah. It says that all white males and all females are the ones that done it. Yeah. But I'm not even white, so how can I, now I've got the recording of all the doctors coming in my house and showing them all of this evidence. Yeah. And they're all going, yeah, you're right Simon. You're right, Simon. Now for some reason these doctors all admitting it on the recordings that I'm correct when we're going through all of the folders in my hose but they keep attacking me and keep coming to my front door and keep on wanting assessments.

Speaker 1:                           09:47                     Oh, Right Simon Um, is there a social worker that you are under?

Speaker 2:                           09:51                     I don't have no social worker. I'm a director, I'm and I'm a young person that is set to be an entrepreneur. I've built the festival papers I need to build, I've built everything. I've built print companies ready to establish. I'm legally not allowed to trade any company with inside my house or start any company in my house. If I want to work for any festival, I have to go to Enfield Council and they're the only Bourh that i am aloud to work with. And I, and I've wrote to the other 32 boroughs and they've all said I'm not allowed to work with them because the order says.

New Speaker:                    09:51                    

New Speaker:                    10:18                     the Organization of illegal raves. Yeah. But on the thing, I never got arrested. If something's illegal, you must be arrested for it. They never arrested me and gave me a nine year curfew. The maximum sentence, if they did arrest me six months. So you would only do three months in prison if the maximum sentence for any person caught doing parties is six months. So, why am i riding a nine year curfew and I never even got arrested. Yeah. And now all these doctors are admitting what I'm saying is correct on tape, but they keep abusing their position and that's a criminal offense, breach of positions is it is a breach of process. Fair process. Yeah.

Speaker 1:                           10:52                     Simon, . What would, what would you like us to help you, how would you like us to move forward?

Speaker 2:                           10:57                     I would like, so I would like to, I would like the person that's supposed to be um, contact the person that's supposed to be coming to my house tomorrow, um,.

New Speaker:                    11:04                     Right.

New Speaker:                    11:04                     To contact me today.

New Speaker:                    11:06                     Ok.

New Speaker:                    11:06                     In regards to that me and if it has to be put over to another date,.

New Speaker:                    11:09                     Right, OK.

New Speaker:                    11:09                     I'd like it to be put forward to another date.

Speaker 1:                           11:11                     Okay. Okay. So I'll take it. There was an appointment that there was someone due to come see you.

Speaker 2:                           11:17                     I had some bodey come to meet me less than, um, a week, two weeks, a week ago I called to called your departments and they sent two nurses and two nurses.

New Speaker:                    11:25                     Ok.

New Speaker:                    11:25                     they come in my house.

New Speaker:                    11:27                     and you can't remember their names?

Speaker 2:                           11:29                     I got them on the recordings, but I have to play the recordings back to myself. I'm still not yet to transcribe them up.

New Speaker:                    11:34                     Yeah.

Speaker 1:                           11:35                     I'm trying desperately to help you hear Simon and my network is down, our network is down if I could, if I could put you through to a team, I could could've done it by now. Um, but you can't remember the name. Um, what's, what's your date of birth?

Speaker 2:                           11:49                     26 of the first 1981 I just want to know who's coming to my house tomorrow.

Speaker 1:                           11:55                     Okay. Um, you mentioned Simon clark several times to me.

Speaker 2:                           12:00                     Yeah. that was in the beginning of it all. And He, since since I've, I've pinpointed him out he is disappeared sort of thing, but they keep sending all of their colleagues to my address.

Speaker 1:                           12:10                     Okay. And are those those colleagues, do you think they come under Simon Clarks Team ?

Speaker 2:                           12:15                     Um, some of them I initially did when, when the lady that come here the other day, Elaine, her name was, I think one of them is Elaine.

New Speaker:                    12:20                     Yeah, Right, O.k.

New Speaker:                    12:22                     Now, she, she was the one that had done, wrong, what I'm upset about is she's one of the people that I had on recording. Yeah. She's the main one that filled in the section 135 in 2014 illegally. Now, the other day I phoned up and arranged a meeting with use lot. They come out to my house and it's the same woman that I've got the complaint in against, sitting there listening.

New Speaker:                    12:39                     Right.

