
who is it

Nevil Gray:

it's Enfield Council


Who from Enfield Council


Hello how are you doing 

Nevil Gray:



Year how are you doing, can I ask you a few question before I allow you entry to my house

Nevil Gray:

Yeah, We're just here to carry out a assessment


yeah I accept that I accept that and I'm happy to allow in access you in access to my premises

Nevil Gray:

We're just here to carry out an assessment 








I've been complaining to yourself, I met you yourself




dad let me speak please, i am going to allow you access, Like you are saying because i understand what you have done, but my concern is with you and your friend is that i never chased you to your car and you have already made false allegations against me

Nevil Gray:

That is being dealt with


No you are a lair

Nevil Gray:

that will be dealt with


No, no you are Lie to get access to my house to get the court order

Nevil Gray:

that will be dealt with


Now this is another issue that i have yer i have the videos of what has been going on. The first complaint that you have got on Lemmy's thing is 2016

Nevil Gray:

i am not going to discuss it you are either  going to allow me access or 


I am going to allow you access to my premises i have already told you that i am going to allow the access

Nevil Gray:

its not up for dissociation 


yer but you have already set me up, why did you lie 






may i ask you man to man 



Nevil Gray:

May i suggest that you listen to me now or i will call the police


yer but why did you lie i am asking you

Nevil Gray:

Right i am going to ask you once more


yes come in come in 




Come in come in to the house, come in to the house why did you lie and say i chased you to your car

Nevil Gray:

i suggest you shut it



Nevil Gray:

i am not prepared to talk



Simon, Simon




why did you set me up

Nevil Gray:

you will have the opportunity to explain it at court 


i got video evidence of them lot banning at me before 2016

Nevil Gray:

i am going to say now that i am not going to discuss it



Simon, Simon




i have got video evidence 

Nevil Gray:

Do not talk to me 


i am allowed to talk to you, you are coming into my house. Come in. I am saying that you are welcome i am saying that you have got access




Calm down



I am allowed to talk to you about this house and what i am talking to you about is being assaulted you have got an Enfield Badge on you. you have got a line manager yer and i am telling you now that i have got video evidence of this lot trying to kill me in my house and i have been asking you lot to protect me

I am not willing to discuss this with you


yer before 2016

Nevil Gray:

i am not going to discuss it


i am a smart brother i got evidence of this guy the other day trying to set me up




i got video evidence, I recorded you the other day


Let them all just come in


OK, Come in come in



can we just concentrate on the business in hand today and just get an inspection done yer


yer of course Sir i am a smart man and i would like you to see the things that he wants to do in my house


its all right do not worry

i think there might be a stop barrel here


we are going to have to move this


we are going to have to move this


yer do what you want





yer do what you want, you are free to do what you want now that you have entered into this house


there is one stop cock down the bottom and it only controls my flat and my flat only


anything that needs repairs you can take photos of 

Nevil Gray:



Brother come and look at this video evidence and see what they have been doing to me inside of my house 


No Simon he is not going to 


Yer but i am asking this other gentlemen he seems like a wise man. Can i show you one thing




I made a diary containing every day that they have been attacking me. That gate does not work, That gate does not work look take a picture of here it for show, look there is metal plate going across here you can not lock it, can you also take a picture of here

Nevil Gray:

this gate is not allowed


no it is allowed to be here it is for show, i am allowed anything in my house i want the gate is DE commissioned 

Nevil Gray:

Right i am not going to go down this road any more



Simon, Simon



take a full picture of the thing here

i have not finished taking pictures

Right but can you take a picture of here and prove that it can not lock

Right do you want me to go to my car and get the order

Go and get the order 

Can i have a copy of the order

you are using an order against me you lot set me up for the first Asbo

yer what is an Asbo

Simon calm down

and the time stamps are wrong and there is no key witness 

now you set me up for the second Asbo which i have got the videos here 




and they killed my baby

they bang till they killed my baby

in my girl stomach and I got all the medical notes and all of the Sms here 

and you lot are bios i been asking you since 2014 writing to the 


writing to the Mps i got 20 letters to the Mps 

Simon calm down

I have asked you three times now



i am taking to this fellow yer i am not talking to you 

OK you are talking to me i am going to phone Enfield council

i am not talking to you i am talking to this gentlemen 

Sir what is your name i am Mr Simon Cordell

i am Mr Ebanks

Mr Ebanks can i shake your hand or not?

yer of course 

now can i invite you into my house for two seconds, while they do what they want to do 

To be honest i am here to sort this out 


so, if you are here to come and sort it out come and have a look at this then yer 

look at this video evidence of what they are doing to me fam and look at this diary of what i made of every day yer




of what Enfield Council have done to me yer

Pass that to me and i will put it over here 

this whole conversation is being recorded here of what you are doing

you are a liar you said that i chased you to your car 

and i have got video evidence of when you set me up

Simon stop he has said that he does not ant to speak to 


Talk to me



What are you recording me:


yes we are

Right i am going to call the police 

For what you are in my house

you have not got my permission

you do not no how to use the laws

you have not got my consent



you do not know how to use the law

Right you have not got my consent and we have got a court order

i have let you into my house 

and you are continuing to talking

i am allowed to you you are a person in my house

right i am not giving you consent

do not tell me not to speak in my own house 

Simon turn the recorder of 

do not tell me i am not allowed to speak in my own house

turn the recorder of and leave it please

i am allowed to speak in  my own house

Turn the phone off

they cant tell me that i am not allowed recording equipment inside of my own house

can you stop please

he cant tell me that it is my premises it my human rights Artical 3 you are not allowed to get degraded or humiliated any state official Artical 3 of my human Rights

Artical 2 the right to life 

Artical 13 the right to a private and family life 

you forged paperwork all ready to get the injunction order already to get

Simon Calm down

You forge paperwork to get an injunction order against me 

Simon please calm down

there is no problem with the water

there is nothing wrong with my flat 

There is just running water pipes

there is nothing wrong with my flat

there is a valve there that should not be 

that has been there since i moved into this flat 

yer i am not accusing you 


i have had about twenty survivors in here

Simon calm down now



Dad all of this needs to be on the recordings so that people can see what they are doing to me.

are these water pressure tall right on your sink

Simon can you check the cold water

my water pressure went down a little while ago


and it keep being a problem but they come out and put new stop cocks outside


and it sort of started to fix the problems 

and is it alright now

yer my water is back to normal as well but i was suffering 



yer i have got nothing wrong here mine is fresh

yer, yer but you have got to appreciate we have got to find out why this is all happening

yer but that is there own problem, she has been attacking me 



21:53 pm




she killed my baby she's got adult son that lays upstairs yeah  the same age as me and they bang some thing about my medical notes

Lorraine come her for a minute

i got all of my medical notes to the clinic proving that i never had any disease or nothing yer

i protected the family and looked after them yer and then they sit there banning and banging and banging 

until they killed my kid 

i got another woman in here and got her pregnant and they banged again till they killed her as well yer

her baby and i got all the evidence of it all 


you talk to him

i have not done nothing wrong in here this is my home i treat it like a family home 

i had  at thirteen year relation ship in here 

i have never had a party 

i have never had any arguments

i paint it and look after it

i walk into other peoples council houses and they are ruined yer 

you should see the hard work that i am doing i built a model Constitution to protect the people 

i have built a charity


and they have banged and destroyed my charity


He lied and set me up 


He is writing an Asbo

the first Asbo is already forged 


and now you are forging the second Asbo as well

i got diary of 2500 days and i record evidence on most of them days 


you have lied and said that i chased you to your car and i have got the video evidence of it


I am taking you lot to court and when we go to court i am going to play it all and prove that i never chased you to your car 

yer i showed you my medical notes i showed you 

Tell him to calm down


on that day i showed you my medical notes and you run away when i showed you my medical notes


and that is what i done i showed you my medical notes and you run

you run

you run like a scarred cat


you run because you know what you are doing to me 

Simon, just calm down and let them sit down

let them just check

just keep it down 

i got it all on type

he has been, the council can i just show you something please

He is setting me up he is lying and saying that i chased him to his car the other day dad this guy

the council are saying that my son never complaints in and i have only printed of a few that are here and these are just a few yer

take the pipe from here to there and break it of and put a house pipe on to there and see what the pressure is like if the pressure is good from there to there then they got a blockage then the lady needs to get her stop cock checked


Can you see that like this one here can you see that point coming out of the floor that is your mains coming from outside

tea is of for us this is his flat then he goes up. Same thing next floor

His done the job his got the job.