New Speaker:                    12:39                     I sill said to her that even low I know it's, you that i have got the complaint in against just come into my house. Anyway, I let her in my house anyway and I showed her everything that i have been building, against her yer and then and I've got all that on recording on my dictator and on the video cameras in my front room and that I know she's, there run out and left. Now I've got some new doctors coming again tomorrow and I don't think why do the doctors need to keep coming to my home.

Speaker 1:                           13:03                     Right, Okay, well i cant answer that to be honest, hmm, right,

Speaker 2:                           13:14                     there in the recordings admitting that there's no signatures and tat white people commit the case. The doctors i have played i have showed all the doctors, my hospital notes saying that I didn't have no disease in 14 in this front room and I showed them, I paid audio, audio recordings of me speaking to those clinics as well. Then they still get all this happened to me, Shannon and Heidi till date and they've let all these rumors be spread about us and endangered our lives.

New Speaker:                    13:36                     O.k.

New Speaker:                    13:36                     To cover up these signatures.

New Speaker:                    13:38                     Alright.

New Speaker:                    13:38                     Now these doctors are trying to kill me and get me put into a hospital. I've already spent two weeks on my life inside of a hospital, when after getting labeled as a disease and they were so horrible. Judy Krzanich, the head of the hospital put me in front of a sex clinic in St Ann's. Now I'm watching all these girls queue up in St Ann's and I have to say to them and there bangging at me from upstairs knowing what the neighbors were doing before I said to them, why?

Speaker 2:                           13:58                     Why are you lot?, Um, why are all of these girls going inside of there? they go that is a sex clinic sex, So, I was like so there is a sex clinic in here and i wrote them a waver and told them to go inside to the sex clinic and check with Evergreen Clinic and see if I've ever had anything wrong with me. Cause Evergreen clinics where I've always gone and they've always gave me my letters proving that there was nothing wrong with me. I had blood tests done after Shannon showed me the spot. I forced them. They said that they don't want to do tests because it's so common. A forced the blood test. When I've got the blood test, the woman phoned me back and she said to me, sit down Simon. You can't, i got it all on recording. You can't have sex with anyone again. You can't kiss anyone again. I was like, what? Even with protection, she was like, not even weed protection.

Speaker 2:                           14:31                     You can't cause there's a chance that you give it some, I'll put the phone down. I broke my heart. Yeah, now, she never called me for a consultation. They took me two weeks to get my head around it. When I ended up at the bottom of my mom's bed talking to her like a kid again, saying mum, this is what is being said about me. Mum year, Like boom, boom. This one was saying this. My Mom said did she call you for consultation. I went down to Evergreen clinic. Yeah, cause I never had a consultation when I, when I sat there with the cliniticiton and looked at what the papers say. He said, I suggest you may have been a carrier of it yer in your blood Yeah. I've never had nothing, no symptoms with me. I've never had nothing on me. And then this government was so scared of what?

Speaker 2:                           15:06                     What happened and then missing signatures and timestamps. that they called use lot like, every single day of forcing you lot to come to my house knowing that I'm building a report and that it is going to damage these people's careers, the next person that comes to my front door is lost their job as well. Yeah. And I'm not my playing about all of the recordings and videos. I've, got i've done a proper website. It's not fair that they're using you lot to cover up what they've all done and

New Speaker:                    15:28                     His won it.

New Speaker:                    15:28                     use lot seem to be happy to go with the company you are representing A lot of them members seem to be happy for that to happen

Speaker 1:                           15:34                     Okay. Simon, Simon, would you mind very much if I made contact with Simon Clarke and gave him your phone number?

Speaker 2:                           15:40                     Um, I don't think Simon is the right person for me to be speaking to again right now. with everything that I'm building against him and what's happening to me. Them doctors come into my house tomorrow. Yeah. I'm telling you I'm leaving this website live. I can get a phone under a section two in the hospitals. I'm allowed to compute in hospitals under section two and I've got the website loaded. With everything in it? Yeah, I've got all access to 20 million emails here. that I've not used once since this has happened. I've got 20 million emails, which are worldwide. Yeah. And I've got over 500,000 telephone numbers. Yeah. I will press return and multi spam everybody with everything, year, with what has happened, all the audios and videos and all of my diary and my report. Yeah. If anyone comes to my house and tries to bully me again tomorrow or abuse their position.