 My son the council seem to be saying that they have nothing on there computers in regards to complaints that is 2017

from my understanding that is a different case going on from then

No but my son has been complaining about what the neighbours have been doing to him, Right they are saying that they have got no complaints on the system

Right who did you chat to 


Everyone she contacted everyone the Mp

I actually put the complaint up very high

Right look at all of these  this is 2015 yer 

No one has addressed anything and this is just a few weeks

i have only been in the job for a few weeks

The council are doing nothing why

are you alright yer 

i am recording it and then transcribing it to paper and then it goes into my book what happens everyday




the council are actual saying 

well the council said that 

the council are actually saying that they have got no records of anything it seems like a load of stuff has been deleted 

Look at this sir look at what they are doing to me 

Simon leave that no

Yer but look at what the are doing to m, look at what they are doing to me in my yard

How do i say it we do not have the authenticity to delete things of the record 

look at what they are doing to me fam

look what they are doing watch this watch this


watch what all of these neighbours are doing to me 


Simon turn it of

this is all dated before what they done to me yer

they killed my baby

Simon stop

Enfield council wont protect me, they killed my baby yer 

you let them kill my baby i got the evidence yer 

look what they are doing to me when i am working in my own house yer

i got my medical note i got everything i never had anything wrong with me

the government set me up yer 

there is no witness there is no time stamps on the other injunction and now you are trying to get another injunction on me fam

what is going on fam 

i look after my house i look after the people i got as model Constitution i done everything 

did you put this kitchen in 

no it was like this

they come here and they offered to put a new kitchen in but they said Simon this is better than your other kitchen keep this kitchen

so when the council come here they said that they are keeping this kitchen yer and i said OK 

they said if i want them to put a new kitchen in they will put a  new kitchen in 


you can look at my diary other here 

Simon just leave it

and that is it yer thank you i am glad that you take them pictures yer of that because i have been asking you lot since 2014 and the Mps to protect me 

they come and fitted a new kitchen in this house 

look this was fitted before i come here and the council know i have had about 50 survivors here 

taking pictures of it all they offered me a brand new kitchen and i said no that i do not want the kitchen i said that i am going to keep this kitchen 


time 07:42


because this is what needs to be in court 

he shock my hand and agreed that i can keep this kitchen

i know but by you accepting to keep this kitchen it takes you of the decent homes do you know that

No it does not they said to me that they want me to keep this kitchen 

they turned around and said that this kitchen is far better than the one that they were going to install

the way way it work

that may be the case but what it basically means is tat when you became a tenant if this kitchen was here and it was none standard hmm

in my experience and i have got a lot of experience because of its my job

i never installed this 

yer carry on

so if i came into the property 

if i get into a property say that if 

if you can be a decent person if you wont and i hope that you can because i am a good person here and i do not want to get you into trouble

yer carry on 

if i go into a property say you are a knew tenant


and i was showing you around the property and it was a none standard kitchen you would have two options


19:52 time

You would have the option to have it replaced which would be em,

 it would have to comply with the voice family we are working on hospital


we are pursuing the voice family

 which is what 

turn this of Simon because i can not here what he is saying

any time that i have been up to there house i have got all of the recordings, every time and everything

alright just stop

now when we come into you property after it has been tenanted and look and there is  a none standard kitchen in there in a decent home

you have to understand that they work on a job

when they came in and they were doing the boiler the kitchen and the bathroom em this was em home

yer i am getting to that what you have is decent homes 

they turned around and said they turned around and said to my son 

Fam, look at this yer

No Simon please i am trying to talk 

decent homes will work on externals

i  am not having this 

the externals will be doors windows 

20:15 time



i am fuming i am sorry dad but you have not had to sit in here for all of these days while they have been banging at me

i cant work i can not do anything and this man had forged a warrant to get into my home and he is also trying to put another Asbo on me and i am supposed to have respect for him

i listen to what he wants and do what they have requested but as a person i do not think that he is  a good person

yes correct

his bad he is poison he is a liar

well i am talking about the ones that come and done the kitchen the bathroom 

just one property on his own and he has got a dog 

Simon will you behave

Dad listen i am not even legally allowed to be homeless 

that is what it says in the first injunction / Asbo i am not allowed to go to any squatted buildings or anything i am not even allowed to be homeless and now they are taking my home of me 

and i have not done anything wrong

all of it needs to be on audio this will show how serious what is going on

he is refusing to take any acknowledgement towards the videos that i am showing them of them lot attacking me

Let them talk

they actually turned around and said to him that this is a much better kitchen than what we was going to be putting in 

i do not care i am going to ruin there life's 

i am going to destroy them


I am going to go online and show my diary and any one that has done anything bad or touched me

you are going to ruin who's life's

any body that has touched me from Enfield council and

i am just going to remind you that i am an officer of Enfield Council

yer and i have not done nothing wrong i have got a diary 

i have got a diary a legal diary

Simon stop

that i am going to show the truth about 


Simon calm down

So, going back to the kitchen for a moment, they will then take you of the program 


the  kitchen the life spam of the kitchen will then be twenty five years 

Right OK

So, every twenty five years we program that in 

well no one has said that to my son



Every twenty five years we program a new kitchen in



say for an example which need to be re programmed in the year of 2000 it will be programmed in again in the year of 2025

Right with you 

So, if this kitchen if they came out in the year of 200 hypercritically and you decided to keep the kitchen

I believe it was in about the year of 2013 till 2014 when they come out 

so, right 2013


2028 maybe

oh, yer, yer, yer

so 2028 next

right with you

so, you will be of the program 

well they did not say that to my son 

in between that time when of when you are not having the kitchen done, as your landlord we are responsible

i will buy a new house soon anyway

i have got intentions of working hard 


we will carry out the repairs 

the problem with and in accordance to our repairs policy 


we wont carry out repairs for kitchens that we have not installed 

well can i explain 

Fam look at this diary yer 


just so you can see with a glimpse of your own eyes yer because many people have not seen this yet and this is their problem 




This is who tried to kill Simon, yer, its a diary here. Everyone of these chapters is  a day of my life and what they done to me and this is built from hard core evidence all of my emails time stamped. I have used all of my phone messages extracted and this is now why i want them all arrested and is all about what the council officers have done to me, yer and everyone of these is about what they have done to me. Can you see how many days are missing only a couple of days in this whole thing and these are the people who have attacked me. My neighbours, yer.


this is everyday i have got 100% in writing in traditional words i got all my grammar going well so that i could build a new model Constitution and charity yer


can i show you something




well can i explain when they was coming out and i will show you something else that i wont you to take a note of in a second 


when they come out they turned around and said to my son that this was a far better kitchen than what the council would be putting in

so he would be better of keeping it so my son agreed to that 


if you could come in for a second i will show you


i do not need to 


no, no, i was just carrying on from what you had said about the improvements, yes which the council have seen as they have sent survivor after survivor



My son did 




i do not know i think he actually did 


i know that the council has said each time that they have come in here that there is no problem with this so, if you find that there is an problem which has only just been raised over the last past couple of months


right it is my job as legal disrepair to challenge it


right if you think that there is a problem with it i will get this wall replaced 


yer no problem what so ever


so what happened with it


it was like this 


there was not a wall here 


there should have been a wall here and a frame here and  a fire door there 


but i have lived here for fifteen years the council have come in here and allowed for it to happen they put all the pipes here, they had about twenty survivor here 


Mr. Cordell i can only comment on what i can see 



that is nothing i have done nothing wrong you have come into my home to try and rape me  just so that you can cover up everything 




you are setting me up you have lied to get a warrant to come into my house and said that i have chased you to you car. i never chased you to your car


is that got asbestos in it 




are you saying that i chased you to your car


have you had an asbestos survey done


the guy is fake


Simon have you ever had a asbestos survey done 


i believe they done it, anything that they have wanted to do they have had access


yer i believe he had them done because he had loads of assessments done




All of my medical notes are in here all the police do you know that the police are on the phone spitting at me going fuck you you black bartered going "per", i got all of the recordings, listen to Lemmy




no let them here them self's


Basically as  i stated in my emails to the council the flat was suffering from damp in the property since he has moved in i will show you some of the conditions, that wall, there is sill a problem here, this is just some of the pictures


let me show them dad what time it really is because they wrong in what they are doing @Not protecting me" 


If they had listened to the emails that me and mother had sent then my baby would not be dead they never protected me


Simon this is not the right time 


when i showed them evidence that i 




Enfield Council have got the blame for my baby being dead yer as far as i am concerned yer


i have been writing to them all the Mps and everything and you lot have not done anything and now you lot are following up complaints from the 16th 2016


i have got videos of what they done to me


Alright hold on


Simon, Simon, Simon stop a second


Videos after videos i have got phone calls after phone calls asking the council to protect me 


phoning the council and police asking them to please protect me and they are saying you lying you are brown down the phone to me


You are an immigrant your self,




you are an immigrant yourself you should understand how i am made to feel


Simon stop



You want to stop acting Prejudice


Prejudice i cant i have got my father here




you come into this country or family did and got citizenship




if people come and started to discriminate against your kids because of the colour of there skin you should also get upset


Simon, what you are doing is wrong


No dad leave me dad, let me live my own life 




it ant wrong yer its the same about i am a brown boy on the block and that is all scribbled other my paperwork and that i am a black cunt


i am a black boy occupier 


i do not have a black group if i was [part of a black boy on the block occupation i would be apart of the kkk too i am a mixed race 





scribbled all in my paperwork yer scribbled every were


what are you doing


putting it all on audio so that when i put it in my book it is all in my book dad, that i told these blokes and no one could here what i am saying.



you stop because you are all other it telling me to stop and this is got to go into my book as it is the truth of what really happened


yer but do not point it out 


Is there a problem with my flat


as far as  i can tell you are alright i just want to test the pressure coming into the building


the flat is in good condition yer




They are taking the piss.


I swear to god i was working do you know what happened yer i was working i was throwing parties yer doing my little thing, yer. I started to build a festival and a new Constitution for the people and all that yer, i had a business partner. I got nicked for a gazebo that they found gone missing out of one of the buildings they said it come out of a building So, they put me on bail conditions for a year, i am not allowed to leave, i am not allowed to do this, i am not allowed to do that and it ruined my life, a bit yer. After i won I gave a receipt out of a till machine and bust the case. yer, and it showed that i brought this and i won the case, they expected me to go to prison for four years, yer. I walked out of my house and i had lost my girl from thirteen years because of it, yer. I went out of my house, yer, met another girl, started looking after her i was well happy in life with her, started to have a family with her and everything, yer. She goes to get some check or something, she came back moaning about a spot on the top of her ass, yer, its nothing me and her were looking after each other 

"Background noise sound Enfield Council Employee"



i spoke to my next door neighbour Stain because he was like a  father to me and he starts telling this other drunken woman that he is getting dunk with.

The next thing i know is that Ozzie starts phoning the police and they start sending the doctors out


that dos not actually work, they disconnected it when they done this work 


they throw a massive Asbo outside of my front door yer and now this Asbo accuses me of being ten other people yer ten people who through parties one after the other. So, they tried to turn me into a super grass, yer. I basically said go away bugger of you lot you dirty cops



i proved that there was a section 144 i


you have keep up with what is going on haven't you




so if there is a section on the door and the cops are writing that in there statements they have got no right to come into the house into the house basically unless they can prove a commercial company is running and they refused to do that yer they could not prove it. So, the next thing that i know because i noticed all of the time stamps are wrong and that they never had any signatures at the bottom of the statements.


do you want a hand 

[00:19:27]  till


Mother & Man Chatting 

Bad Sound


why are you taking that of


so, you are coming in, what is your name because you are coming in to let them attack me


No i am not


so have you seen the video evidence now of what i have got of them lot coming in an attacking me and they are using that as a viscous weapon, to attack me.


I am just a plumber, 


so, just hold of for a second, you do not have to go all out  with it, this guy is a lemon for what they represent for them selves, yer. Just do the job you need to do i have got respect for you their is nothing wrong with that part there, yer


this family upstairs has got a baby. These people they have got a new baby up there about three years old and they have been bagging at me for three years ,yer. They are not even secure tenants. I am a secure tenant a British Citizen and i know my Human Rights, Yer, they are violating my life, yer and this council will not protect me and they will not protect the rest of the Estate or the people on it


Time 16:15


I have got  a new Constitution look at this what i have built for all the people like you have  a little look.

This is  a.


I need to turn the water of

Plumbers Assistant:

 yer, i need to turn the water of one sec, have you got the screw driver, alright i will turn it of for you 


Plumbers Assistant:

yer you your head gone


i have got some at my own house, WHICH IS FOR THE SAME hmm

Plumbers Assistant:

Is there a valve switch




Yer its on

Plumbers Assistant:

is it on





they are taking the piss



They killed my baby and you lot are not going to do anything about it, you represent Enfield Council and i am showing you video evidence right now of them attacking me of them attacking me are you going to get her arrested are you going to talk to your line managers Sir


What is your name again. you are in my house what is your name again 


Nevil Gray


Nevil Gray i have shown you a video now yer


Simon let him just do his job he does not want to see the videos


Yer but he works for Enfield Council, yer and it is all on recording now and he set me up the other day for a thing on the 16th yer for the 16th


now you have seen the Emails

Nevil Gray:

Can i go 


now you have seen the Emails from before and are you feeling different about it

Nevil Gray:

Excuse me


That you lot have not protected me, are you feeling different why are you in my house


Simon stop


have you not seen the emails are you not feeling different now, do you feel different at all, do you, do you, do you see how clean my house is




do you feel different fam


why are you in my house for you ant in everyone else house like this do not trip over Fam i have listened 


Do you know what you are a good chapter in m book you are, you are a good chapter that is what you are 




His a good chapter in my book, your a good chapter the public is going to love you



the public is going to love you fam


yes i can hear him


he is always like this he keeps it on, you are just going to have to keep the television on


Is the tap still opened

Nevil Gray:

No that is fine i am just saying for future

Plumber Assistant:

All right leave that on for his baby

Nevil Gray:

OK er not going to switch it of his not going to last long 10 minutes

Nevil Gray:

i just wanted to check yer because offersley i will just have to raise some orders, sorry, i will have to raise some orders to get it looked at

Nevil Gray:



i built a model Constitution i built charity's and they destroyed it i put a million pound into that company. They banged and banged and banged, i wrote to the councils and the Mp's. I have got thirty friends who have stayed in this house that say that they got assaulted


Simon stop


Can we go into the bedroom


Yes you can


thirty friends and they have all done witness statements and the police will not do anything about it and you lot as well


Simon stop


no his got an Enfield Council badge around him and i want to know why Enfield Council members let this happen when we are writing to the Mps


are you all right in there


And they are in my house right now why are you in my house now over this but Lemmy will not come here over them killing my baby, why wont Lemmy Newibuisi come to this house when i am asking yer


all of this was completed and all done


and there were problems in here as well


this is were main problem was he was not allowed in his room for over a year


the flat is OK there is nothing wrong with the flat


Plumber Assistant:

you cool yer



Plumber Assistant:

yer there dead


yer, i have looked after the flat i have keep it clean i have keep it managed


 this is all the festival paperwork i built over there:


Simon stop


Model Constitution


Its in the bag


They can not put me down for this

Plumber Assistant:

Have you got one on your van


I will run out now


there dead


these lot broke into my house to build a case against me have you not seen the emails and how many times i asked for help


Simon stop


why are you helping them i am being realistic, be realistic with what is going on i have shown loads of emails 


May i ask what is going on

Nevil Gray:

He tried asking me why i have not taken a picture of that


Because you are going to get it repaired


yer but why are you in my house in the beginning like you wont be here, so, you or none of you lot will come here over me phoning you lot 100 times and Lemmy wont come here. He has just put a forged injunction order against me, yer. why wont none of you lot come here and watch the video evidence and protect me, why wont you lot protect me, why are you here to degrade me and not protect me.


They do they keep banging at him from upstairs


Sorry fam man 


Calm down


Yer seriously


Yer but he lied the other day


but after this has all been sorted out


Yer but he lied the other day


after we have done the inspection we will take a look into the issues that you are on about


yer, thank you


yer, but you have got to keep calm


Do you no what do you know the only reason that this is yer it is because he lied


I know that in my house i have asbestos


remember that there is an Injunction against you


Yer that is because they want to set me up for another five years but i am innocent, remember my book fam


you do not wont the police to come


Fam the police will not touch me because do you know what they have just done, yer. The police set me up they scribbled in my thing that i am a black boy on the block, yer.



They forced me to court for some Asbo, yer. What is for the organisation of illegal raves, they forgot to arrest me for something that is illegal, yer. What they tried to do is set me up for ten of my friends, for throwing parties when and around while i was on curfew for that gazebo in the back garden. Right and i looked at the paper-work and i noticed that there is a section in their statements and on the door once it is on  the door it a place of residence, so, they have to prove that it is  a commercial business being run inside there and they haven't so i should win the case like that and you forgot to arrest me for something that is illegal, they knew that they was in trouble because they had forged the paper-work. i can prove they forged it because look i have got the court transcripts the next time that i looked at it i noticed that all the time stamps are wrong.

Now i looked at the members of the public and this is all over sixteen people who got keep up over night for one night yer and now i am doing years for it yer the maximum sentence is six months do three months in prison and some how i am doing eight years for it yer including the case for the year for the burglary. I can not even go to warehouse night club or anywhere i can not do anything, i noticed, i looked at the paper -work yer and i noticed see the signatures at the bottom or if i take a statement of you and you put your signature at the bottom of it if you refuse to go to court then there is no case for me to answer, these people refused to sign the signatures and plus on top of refusing to sign they refused to attend to court and these lot, fifteen police officers went to court a forced it against me yer 

I know that i have won the case 100% so clearly [00:25:47] 




Right OK then


this flat is alright


Right OK then


But i have just got to check from there to there and that valve should not be in there so, i might have to take that out and put a little bit of pipe in 

Nevil Gray:

yer, so if you wont to do that now


No problem, so that might be what is causing the problem all along, that valve 


yer, what is happening


so why did none of all the other surveyors not say this before

Nevil Gray:

because i needed to access the premises to see it


yer but he has had so many surveyors out in regards to this water pressure, they have taken photos they have done everything, they have turned the stop cock of they 

Nevil Gray:

the issue is now lets just move on 


it is ridiculous

Nevil Gray:

I am not saying that there is a wrong or a right but ofesley if your not happy with what has been discussed and what i put in the statement and everything else you will have your day in court lets just leave it to that.


when basically i have had surveyors out yer you can here all of these pipes are really banging so badly. The surveyors have actually seen it and i have got so many emails saying that nothing has been done in regards to this pipe work, the surveyors actually see what it it was banging like.