Speaker 1:                           16:26                     Right, Okay, hold on

Speaker 2:                           16:26                     so, so you can tell Simon that if anyone comes to my house tomorrow and tries to take me away when they all know that there's is nothing wrong with me.

Speaker 1:                           16:32                     Right i will tell you what, let me keep you Simon's number.

New Speaker:                    16:34                     i am going public

Speaker 2:                           16:34                     I don't want to phone Simon Clark I'm writing a complaint against him. It would be prejudice towards the case on the ongoing is at present. I'll put a complaint with the NHS advocacy in regards to him and his behavior in the way that he's left me and foul treatmenting people.

New Speaker:                    16:49                     Right, O.K.

New Speaker:                    16:49                     It is over a hundred page document just there and my website. Now he's thousands of pages. Every day I do a diary, full diary, every email, this phone conversation I'm going to take that now and transcribe it and it's going to go inside the diary.

New Speaker:                    17:02                     Mutter

New Speaker:                    17:02                     I've got the full book.

Speaker 1:                           17:04                     Okay. How do you spell your surname is it?

Speaker 2:                           17:06                     C O. R. D. E. Double L.

New Speaker:                    17:09                     Okay.

Speaker 1:                           17:09                     Alright. Um, bear with me. Hold on.

New Speaker:                    17:12                     Okay.

New Speaker:                    18:01                     Hello Simon.

New Speaker:                    18:03                     Hello.

New Speaker:                    18:06                     Hello, Sorry to keep you holding.

New Speaker:                    18:06                     Arr thank you, thanks

New Speaker:                    18:06                     I got the Complaints numbers if it is any help to you.

Speaker 2:                           18:09                     I've already got complaint with in with the NHS Advocacy. I'll take it off.

New Speaker:                    18:11                     Oh, you got them.

New Speaker:                    18:11                     You know, I've already gotten an official complaint in with the NHS advocacy in the process.

New Speaker:                    18:16                     O.K.

New Speaker:                    18:16                     And that is what I'm saying?

New Speaker:                    18:16                     O.k

New Speaker:                    18:16                     And basically.

New Speaker:                    18:18                     Ok.

New Speaker:                    18:18                     she's saying to me, look, can I just send it to everybody? And I'm saying no just hold back for a second because I don't want to ruin everyone's jobs.

New Speaker:                    18:24                     Alright.

New Speaker:                    18:24                     Yeah, I'm saying just hold it there. Hold it there for a second. Yeah. Even though I know what they'd done and what I had to go through and what i suffered because of them, I'm still acting better than them and saying just hold your finger on the button for a second now that I called the doctors the other day and let them in my house again now they have come to my door again and now they want to come to my door again tomorrow.

New Speaker:                    18:42                     Right.

New Speaker:                    18:42                     I'm going to tell her to press return and send it over to use lot.

Speaker 1:                           18:46                     Okay. Okay. Let me give you three numbers here. Okay. Have you got pen?

New Speaker:                    18:51                     Yeah. Okay.

New Speaker:                    18:51                     Okay. You can try the Barnet office.

New Speaker:                    18:56                     Okay.

New Speaker:                    18:56                     i got.

New Speaker:                    18:56                     which is (0208) 702-3839 and there is the Enfield Office as well which is 02087026456 and there is our Haringey office, which is 0208

Speaker 2:                           19:21                     i got most of these already. I've got them in my report.

New Speaker:                    19:24                     year you got that one.

New Speaker:                    19:24                     and the people inside of the departments that i have dealt with, all of them i have got all of them because I've got a wall of shame. I've done a wall of shame. I've done, I've done, I've done everything.

New Speaker:                    19:24                    

New Speaker:                    19:31                     I've met, made a new newspaper called horrific corruption.com and it's a blogging website. Yeah. Now I've made it all brand new out of adobe if you check adobe indesign. Yeah. In designs. A good software to learn. It shows you how to make all the latest brand new pdf books that flip open. Now i have every email because that was before this all started and your doctor's got involved. There was 500 emails from 2014 to 2016 yeah. To the MP'S. And to the councils and to everyone in regards to what was happening with the case and in regards to my neighbors being left to attack me and the video evidence that I've got of my neighbors is attacking me yeah, and now your Mental Health team come here

Speaker 2:                           20:07                     for an instance, and when they come here, there was a woman called Debbie that lived above me now. She lived there for six years and I looked after her. Now she started attacking me. Now i thought. She was a nun,.