Nevil Gray: [00:25:47] 

Sorry i just need to look in to the back garden 


Look how many days are in here yer 


the dog is out in the back garden 


look how many days are here yer these are all days that i have been attacked by them


i will say this, see all of this it is from next door 


Nevil Gray:

What is from next door


see all of the garden all of this in this coming over, with regards to that  you will have to speak to the neighbour because we are not allowed to cut it down, unless we get permission, because it is there property



he is smart


there is over 2500 chapters yer of everyday of everyday is accountable for 

Plumber assistant:




he won it


from 2011 and on wards and here is  a it from my earlier Adolescent and from 20122 straight on wards



all of it is just built straight from evidence 

Nevil Gray:

what it is 


because he wants to cut it all back but i have said to him that he can not unless they give him permission

Nevil Gray:

You can cut it back on his side of the boundary 


right, OK then

Nevil Gray:

and he must not keep what he has cut


so what if he just chucks it back over the garden he will just complain 

Nevil Gray:

Right my suggestion is that you write to him obey might be able to help you out with this.

Nevil Gray:

write to the neighbourhood write to obey


yes it is 

Nevil Gray:

is it a council tenant next door


yes i believe so


right OK, then obey will need to deal with them 




Oh the front garden is it


because we been told that we are not allowed to cut this down because it is his property



I am like a prisoner in my own home i can not walk down the streets because of all of these time stamps and because i have caught these coppers and they gave me a ten o clock curfew. i am not allowed to give no amps or nothing to no one personal or otherwise unless i have got Enfield Councils signature yer, and then Enfield Council let these lot bang at me and do all of this to me when i am building a Constitution and now they want me to give them all of my hard work and trust in them we are better of independent on our own doing our own thing if these lot are these sort of crocks. I never done nothing wrong yer. I swear i am the most polite person they change me for the worse, yer. I swear to god yer 

Nevil Gray:

Generally what it is you would cut of there side of the boundary 


or you can contact just write to us at south port office Green Towers


Hmm, can you write the address down or even just an email so that i can just send it over to you i prefer doing it by email if possible


Give me your email and i can give you the details


You have already got my email


er yer, OK


Lorraine 32


yer, alright


i will do that tomorrow or when i get back to the office




i will make some enquires and i will get back to you




alright, that is in respect to the garden  yer,


the police are coming here tomorrow 


look how much it has over grown it has started to take over the garden


the police are coming here tomorrow and they are going to take statements and watch video evidence and hopefully arrest everyone of these neighbours





I believe that is a copy of the council tenancy




Hold on this is, i do not know what number page it is on.

Nevil Gray:

Obey, when we leave will you just put that on there 



Nevil Gray:

It will be easier


what i will do if you write down this address


what have i got to do


he is the only one that never banged at me but he is the one that phoned up the police and said all of this about Shannon and then the police used all of this Shannon and desies stuff about me 


alright shhh


he is the one that made the phone call and he is the one that brought this method on , he never banged at me thought ]


Lady good boy good girl


all he done was make the phone call to the police which informed them 



they set him up, he won it all 


and that is how they twisted my whole life up


see what his pressure is like 


I got the recordings of the clinic and on top of that i have also got the recordings of the 


If you contact that address and leave a message of what we talked about i will look in to it


wonderful because we was told that we was not allowed to touch that and look at how much it has over grown


well you can cut the over grown bits


but are they going to say that we are going to get into trouble


you should here the audio

Plumber assistant:

Mutter you want me to move that for you, two secs


well that sounds good


Lemmy is in trouble



Lemmy is your friend and he is in trouble


it is on


and then what we can just put it over there and not get into trouble

Nevil Gray:

well get all of that noted


the recordings that i have got of Lemmy is a lot

do not do it without notice let Obey write to you first because he will need to check with his manager and make sure that it is done the right way first


OK that is fine


people what to look after me the right way or i am not going to look after them 




have you previously spoke to them about that getting cut back




i believe he has, yes


because it is also when it is cut back a bit it is damaging my sons fence 

Nevil Gray:



because it is damaging my sons fence


it is not that bad problem low



are you ready yer


Ozzie ant, Ozzie is just a prick for making the phone call and being a basted other than that he never banged at me that is the one good thing that i can say about him he never banged at me




Not finished





Contract that you let have got now because I was recording the conversations over what I just explain to you and what they've done to me and my partner to cover Alyssa and and that's when now they turned the phone's off to the courtroom

So while I'm in the police station a bloke gets the hump he storms of because the police let them into the police station he's a third party company the police want to cover up what's happening so what the done it is let him in the police cell they agreed that he never served me he illegally got let into the police station as a third party company to cover up what is happening now while I'm in the police sell my mother comes to this house my mother come to the front door here she comes into the house while I'm in a police station she picks up the other day of service that the pillow put on the floor and she leaves my house with it and now you can see her on camera come to hear while I'm in the police station then I get released from the police station come back home and there's no paperwork in the house so how am I legally being so how can she be here right now forcing that I need to be a assessed because I've got the camera evidence here to prove that I was never served since 2013 this is how it initially happened in 2013 I got nicked for that gazebo here out in the back garden yeah and when I got it I got put on bail conditions they said I'm not allowed in Central London barred from Central London I said ok I'm not allowed to hier no equipment to nobody so I got barred from highering equipment I've got put on am eight oclock curfew in this house with a tag on my leg plus i had a four oclock sign on at the police station every day so I said ok and this is because I wouldn't grass up because I was supposed to be done for handling stolen goods from a gazebo that come out of a building so I said ok one year I stayed on the conditions I won the case I went to call I'd defended myself correctly as I won the case the police got upset that I won the case and threw a massive asbo outside of my front door try to make me be a Supergrass and grassup three People I do not know younger generation that were throwing parties while I was curfew and grass up three of them and them that used to run around me yeah that run off while I was on curfew now they're doing their own thing so I went to the Facebook profile and I copied the Facebook profiles of the people that I'm being accused of being yeah no I've got all the Facebook account and I made a website I will show you the Facebook account no I wouldn't be a Supergrass I'm not paid a police officers wage to give them to do their job for them if they want to do a line of Investigation against somebody they can do that now on the Facebook profiles the people use their personal name hello so I'm Chrysler to Louis and I'm throwing a party in London and all of that and now there is 6 parties in this asbo folder the police left the folder well after I won the first gazebo case the police left the folder outside of my front door yeah and it had loads of people's personal dpa data inside of it under the 1998 act and it shouldn't have been shared about so now I started to look through the folder I phone my mother first and said mum they have left something outside of my front door and it won't come in my mum come to my property and she picked up the folder and she took it to Edmonton Green Police Station lost property yeah and she's hurting and got a receipt for it from lost property and now that folder got given now now that folder I have never had a given to me the first ASBO because my mum took it from him but she photocopied it and gave me a copy of a photocopy went to court and I said and I went to court to defend myself at trial and at the beginning of an asbo yeah or any asbo they put an injunction order on you and the injunction order is just temporary while they are are putting the ASBO on you. Now they put this injunction on me from 2014 and now by 2015 they still couldn't get it on me 6 judges walked out of the Court they looked at the folder and threw it on the floor and said we're not dealing with this and then one day i went to
non autitable
Sally Gilchrist she is is the legal executive for the Metropolitan Police she went to every case for the ASbo and she signed £1000000 to ma

Make this ASBO on me yeah I know one day day on the day of trial I've gone to the trial and I've explained to the court look I was never arrested this is for the organisation of illegal raves and you have forgot to arrest me the maximum sentence if you do a rest someone and have enough evidence for a criminal conviction is it 6 months to 3 months in prison it's a maximum sentence of 6 months if you got arrested I said you forgot to arrest me and now you're giving me me and 9 years curfew in my house and you can't even do that if you had enough of criminal conviction you can't hold a terrorist for longer than 2 years so lady house and Prince Philip and everybody said under the Supreme Court you can't hold somebody in the house for longer than 6 months yeah and that's blowing up the country and now I'm in my house and I've been phoning up the police saying hang on you forgot to arrest me I never done this and I looked at the folder and it said that all white people white males and females committed the crime in the folder so the doctors come in the council's come here and all that and I'm one of the interview with Simon Clark and I'm here I'm showing him the folder look it says that white people committed what colour am I asking. I look at the folder and I said look at each of these victims statements because if you're taking a statement off me now I have to sign a statement at the bottom each police officer done for statement each and none of them have signatures at the bottom of them so now I stopped phoning the police and started saying I'm not even white how can I be getting a 9 year curfew because you don't even arrest me and you're holding in my house for all of this time I'm I explained I can't even walk out of my house before 10 because these police officers I tried to grab me every second they're not only trying to put an injunction on me outside their are they trying to put an injunction on the inside of my house so me and my mum from 14 to 16.
Now Sally Gilchrist starts to get worried.
now there's this girl called Shannon.
I lost Diana which was my 13 year relationship my first love because of the first curfew now I come to the second curfew that im supposed to be on my mum and me have to write 500 emails to the MPs and the council's and to everybody I have got what 500 emails now I will show them to you you to let MPs in the council's asking them to protect me in this house I'm the one being victimised by my neighbours. This Sally Gilchrist starts spreading all of this s*** that I've got a disease

Can I just ask you a question quickly who is this Sally

Sally Gilchrist is the legal


Gilchrist she is the legal executive director Warner Metropolitan Police now what I've had to do because

Non auditable

This is the first ASBO that I got served yeah I have made all brand-new PDF books for them all and now this is the second folder
If you take a look at
It takes the Metropolitan Police and the council to make this asbo together so if I look here here it says a consultation has to be required by the Metropolitan Police and the council Jane Johnson the borough commander of the Metropolitan Police

Listen come back to Sally Gilchrist she is the legal executive director

Yeah she's the legal executive director

And you said something about her sign in £1000000

She has spent over £1000000 on this case on the first asbo

Against you or for you

Against me


She set me up look what she has done is she has got all of these police officers here and they went and done four statement each pretending

Simon I am here for a specific purpose

This is that reason

I understand all of this ok I've got the gist of it let's just move on from there

No no no that's not just move on from there

Na na na

No this is not fair I'm illegally being detained  in my house and you are working for the government under section 3 of my human rights it says that any state official that degrades or humiliates me me or makes me feel way will amount to torture yeah

No it doesn't

Yes it does I know my human rights don't lie to

Me you don't even know your human rights woman yes I have built a constitution yeah I have got every folder from Glastonbury

You built a constitution

I feel a brand new constitution

So what does your constitution say

My constitution is a CIC charity and what that allows is for 6 people to be able to support that charity and work within the community and it says that they will not discriminate against HIV or AIDS and it says that they will not discriminate against me and that they will work within the community

So how does that affect your relationship with your neighbours

Know what I was doing was building a festival for my neighbours and I built a charity which is to smooth charity what is there and it's for my neighbours
Because Sally Gilchrist I was screwing because I'm one of the days I went into court and she was trying to get the injunction and ASbo activated one of the judges said to me what is your surname are you related to a Natalie and I said no I'm not related to Natalie and he said that's good because my surname is cordell as well and that's my surname so now Sally Gilchrist is sitting in the court and she is in and she is the legal exxutive director she is the main director metropolitan please for the legal services that's who she is


Yeah now because she is the main person for the legal services what she does Is She help forge all of the things she gets screwing because the judge knows my name and didn't put the conditions on Me and for other judges had thrown the application out just before that

And when did this happen

In 2014 she put this outside of my door by 15 by 2015 she still hasn't got it on me to think through about 6 judges and never throwing it out.

So what happened in 2016 I'm just trying to understand it

I was just explained it very quickly

I will give you 5 minutes to get to where we are this year I don't have all day

I don't mind if you don't have all day you're here and you are being paid to do something


So don't go on like you are doing this at your own discretion you are being paid to listen

I appreciate that but there is a limit of time

So please listen for the full history of what is happening here because what I'm telling you here now is that the government officials are illegally holding me in my house I have hundreds of recordings of them and when I'm phoning the police station they're saying your a brown bastard you have been Robbed and we don't give a f*** Simon f*** you you're a c*** I got all the recordings they're going you wanna borough commander spitting sound on the phone that's what we want off you if you want a borough commander our borough commander Jane Johnson who made that folder she's been putting the diplomatic protection they were like putting her into diplomatic protection and I want to call her to call

Is there somebody called the borough commander

Yeah jain Johnson

Bloke voic

Jane Johnson is our borough commander She signed all of this

She is in witness protection

No no it's because I have all of the recordings no she'll and said no they said you want a borough commander it's on the recording yeah first spitting at me saying you want our borrow commander why do you want our borrow commander and I said because she signed every page here because she has to buy a long in the Civic Centre on the 31st of August 2014 the local authority and the police held a consultation together with the relevant organisations to discuss issues that are a  Concern in the case

So you are talking about 2016 yeah

Yeah yeah and now because jane Johnson has done this


Because jane Johnson has done this and I was phoning them up and telling them about all of that they started spreading that I've got a disease yeah in the public's

Who jane Johnson

Sally Gilchrist and Jane Johnson the borough commander start spreading that I've got a disease and now me and my partner have never argued

What disease

They said that I had herpes

Ok go on

Now I recorded the clinic I went to the clinic and I've got all my medical notes here I never had

I never had nothing wrong with me and my partner never argued to this day now me and Shannon never argue to this day now the police just done it to cover up up because I was phoning them up saying where is the signatures

So do you think that Sally Gilchrist and Jane Johnson are working together with the police to spread all of these rumours

They are in the same company


And I've got the recordings to prove it

And they work together with the police to spread rumours about you

No they work together and lay have chosen two maliciously

Computer noise in background

Can you turn down the volume please I want to hear from you I don't need that I want to hear from you I don't need that

I don't care if you don't want to hear from this this is where my evidence is I built a website and I'm about to to show it to you


I have built an official report every single day day.of what is going on

What about the injunction again

Now this is what happened now because I am complaining about this it takes the council and the police to make it yeah so without the council and police

So they are working together the council and the police

The council and police are acting in joint circular together which is the code of ethics joint circular means they working together now they're supposed to have a victim involved and they don't have no victim in real life and they forced all of the the paperwork

You mean the victims has it been to say the neighbours

No the victims here for the ASBO yes the only reason that all of this exists is because they're saying that some people were keep up overnight now what I done like I said please I copied the Facebook profiles to prove I never done nothing yeah yeah now what they went and done is because they start spreading this disease thing all of my loved ones like Stan I have lived here like 12 years before that

You mean by loved ones your neighbor's

Yeah my neighbor's 12 years I lived here not one problem I've never had a drink in this house I've never sold a bag of draw from this house I'm never sold drugs or Nothing I used to leave my front door unlocked and come back and put a grand in here every night

So what happened between you and your neighbours

After 12 years of being with these people Sally Gilchrist started to realise that I was phoning up saying that there's no signatures in the folder

Computer noise in the background


That's ok

What she done is she she is next door's next to a boat called Edd Sterns now Edd Sterns is in charge of communication for a Metropolitan Police for public Communications now Edd Sterns

Edd Sterns

Yeah Edd Sterns started to spread that I had a disease  to try and scare me you've got 24 hours to get out of this country in the folder they started twiddling that you are black boy on the Block it scribbled everywhere you live on Brown Croft Avenue

I have got a white business partner i did at this time throwing partys so they thought oh the white guy is the better one locked me in here and that is it you're a black boy on the block boom boom boom

They did not arrest me gave me 9 years maximum sentence when it should be 6 months and it said that white people committed the offence in here so I could not have done it anyway and they need victims
And now I am phoning up the council and saying please sort this you lot have got no signatures can you call an emergency general meeting please and so that you can get this taken off on me because it's a breach of my human rights now they're getting scared in the council and phone the doctors and now I have had the doctors come here 75 times now yeah so I have done official report for all of the 75 times that the doctors have come here I've been assessed I have been checked and all of them times they've told me that there is nothing wrong with me


I have stayed in in st. Annes Julia clinic is the head over there and I'm suing Julie crinich right now yeah she is the head of St Ann's Hospital and she is the one that can be taken away from here they come here with a fake 135 under the Mental Health

She said we want access to your house now again I said no that is wrong why are you here you are abusing your position she said to me me she goes anyway they put a section 135 and then Force their way into my house
Now while they're doing that I had loads of recording on my answering phone asking

You're mad

Asking them to come to a meeting whenever they would like

Ok what are you talking about now

I am talking about

Who did  you ask to come for a meeting

Goodie and the AMP workers it was goody who agreed to have a meeting with me when goodie spooke on the phone he agreed to have the meeting with me

Because you was talking about the neighbours

Yes and I am bringing the whole lot of it together for you

Ok ok because I'm a bit confused

Ok I will leave it so that you're not going to be confused by the end of it and I'm going to leave you fully understand everything if you would just Give Me two seconds rather than going through it like this I will just get the website and show you what is actually happening hear

Because what is actually happening here is goodie come here to cover up the missing timestamps and to help the police yeah goodie left with the police. After goody went on holiday and he is supposed to be my case handler another woman called Shivon who come with him tried to take me away now she had to leave and go now after she went and got a section 135 and filled it in and handed it at the court that I wouldn't give her access to my house and she forged the section 135 illegally.