New Speaker:                    20:18                     Right.

New Speaker:                    20:18                     but now I found that recently she wasn't a nun. She actually had two children. Debra Andrews, she is under your mental health teams. I explained that to the doctors, what she was doing to me in this, that house and showed them video all on the recordings and then they moved Debra out of the house into a hotel. Then they'd moved her back into the flat again and let her attack me again. Yeah, and they all knew that Deborah had her children taken away from her. Because Stain just recently told me, yes, Stain, told me that she had her children taken away from her and use lot have let her treat me like her children that you've lot have got taken away and she's been bangging and done all of this. Now I have a letter, I've gone and met another woman afterwards. I've got another woman.

Speaker 1:                           20:55                     Right, Simon,.

New Speaker:                    20:55                     Yes go on.

New Speaker:                    20:55                     Right, can I stop you here because I think you're better off speaking to a patient experience advisor.

New Speaker:                    21:00                     Ok.

New Speaker:                    21:00                     If I can give you their name that their number because I don't want to repeating what you're telling me.

New Speaker:                    21:09                     i appricate that i am so sorry.

New Speaker:                    21:09                     if that will save your time yet.

New Speaker:                    21:11                     I am sorry for going on but.

New Speaker:                    21:11                     if that will save your time.

New Speaker:                    21:11                     year.

New Speaker:                    21:11                     year, It's 02087026705 or you can put it in writing to this address,.

New Speaker:                    21:24                     Ok.

New Speaker:                    21:24                     which is Barnet and Enfield and Haringey

Speaker 3:                           21:27                     yeah.

Speaker 1:                           21:28                     Mental health. NHS Trust.

Speaker 3:                           21:32                     Okay.

Speaker 1:                           21:33                     Patient experience team.

Speaker 3:                           21:35                     Okay.

Speaker 1:                           21:37                     St Ann's hospital.

New Speaker:                    21:40                     Yea,Julia Cranitch i have already go it all.

New Speaker:                    21:40                     Yeah, you got it

Speaker 2:                           21:43                     Its all in my email based off took all of the hospitals and everyone's names, all the mps and everyone's, I phoned everyone, there was 500 emails. Yeah. So them 500 emails that my mom was writing towards all of the director's formal complaints. Subject access requests, freedom of informations and all that telling them that my neighbors are doing this to me and Debra is doing all that. I phoned my mum has gave me all those emails so I phoned up all of the names on them, which is obviously, all the complaints have climbed up to the highest points of all the departments now. I phoned them up afterwards and recorded them all and like all the directors for all, most all of the companies recorded them all because I wanted to see what they were doing with the complaints. Now i have loaded all of them up and the departments, so just for like the mental health department, I've got like a hundred recordings of all the boss;s and everything that's gone on explaining to everyone and i have put them in the report and I've uploaded that to it's own part in the website.

Speaker 2:                           22:33                     Then I've done the same for the police call centers. The same for the sexual clinics. The same for everyone, which proves all the evidence of what's been going on and what they've all been neglecting to have there when they were supposed to be acting as responsible people, reasonable people under the tout tool, laws of civil litigation, they, they have not acted reasonable or in compliance to what is actually going in regards to there things and i think that this is going to be a massive cases and that a lot of people are going to learn.

New Speaker:                    22:57                     All right, Simon

Speaker 1:                           22:58                     People are going to be changed from this.

New Speaker:                    22:59                     Simon i think that your best best talk call is to talk to patient experience.

New Speaker:                    23:00                     Thank you, yer i will do,.

New Speaker:                    23:03                     all right thank you madam.

New Speaker:                    23:06                     You seem like a really nice person.

New Speaker:                    23:07                     Thank you.

New Speaker:                    23:07                     Do you know what I'm most probably not even gonna to put this in there I won't even put this in there. I'm even going to put this in there.

New Speaker:                    23:11                     i hope everything goes ok\.

New Speaker:                    23:11                    

New Speaker:                    23:15                     arr, well thank you.

New Speaker:                    23:15                     There are people that i don't want to have an effect on.

New Speaker:                    23:17                     Alright, thank you for that.

New Speaker:                    23:18                     No, you have a good day.

New Speaker:                    23:20                     You too.

New Speaker:                    23:23                     Bye. Bye.