What is 187

A187 is is access under the Mental Health Act 1983 if you don't give someone access to your house yeah there's two forms of access you can have a 117 which is an agreed meeting with yourself to come around and a 117 given you permission to come in or you can have have 136 hmm


Yer 136 yer 137 or 136 basically yeah yeah or 111 and the 136 is meaning that when someone can be in danger inside of the house

I know the mental health acts

So when they came into my house I played I had Karen and all the council here so I got the folder and I showed them and I said to them you're holding me in my house illegally you are the council here this says that im white and I could not have done it and I'm riding 9-years so we go through all the folders like I went through with you


But we proper go into it and they all agreed

Non auditable


I got the recordings

None auditable

Now what happened actually after that I Elaine who is the councillor I pulled out my recordings dictator and said look you're in my house illegally you feel that this Warren illegally because I let you in my house 2 days ago I let you in 3 days before that that I let you in 4 days before that she breaks down in my front room in front of my mum and my arm call call and Simon Clark and everybody else in here ear and goes are we're sorry the police this made us do it it they want us to take you away the police

So do you

So she breaks down in here and she has used her powers to come and take me away

So how have you been getting along with your neighbours because you said the neighbours

This is what I actually happened so

Because I think the neighbours have made complaints

My neighbours are lying no listen to what happened

Why would they lie

Listen to what happened listen to what happened listen to what happened yeah lemmy the council arr no sally started spreading I had a disease yeah in the public these got started to attack me the first time I Mathiyalagans family upstairs I had lived in my flat for 12 years Prior after living in my flat for 12 years hang on let me just get this up for a second after living in my flat for 12 years they moved in Upabove I noticed that they had moved in in and I didn't really go out my way to go and see them sort of thing but but one day Day 2 3 weeks into it I was parking my car outside the front


And this mathiyalagan bloke was outside the front here and there was a boy that lived there are next door's I didn't know him too well but he was a bit younger than me  but he was really a

You need to slow down just a bit Lemmy falsified the first possession order


And when you realise that he had messed up that's what you told me

Pardon Lemmy created.
once Lemmy had done the possession order what lemmy initially done after that he went and created an injunction order and the injunction order he started to recover the missing signatures the statements that he didn't have for the first possession order

To recover the missing signatures

Statements statements the statements because he has used dead cases the case is not I have already won in court so how can I use dead cases to create a possession order or to call me to the thing so now he needs fresh statements with fresh dates


So he starts getting the statements and changing the dates on them so that their fresh and puts them in the injunction order I showed the judge and no judge throws the case out
He says Lemmy

So according to you there is no injunction order between in against you

No no 100% I will show you the videos now look what's this how can I be served in this is what happened I was in the police station look this is all of the MPs stuff

Are you eating and sleeping ok

Of course I have lived here for 4 years and I'm 37 years now

Do you feel safe here with all of the things that are going on with your neighbours

Yes of course I'm not scared of nobody

You're not scared of the neighbours

Why am I going to be scared I'm in the right I've got Justice I am in the right here

Have you have you because the neighbours are saying they are still complaining that you're threatening them

The neighbours are trying set off an injunction everyday day because of what they've done they have killed my baby
Another woman come here Katie come here me and Katie had another child in this house in between 14 and 16 Katie is up the road right now waiting to come back but she won't come back to this house because we won't let her bring Mason here
Because at the moment I can't get in that  bathtub and have someone banging at me and chasing me around in every room everyday

Who is chasing you

They are upstairs
They have let the mathiyalagans attack me and if I pay the videos of what they're doing to me in this house you would be sick.

Show me an example

An example ok let me just show you an example of what's happening that's good that's fair that's fair let me  just  show  you an example quickly then

Ok ok just show me something them to show me what the neighbours are doing to you

Give me 2 seconds just Give Me 2 seconds and I will show you something that is happening to me and my house


2 seconds please because my phone is running my internet is running slow at the moment

You have got 5 minutes and we have got to wrap up.

Yeah ok give me 2 seconds

How do you get on with your solicitor do you have a solicitor

I have just taken on a solicitor to recently and she has suing the whole lot and they're going to prison she is gone over the case

Who is your solicitor

I have just taken them on hmm they're in my folder
I have got the new paperwork she is a new solicitor

But there was a solicitor that was representing you before

No no I have done everything myself I have beaten 29 cases
Mummy went to the court case and what let me done was hmm

Do you think your solicitor is working for you

My solicitor I have not even spoken to my solicitor yet I haven't even had one meeting with her yet in my life yet.
My solicitor has just taken the case on because she looked at the paperwork

What is the name of the solicitor

I am not too sure my mother has dealt with it

There dead

Alright just Give Me 2 seconds I'm just trying to get the information

I just want to see what the neighbours are doing to you

Yeah just Give Me 2 seconds I'm trying to get it all up
You could not touch me I can go public from any hospital any where I am now I've got 20 million emails how much have you seen the state of the report and everything

Arr you show me this

Yeah I am

Because I have got a scrub up

Ok just Give Me 2 seconds madam

Ok look

Bit tipsy in his mental health yeah now now this bloke has got the mathiyalagan find a throat as I'm coming into to my own block


I'm just explaining it to you u he was going Simon shall I bring him can I beat this Mathiyalagan the guy and I have just come across like just going into my block right normal and I'm just still quite hippeyed because I've been doing the party is for everyone I'm quite an RGB person trying to neutralise everything so I didn't even ask this Mathiyalagan what is your name or why is this happening where are you two to arguing what I said is hang on hang on you're the new bloke that lives in our flats aren't you you upstairs he goes yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah getting grabbed up like that and I go on a new bloke so I go to him I go to the young boy listen he's the new adult that's living in My Block he is an adult to both of us we must respect our adults


So you have got a let this man go is an adult in My Block I've got protect him now he is my adult He Lives In My Block let him go so young boy had to let him go he was like please Simon let me just paying him I was like brother just let the mathyilagan man go the mathiyalagan man runs upstairs yeah the Indian bloke now he goes up stairs and I do not hear from him for eight weeks eight mumps after that yeah I am laying down here screwing because Diana now walked out on me and I'm on curfew for this case and I could smell the woman up there are cooking her curry up there yeah so I'm thinking of she's a lovely wife why werent Diana like that Diana just ruin 13 year relationship and all I had was good heart for this family and then Sally throws this stick in the works this disease thing and then they start on me right above me hear banging everyday banging like when I'm going inside of my toilet inside of my toilet like now now I got videos because can you see the camera there the camera can see my toliet And it can see in their. Like this morning in if I lay in here every morning they go bang bang bang above my head yeah and then I go to the toilet I am being sick in the toilet9 and she is sitting above the toilet going bang bang bang I've got hundreds of recordings of it

Hmm hmm

And I have got hundreds of videos of it I get into my bathtub with no clothes on yer and they're above my head banging doing that about me yeah I know I phoned the police this is out of order why you letting this be done to me and it's because they want to cover up the missing signatures they're telling me you've been robbed you're dead you are black bastard down the phone yeah and I'm recording it all and now they won't release me out of my house yeah


And now I will go upstairs and I would knock on the door with my camera and I would have phoned the police asking the police please can you protect me and they would say no. So I would go upstairs recording this woman and I knock on the door normally and you can see that in order recording I would never knock on the door aggressively and now because they got allowed from 2014 216 to do this to me my mother wrote to the Enfield Council
500 times and the MPs

Show from 2014 to 2016

2016 yes


My mother wrote to the council and MPs over 500 times

I trust you I believe you

Yeah yeah and now this is is the book for it yeah

Ok so did they act on it

No no no no there was the formal complaints inside of it can I just show you some of them


And now at the end of it Jackie Gubby and Louise Brown and all of that we're looking to lose their jobs because of it yeah so because of they were losing their jobs this Lemmy coming and not all the formal complaints out and he said to me well stain got me arrested he tried to set me up to try and cover up what he had done to me for 2 years

Who is Stan

Stands the old bloke who lives next door's he lives at 111
So now because stand on that to me I got arrested and held in a police station I want taken to court

So standings your neighbour and he got your arrested for what

He got me arrested well in 2016 I walked outside of my front door when I see him and

If you keep doing this to me and Shannon I'm going to get you in the park now he said that I said that to him in 2016

So he said what

He said that I walked out of my front door in 2016 and I see Stan

You need to slow down
You walked out of your front door

I see Stan and I said to Stan
I said to Stan that if you keep doing this to Shannon me and Heidi banging on the walls and ruining our names and our lives the way he really is is I've got there videos of him actually doing it

So if you keep on doing this to me yeah

Me Shannon and Heidi

Who is Shannon and Heidi

Shannon and Heidi are both the people that I met after Diana broke up with me yeah because I got the curfew for the gazebo case I went back out and got off the gazebo case I met this new woman

Oh so you're kind of girlfriend

I met a new woman called Shannon me and Shannon are together for about eight months

Ok I get it

So if you keep on doing this to me Shannon and Heidi carry on

That is what he has accused me of

Yeah yeah

Sorry because he has said that there are in 2016

What did he say that you said

That's what he said he said if I keep doing this to me Shannon and Heidi

Shannon and Heidi what

I'm going to get you in the park

I'm going to get you in the park ok

Now because

But did you say that that day


Because of that that I said to Stan are numerous different occasions close to that I want to be around him

So are you telling me me because of what Sally and Lemmy and everybody else having working against you that they got the neighbours to work against you now you got the neighbours against you and I correct in saying that

Yeah yes yes that is 100% correct yeah that's what happened

So do you think that they are are and your neighbours are working in conjunction with the council

They are working in joint Circular now what has happened standards had over 15 meetings with Lemmy yeah and let me won't have one meeting with me what initially happened is there's 500 emails to the MPs and the council I will show you all of the books now yeah
Now that's happening Lemmy

Non auditable
Sorry let me use the guy from the Enfield Council

Lemmy is Enfield Council Lemmy started working for Enfield Council in August 2016.

So let me get this stright you are telling me me that Enfield Council the police authorities are all working

I am telling you landfill council and the Metropolitan Police have no signatures on the victim statement

I got that I got that but going beyond that

They are all illegally holding me in my house and because they are legally holding me in my house they want to to cover up all of it and use you like this

Ok I got that I will report all of this
Simon I am trying to clarify certain things I will report that to the court that they haven't got their signatures but also so in terms of what your neighbours are saying do you think it that is a conspiracy

No what has happened is don't try and put words in my mouth like conspiracy and stuff like that so that you can twist it how you want
There is 100% no signatures hear here and they would like to cover that up and what they have done and not based disciplinary action

Non auditable

They do not want to face disciplinary action before their actions

Ok ok so this is the council and the police

Yeah yeah and a disregard for justice

Ok not doing this to avoid disciplinary and a disregard for justice


So do you think that at their neighbours why would they work with the police and Council

Because the police allowed my personal data to go out and now I've got hundreds of recordings him back to 100 here
I got 20 million emails here and I got 500000 friends on my friends list

Why would the neighbours what interest would they have

Because they live next to me and everybody is spreading the I've got a disease

So do you think that the neighbours

Spreading that i have hurt a woman
The council are spreading that I have hurt a woman and I have gave a woman a disease when me and that woman have never argued in our lives

Which woman who is this


[  ]31.46
Who is Shannon

Shannon the woman I was seeing

The girl or your friend

And when when I was with her for 8 months

Slice sound that sounds like OK and there dead

I was painting the kids the kid was crying downstairs on the sofa let me know when I'm with her yeah I said to her why are you crying she says the baby's bedroom is not come upstairs so I can't stands and all the walls are ripped down
She been with some black boy for the last 2 years that has been beaten her up

So so

You asked me to answer the questions and you're telling me not to stop

No no no I'm just trying to clarify it I'm not I'm not stopping you just to make sure that I get the facts right
So do you think that the neighbours might have an interest in getting you out of this property



Because they attempted to murder me in the beginning
Attempted manslaughter and the council allowed them to do that

Why would they want to murder you

Do you want to see the videos

Why would they want to murder you

Because the government started to spread that I had add a disease and that I have hurt a woman
I showed Stan my medical notes and all of my hospital notes in 2014 he asked to see them again to confirm that they were real and he knew that there was no problem with me
The council left Deborah upstairs who had her to light skin taken off of her for mental health reasons moved her into a hotel tell and moved her back here when I'm telling everybody on the recordings what she was doing

Non auditable but sounds like they're dead

So do you know when the court gave you the injunction based on what the neighbours told them

No no listen to what actually happened please yeah because you keep saying this and you don't understand the Case History
My mother sent 500 emails
Like that I know on the last pages it says lemme lemme said if I don't go for a meeting at the Civic Centre this is how it started let me started to write to my mum after the 500 emails if I don't go for a meeting at the Civic Centre in regards to the case of Stan he's going to put possession order in Stand I'd already won at Crown Court

What case was that will stain

Stan Stan what I told you that he said that I'm going to go and get him in the park

There dead

Soleil got me arrested for it yeah and now because of that there yeah I'm going to get you in the park
Non audible
There's 500 emails into the council into donnellan Jackie Gabby Louise Brown and all of the official people yeah yeah and because they want to cover that up they give Lemmy me the case Lemmy takes on the case and says well. He gets the Dead cases he thinks I'm stupid and he says if you don't come for a meeting at the Civic Centre

Non auditable

About these dead cases he says we're going to put a possession order in for your flat
I said to him you cannot do that I have already one the cases
I won the George case I know I have stripped his computers with a Freedom of Information Act so now I've got all of his personal notes and now he's messaging konichiwa and Jean Burton from The Witness care team is messaging him and konichiwa he's lying manager and now they have all wrote in their notes the first messages that Lennie got was that Simon has won the cases
Now konichiwa lemmy's line manager says can you go to Stan's house and give them an instant diary and tell him that Simon is going to be coming back he's no longer on bail conditions so let me knew in his head that Jean Burton has told them that I have won the cases and now lemme is saying to my mum if you don't come to my house about these dead cases by taking the flat off you so now I phone up Lemmy and made my mum right to let me in loads of emails and you can see them or and we say that this is out of order this is entrapment Lemmy I have got all of the recordings here I will play them to you

No no no you tell me I don't want to see the recordings I trust you

I said to Lemmy that is entrapment lemming yeah

There dead

what you are doing yeah I have won the cases

And this was when last year

Yeah this was last year and now what

What Lemmy does is he says to my mum and says to me over here and there's hundreds of it he says to me and my mum do you know what because he put 4 letters through they were attacking me for a low water pressure because they want to turn the water back on so that they can attack me me she sleeps at the tap doing that to me yeah
I have lost a child I had another woman here. What Lemmy done

So how did that end in court anyway

I have one every case I have one 39 cases in the courts

So you went to court in January this year

Yes and I won every Case 39 of them

So you do not think that the judge gave you an injunction

No this is what happened this is what happened yeah

So non auditable

Can I explain what happened please what initially happened is I won the first ASBO because they were missing their signatures but they won't take the conditions off me
And Lemmy
The council allow them to attack me for 2 years me and my mum put in 500 emails to all of the MPs and everyone asking them to protect me eventually Lemmy used Stan lied in 16 to Years after and made lower grade tier 1 offence saying that I threatened him and said I'm going to get him in the park
Lemmy took that seriously rather than all of the other serious concerns higher graded issue and he used that to his advantage and said well ok I'm putting a possession order for that and now now because I'm the phone I said to Lemmy iPhone Lemmy as he said I'm going to put possession order in and I said to him can you explain to me me all the cases History please yeah yeah I'm what is going on here what the offences are Lemmy said I said can you go on the computer Lemmy and you can hear let me go onto the computer in the recording and I said to him can you tell me the last date to which an offence has been

His mad

Accused of me and now this is on the 7th of 2017 he goes into the computer and he goes he thinks he's smart and he goes on January and I said to him that's over 6 months ago the time limitation act 1980 says that you can't bring any case to anyone after 6 months


Yeah and now lemmy  gets the hump
I break his heart I said to him can you call All emergency general meeting Lemmy and go to the first ASBO made in the officers and can you write down first noticed that there's no signatures in it and can you call an emergency meeting I don't want to go onto corruption but trespass wasn't present so you just write your own laws done that was a miscarriage of justice in law that trespass wasn't present then we can just thorget the whole thing and I'll get a bit of backdated money I'm going to get my Circus then I'll come to the Civic Centre with my diary we can get some events on.
I'm going to buy a circus tent and if you'd like don't admit to the Trespass being present I'm going to go for a full corruption all of your timestamps and all of your signature and I have a serious conversation this gives you and your colleagues are chance to keep your jobs Lemmy. Lemmy put the phone down because he can't get me to the meeting at the Civic Centre he copies the whole of his case load and he start slamming and paste in it copying and pasting it all in his work and now what I have done is I have got a freedom of information request of the council so I've got everyone's personal history out of the council's computers so now say that you are stain curtis
It says the first time you called updated the second telephone call first appointment at the Civic Centre

So what happened in August then

Now because it says all of stains dates I took all of the claimant dates now I want to put all of lemmy's dates that he is accusing me of in the professional that is still my flat off me and none of them are in there yeah and there's like 1520 extra where is copied and pasted not our before any person even went to the council and made a complaint because he got so upset

So how did it end up in court low

No no this is how it happened now when I went to the court this was the professional didn't let me put in and now because let me just copied and pasted

Into the possession order I started phoning him and started saying that you got no signatures and that you fold over this and you copied and pasted it so now he gets upset that he has copied and pasted it and I have caught him so what he does is create an injunction order which is called the first injunction order please on the emails he creates the first injunction order and now what he does is he forges jhon ivons statement because he can't get it from the possession order he uses a buyer and changes it and then on top of that

So let me created the witness statement do you think

Lemmy created the first possession order because I wouldn't go for a meeting he wanted to entrap me

Are you talking about the injunction order and he created

No he created a possession order
Let's get this stright let's not miss out on what he has done he created a possession order because I would not go and attend the Civic Centre over criminal offences harassment is a criminal offence had already been arrested for it forced and I've got arrested and I won the case

So how did it go from a possession order to an injunction order

Because I started to phone Lemmy after he was saying come to a meetings. Come to the meeting Simon come to the meetings. I am not coming to a meeting to get in trapped your colleagues have already forged and ASBO that is holding me in my house for 9 years I do not want to come to your office come to my my house and have a meeting with me at my house lemmy.
Lemmy is saying to me I'm not coming to your house I said to him well if you're not coming to my house I'm not coming to you where you have set me up and got me 9 years already plus you have just gone added loads of stuff into to that and copied and pasted it your possession order and added loads of dates to it and you can check that they're not in the computers

There dead

Now Lemmy realises that he has messed up so what he does is get another gets the first injunction older and he starts calling everybody up and tries to get all brand-new signatures to cover up that he has used dead statements that I have already one so now he needs some live statements because i was on to him then I show the judge what has happened and in the Court the judge does his nut

So you are saying that the statements are falsified by Lemmy

No no what Lemmy done was he used dead cases so what he has done is the case got struck out


Yeah because there was no truth found inside of it

So he used the Dead cases

once the Case is struck out he re inserts it again and pays for fresh application and reinserts the same application again and now that is illegal that is called abuse of process and I won the cases

But how did the sorry you went to court in January which you attended what did the judge say

The charge agreed with me

Agreed with you

Yes I have won 30 cases
This is not lemmy's first one

So what no injunction order that was issued in January what you do not think it was valid

Of course it is not of course it is not look at the videos here for yourself

So according to you there is no injunction order against you

No no no look at the videos that are proven that I never got served
No one has let me speak in court since 2016

They're dead

No judge has listened to me
Lemmy has just paid for hundreds of applications look at this yeh Lemmy has just literally paid for
Hang on I've just got to turn the computer on
loads of applications

Non auditable


Lemmy has paid for hundreds of applications and he hasn't things yeah.

Ok so while that is being set up so you went to court on the 5th of January

I went to call long before the 5th of January

Ok ok now let's just focus on the 5th of January

No no that's not just focus on the 5th of January
That's not just focus on the 5th of January that focus on what Lemmy has done
Lemmy has falsified a possession order he has copied and pasted loads of date after I warned him on the telephone

Ok so he falsified

After he falsified all of the day he created a second injunction order to cover everything up

So what do you do with your time all day

I got a book coming out I've been building a book
I have been building a constitution which is part of the festival so I rewrote every policy and I've got the book making machine there

Building a constitution on what

A CIC a charity I can show it to you in a second look this is some of the videos of what they are doing to me inside of my flat yeah this is Ambrose recently just after I've got released after the police station yeah yeah and this is what they're doing to me and my flat

What is it

I'm going to play

Video playing in the background

Hang on look I've got this video over to this site because I'm on a double screen but this is what they're doing to me in my flat

What is that

This is videos of me inside of my flat

Isn't like you

Yeah yeah this is me inside of my front room

Video playing again in the background

I have got hundreds of videos of it

What are they doing

Video continuous playing background

This is just gone dark for a little bit of a second but the second You See It bright again

So can you not see it

Yeah yeah he won

It's just a bit dark in the second here madam

Banging sound coming from video in the background

Non auditable

Do you think that im trying to set you up

I reckon that you work for the government and I've had add the doctor's your colleagues here 75 times and now you're here

Ok what is that

That is my bathroom and that is Ambrose who is a mental health patient under the mental health team who is just moved into that flat now copy in the rest of them
Now he is attacking me

Video noise in the background

Is he in the flat with you

No he's in the flat upstairs and banging and chasing me

Where is he chasing you

And on the walls and on the ceilings and everything I've got loads of videos

Is that the noise in the background

Look here and that is them banging at me

Video noise in the background

They are chasing me around in my house hundreds of recordings and emails asking the police to protect me and they're telling me and the council for telling me no screw myself because they want to protect pat and Steve who made the first ASBO

Video noise in the background

OK show me another video

There is loads of them here they're all coming up in a second

So this is one video

Video noise in the background

Non auditable

I've got all of the neighbours on video

Show me another video of your neighbours

Look at this I don't just have to show you videos I will show you a whole document

Video noise in the background

Look that's all MP3s and that's all videos films that have got of the council

Video noise in the background

Non auditable

That is just one there and if you look at the other ones
You have to see the website to see everything really that I've been put through

Video noise in the background

So with the injunction because it went back to court and and in May

I never got served and they're all screaming and the judges telling lemmy no

Non auditable

Lemmey has  just come out of Westminster he called in a solicitor in 16 all of them were just started in 16

So you think that the injunction was just err

It is a smokescreen to cover up the first ASBO and Lemmy has gone too far with it all.

Non auditable

What Lemmy is doing is targeted Malice can you write that down please targeted Malice

You say a smokescreen to cover up

Targeted Malice is when when another person is trying to cover up to help another colleague

And that is kind of organ concentrated with lemmy

Video noise in the background

Yeah it's targeted Malice targeted Malice of public office Malice of public office it's over a five-year sentence what he is doing

So you don't think the judge has ordered the order at all

How cani let me show you 100-percent of the videos of me not being served

Video noise in the background bang bang bang bang

Give me one second because I just be able to like to refresh it because I'd really like to have to show you the website and what is actually happening

Video noise in the background


Does he ever try to talk to you

Yeah he tries to talk to me

So we're going to finish off by you show me another video of what

Video noise in the background

Non auditable
He goes around the flat and he's going bang bang everywhere I go

So he talks to you after doing that to

Yeah he tries to talk to me Haven follows me about in here and here I can hear the buying things on the floor shouting at me I can hear Ozzie doing it as well

Video noise in the background

You can see how they started me working on my report look at what I'm doing

None auditable

These are the festival folders

That is too loud

I'm sorry I'm just turning it down now

What does CIC stand for

CIC is a community interest company there are 6 different structures every other person thinking of starting a business

Audio noise in the background
Non auditable


There's a limited company Association there is 6 different structures it's just one of them structures

So you said something about targeted Malice

Yes targeted Malice is when a state official is trying to cover something up to try to help somebody else to avade Justice

So you do not think that the case went back to court in may

I know that the police the council Lemmy
The council got the first injunction struck out and lemmy got the first injunction and now I'm in this front room and iPhone Lemmy and say to Lemmy this is out of order what you are doing you forged the first possession order

So he used a falsified document then

The first possession order yes
I have got the evidence to prove it


The first possession order Lemmy sent to me he falsified that and I can prove that now here yeah and now the second injunction order Lemmy also fraudulently made that is over supposedly being on the phone in this one room phoning me and saying to Lemmy Lemmy this is out of order

So you do not think that came from the court

What actually happened can I explain to you what actually happened when they come here when I was on the phone to me I spoke to Lemmy and I was telling let me that he is out of order for all of the fraudery that he has done to me under the fraud and Company act 2006 and what he said to me was I'm going to kill your mother and your family when I was recording him

What Lemmy threatens you

Yes he threatened my mother and he's done it more than once when I was walking out of the courtroom that other day he done it in front of my mum he said I'm going to kill you I'm going to ruin your life and then he goes back and says that I done it to him that's what he done with this second one he phoned me I got the recording here I will play it to you I said I am ok just because I was doing checks on his name to so he was because he is doing all of this to me me so I found him as a company director on company house and it said are one of the people that he had registered with Tracy Willis so I said to him like I'm doing your checks on you like because if I had children and I had someone looking after them I do the same so do the same for myself

Can I ask you a question why is Lemmy against you for what reason is he doing all of this

Because Lemmy is Stephen and Pat are the first ones made the first Asbo
Now Stephen and pat

So do you think all of this

There all best friends at where they work

So lemme is working with Steve and Paul

Steve and Pat made the first ASBO

Steve and Pat

Yeah yeah and then you got Sarah Fletcher Dawn Allen and Jackie Gubby

Ok so just to get it right they created the first

Can I just show

Yeah yeah

This is what you would understand because you are a professional person so you're gonna understand this language how I understand is language

Ok while we're getting that loaded so the first iPhone and then the possession order and then the injunction

What lemmy done the reason the II in Junction happened it's because the judge threw out
The possession order he forged


I caught him for that red-handed
The second one he used to try and get the signatures and he used dead cases cases that I had already won

He tried to use the Dead cases to win The Possession and because I am up for it he tried to make a first injunction order and in the first injunction order he tried to now make cases that I haven't already won before yeah but he never done a good job so the judge threw the case out then he went and met because he

Video noise playing in the background

Because he knew how much trouble he was in for everything I phoned him and then he threatened me down the phone telling me that I'm Dead and he's going to kill my mother and then the second that happened 15 minutes later the police arrived at my front door they arrested me and take me to the police station
And police agreed they can't prove it and what he is doing it out of order but while I'm in the police station Lemmy sneaks up to the court and files another application
Sony so application is over threats to kill Lemmy

What about the second injunction

The second injunction is all over threats to kill Lemmy it's not over none of my neighbours and everything else and it is at a time limitation act the only thing in that folder is threats to kill Lemmy

But it has got the judges sign signature inside of it

No there is no signatures in it off the judges
The judges Havant signed any of them look everyone is supposed to have a seal on them and it's supposed to be signed

But that is an application

No this is lemmys application but this is the whole folder

I'm talking about the actual injunction order

Yeah this is the hole folder

Audio noise in the background
Non auditable

The injunction has not been put on me
All it is an application still

Non auditable

No I do not have it madam




















































































there is still a problem here
